The majority of Minnesotans are dead wrong and so is this kid. Half of the players suspended and being thrown under the bus by the administration have been exonerated by the University, itself! It doesn't matter if kool-aid drinking ideologues refuse to admit that the process was absolute garbage. The players boycott was an astounding success and a bright spot in the entire ordeal. I get that is going to be over quite a few people's heads, but it doesn't make it wrong.
As to the actual subject matter of the article. That all sounds good. I guess more accountability is better than less. This article appears to be an obvious dig at a pretty clean program. It's not doing PJ Fleck any favors.
I don't think he meant it as a dig towards JK or TC. Sometimes people take over a situation and simply do not realize the dangers that lie ahead, the infinite number of possibilities and ways that things could go wrong, possibly because they haven't had to deal with such issues in the past? So their not being proactive doesn't have to be seen as their being "bad" coaches, just that they were maybe a bit naïve or unaware?
I mean, when I listened to that Dennis Prager clip, I thanked my lucky stars that I grew up back when I did. I was shocked to learn how crazy things have gotten. I mean, I knew things were bad, but now a guy is always the wrong doer? and the woman is always the victim? and even giving a woman an unwanted kiss could get you kicked out of school, even if the girl wanted the kiss in the moment? I know each college is different than the next, but even so, I'm just pleased I'm not a 17 year old boy getting ready to go to college. I feel sorry for kids nowadays.
These kids are going to have to get signed and notorized documents, contracts between them and any woman they might be interested in, giving them permission to speak to them even and to simply ask if they want a kiss or whatever else, so as not to be accused after the fact of having sexually harassed or assaulted the woman. And if any of these guys ever want to do anything with a woman, they may need to consider abstaining from alcohol whenever women MIGHT come into contact with them IN ANY WAY, because even drunk texting is probably going to get some college students into trouble eventually?
I took a job once thinking nothing of it, and had NO CLUE that something negative could ever come of it. But something ALMOST happened. Thankfully I was smart and didn't let anything happen, but I got scared away from a career in that field because of it.
That is just the thing, so many of us just don't understand and can't relate to how crazy things have gotten, so its not like we have to blame Kill or TC for doing something wrong, they just didn't know or understand that what they were doing, wasn't enough. Fleck has the advantage of coming in AFTER something has raised the awareness.
So my impression of this player's comments are simply that they reflect that Fleck is doing what his predecessors simply didn't know they needed to do.