-I thought the replays were terrible. Seemed to not do them half the time, and some of those times they did do them, it was terrible camera work
-They would show the replays of the plays being reviewed perhaps once or twice, but then wouldn't show them again. Keep showing them over & over until the ref informs everyone the call, I say
-The P.A. announcer has always bugged me. I wanted them to start fresh with someone new when they moved from the dome to TCF...."Carpenter's field goal is incomplete"
-I wish more band & less music, but that horse is already out of the barn, so that doesn't bug me much.
-I like that they ditched the Kenny Loggins & went back to Levels; I enjoy myself some Loggins, but always will take the dance music for people to have fun.
-No issues with security; nice & quick
-No real issues with concessions, except run my card for $29 & I'm good, but $10 & I'm required to sign....stop wasting my time with anything under $30.
-TV Timeouts: 6-1/2 minutes into the game & there were 5 TV timeouts. I get that there were a lot of 3 & Outs early in the game, but I think they could have cut those down to 2 to 3. But....horse is out of the barn on that one too.
-I enjoy the Thursday opener, but 6PM start is too tough with everything that's going on. There wasn't even a Twins day game or Vikings game this year to contend with either. TV dictates a lot of things, but I think the U could do a little push back on this one. BTN wants live programming & games & Minnesota is a school willing to provide a home game to them on first week Thursday unlike the top dogs of the conference. I think they could say it has to at least be a 7PM or 8PM start & the BTN would be ok with it.
That's all I really got. Otherwise, a good time had....