Amelia Rayno: Update on Trevor Mbakwe's legal status

Good update. It appears Myron's small shoes have been adequately filled.

Good update. It appears Myron's small shoes have been adequately filled.

I love the way she broke down this story, and just days into her new assignment was on top of it. I've heard a lot of good things about her.

And stop ripping Myron, he did a great job!

This report was concise and informative. Pretty much all one needs to know about the situation. Thank you very much.

Thank God we now don't have to read any more GopherWarrior "more bad news [follow me on Twitter] coming for the Gophers [follow me on Twitter], don't like where this is heading [follow me on Twitter]" posts.

Amelia supplied concise info, no shading for dramatic effect and direct quotes from the horses mouth. Nicely done. Trevor may not wear a halo, but anyone who "scorns" Marquette is not always sporting horns.

Great breakdown, I'm already a fan of Amelia.

Amelia>>>Myron>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Aspiring Twitter Reporter, Gopher Warrior.

This is the most straightforward, informational, explanatory, no BS, non-self-promoting thing I have read lately.

Ironically, it has the effect of making me want to read more of the author's stuff.

I love the way she broke down this story, and just days into her new assignment was on top of it. I've heard a lot of good things about her.

And stop ripping Myron, he did a great job!

Myron was an idiot and lazy reporter and I am glad to see him go to a place where I will never read his crappy reporting ever again.

Like the message and the messanger.Nice to get good information instead of unfocused opinion.
Looking foward to more from the Tribs new Gophers beat writer.I'm thinking as a fan this is going to be a nice change.

THAT was a great report. Both in what it said and in how it was said. My memory isn't the best but I don't remember in all of the previous Miami court situation reporting where anyone from the Miami DA's office was ever quoted. It seemed like there was a big wall and we couldn't find anything out unless it was clouded in legalese. This was refreshingly easy to understand even for a guy like me that has had a couple of Rush River Amber Ales.

It is certainly great to read a status of what is happening rather than a twitter post that lists 1% fact and 99% guess.

She's off to a rousing start-as Bleed mentioned, the Chuck Knoblauch article she penned was top notch and I'll echo what others have said already-she broke down a complex story where the reader could understand it with ease and also obtained great sources for the text. That she'd put in that work for a blog post is impressive and you would hope serve as an example to other media members how to report news rather than speculation/opinion.

In true Minnesota sport fan fashion, I'm going to start lamenting the inevitable move she's going to make to a bigger newspaper/media outlet ;)

And stop ripping Myron, he did a great job!

When exactly did he do a great job? All I remember is him constantly talking about anything negative he could. He was very thin skinned and seemed to be on a personal crusade to be the first to report that Tubby was leaving the U. I think even he got tired of starting all those Tubby rumors.

Incredibly refreshing to see a beat writer bring us the news. Relevant, concise, detailed, anticipated the questions readers would have & real quotes from the appropriate parties. I am looking forward to more. Nice work Amelia. Very refreshing and encouraging to know there is a local writer whose articles I will look for - instead of reading if I happen to stumble across or hear about in other venues such as this.

I have nothing against Myron personally.... but my God. Granted, it is early, so time will give us a better perspective. My real point is comparing this to the typical article from Myron makes me think of what I preach to my kids all the time (they're probably sick of hearing it). It's really not that hard to stick out from the crowd in most jobs. Even with average skills, putting in more effort than others will make you look like a "rock star".

Go Gophers!

I'm just waiting for what GW has to say about this.

Well done, and without unnecessary hyperbole. The early returns appear to be that Amelia is more like Jeff Shelman. That is a good thing for Gopher basketball followers.

I'm just waiting for what GW has to say about this.

1) I think Amelia is terrific.

2) There is nothing in the article that is inconsistent with what I have said. Give Joel and the powers-that-be at the 'U' a little time to digest what this means (from a couple of perspectives) before feeling too comfortable.

From a legal perspective, it's not good. Some possibilities are better than others, but none of the most likely outcomes are good (i.e., felony vs. lesser charge, guilty vs. no contest (FL is a no contest state), adjudication vs. withhold of adjudication, etc.).

1) I think Amelia is terrific.

2) There is nothing in the article that is inconsistent with what I have said. Give Joel and the powers-that-be at the 'U' a little time to digest what this means (from a couple of perspectives) before feeling too comfortable.

From a legal perspective, it's not good. Some possibilities are better than others, but none of the most likely outcomes are good (i.e., felony vs. lesser charge, guilty vs. no contest (FL is a no contest state), adjudication vs. withhold of adjudication, etc.).

According to a tweet from Marcus, his misdemeanor trial will most likely NOT take place until April AKA after the basketball season

Article Quote
Most likely he will eventually plead and get probation or house arrest. “It could be a plethora of things but it’s probably not going to include jail time because you don’t take a leap from pre-trial intervention to jail,” Chavez said.

Your Quote (Above)
but none of the most likely outcomes are good

In what world is not getting jail time for a felony charge not a good outcome overall? It could hurt his draft stock, I suppose, but no jail time being bad? Hm. I suppose it's not good to have any felony on your record ... but I don't know that the NBA wouldn't employee him for it and I am kind of sure that every employer he goes to (outside of the NBA) will have assumptions about him whether it was the pre-trial intervention or a plea bargain, unfortunatley.

After going back and reading your original post, yes, a lot of what you say “matches” what is in the article. The difference? You spin it to be the most awful thing to hit Gopher sports since the Clem scandal and the Strib presents plain and simple facts with quotes. Your facts weren’t really “wrong” they were just spun to get yourself attention (seems to be a reoccurring theme, huh?).

You say he “COULD” go to trial. Well yes, as the Strib article states, he sure could. However, the nice thing that they do is include a quote from the DA saying it is highly unlikely.
Miami-Dade District Court spokeswoman Terry Chavez said theoretically Mbakwe could have to stand trial in the Miami case. Realistically, “That’s not going to happen,” she said

You say he “COULD” go to jail, well yes, theoretically, he could go to jail. However, the Strib includes quotes also stating that is very very unlikely.
“It could be a plethora of things but it’s probably not going to include jail time because you don’t take a leap from pre-trial intervention to jail,” Chavez said.

You said this “COULD” be HUGE drama, headed in an awful direction. However, the strib article states
“Chavez and Nolen seem to believe both of these cases will go out with a fizzle, months and years after the initial arrests. Mbakwe’s Miami lawyer, Gregory Samms, declined comment. Even though both cases will likely drag on for some time, there is nothing essentially new in either one. As such, most likely neither would affect Mbakwe’s playing time or impact his season. If that changed, U of M officials said they would comment on the situation. Nolen said Mbakwe is frustrated at the lengthy process, but is looking forward to putting everything behind him and being able to focus solely on basketball, something he should still be able to do this year.”
“COULD” a TV fly through my window tonight while I sleep on the 2nd floor and kill me, oh it sure COULD, but sorry if I won’t be boarding up my windows to avoid that TV crash.

1) I think Amelia is terrific.

2) There is nothing in the article that is inconsistent with what I have said. Give Joel and the powers-that-be at the 'U' a little time to digest what this means (from a couple of perspectives) before feeling too comfortable.

From a legal perspective, it's not good. Some possibilities are better than others, but none of the most likely outcomes are good (i.e., felony vs. lesser charge, guilty vs. no contest (FL is a no contest state), adjudication vs. withhold of adjudication, etc.).

Dude, c'mon. This is getting rather ridiculous.

ummmmm.....a little egg on gopherwarrior's face huh? nice try marquette guy.

She's off to a rousing start-as Bleed mentioned, the Chuck Knoblauch article she penned was top notch and I'll echo what others have said already-she broke down a complex story where the reader could understand it with ease and also obtained great sources for the text. That she'd put in that work for a blog post is impressive and you would hope serve as an example to other media members how to report news rather than speculation/opinion.

In true Minnesota sport fan fashion, I'm going to start lamenting the inevitable move she's going to make to a bigger newspaper/media outlet ;)

This was without a doubt the most clear, articulate, detailed, and concise material that has been written about the Gophers since Shelman left. It was broken down, separated by case/instance, and portrayed so that any reasonable person could accurately grasp what has transpired, what is currently going on, and what is likely to happen.

Unfortunately, her competence level (as coolhand said) indicates her days in MSP could be numbered. That should never be a concern and I'm looking forward to future pieces. Just like with a coach; if they move on for greener pastures, it's because they did a good job while they were on the clock here.

Good job, Amelia!!

Now I like this thread...It has turned into a multi-quasi pi$$ing contest for which I am the supervisor of officials and will review all instant replays before rendering an after further review decision. And the review of the replays and the decision by the good Dr.Don is final.

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