Amelia Rayno: Update on Trevor Mbakwe's legal status

Another tweet from Marcus Fuller:

Also, official word from the judge in Mbakwe's restraining order case is that the trial won't happen until "after the basketball season."


I think GW has a bit of 'splaining to do.

Another tweet from Marcus Fuller:

Also, official word from the judge in Mbakwe's restraining order case is that the trial won't happen until "after the basketball season."


I think GW has a bit of 'splaining to do.

Uh Oh. I don't like the way this Mbakwe thing is looking for this year.

Whoops, meant to post that on the Marquette board. My bad.

Lol, GW seems to think what he was saying is the same thing as what Amelia told us. Not even close. No jail time in a felony case? Sounds like a good outcome to me. No trial for the restraining order arrest until April? No basketball distractions there, unless we make it all the way to the championship(which we all hope would happen of course)

Jesse the drama queen

There is nothing in the article that is inconsistent with what I have said.none of the most likely outcomes are good

BigJayBee J.B. Bauer
"From what I know" = "Uh Oh" RT @DarrenWolfson: Maturi on Mbakwe's Miami situation: "From what I know all is ok." #Gophers

Oh boy. More major drama for #Gophers bball likely to unfold. Not liking where this may wind up.

Marcus and Amelia's sources agree there is no trouble for Mbakwe pertaining to the Gophers basketball season.

In GW's defense he pretty much hit everything on the head. I am guessing most of the board had no idea that the Florida case was active again and he had been disenrolled from the program he was in. Also bet most of you had no idea he had to court cases this month either. So in the end GW will probably be wrong in his assesment that he didn't like the where it may wind up and there is more drama likely to unfold.

Really the one in the end who should be catching the flack is howeda as in my opinion he has overblown the situation much more than GW ever did.

In GW's defense he pretty much hit everything on the head. I am guessing most of the board had no idea that the Florida case was active again and he had been disenrolled from the program he was in. Also bet most of you had no idea he had to court cases this month either. So in the end GW will probably be wrong in his assesment that he didn't like the where it may wind up and there is more drama likely to unfold.

Really the one in the end who should be catching the flack is howeda as in my opinion he has overblown the situation much more than GW ever did.
GW made the situation like this by putting his assumptions(and possible personal bias) with facts and acting as if they were ALL facts.

BigJayBee J.B. Bauer
"From what I know" = "Uh Oh" RT @DarrenWolfson: Maturi on Mbakwe's Miami situation: "From what I know all is ok." #Gophers

Oh boy. More major drama for #Gophers bball likely to unfold. Not liking where this may wind up.

Marcus and Amelia's sources agree there is no trouble for Mbakwe pertaining to the Gophers basketball season. [/QUOTE]


There seems to be no "major drama" or "Uh Oh" for gophers basketball. Nice try GW, keep defending yourself, it only makes you look worse.

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