Am I on Something or On to Something

Here is my two cents on our opponents.

UNLV: They have a running game that needs to me respected and some intriguing prospects at an and some guys who can catch the ball. Other than that. It much on d and zero depth. I would favor us in his game.

NH. They are a quality FCS program. We cannot sleep on them, but I think this game will be over by the third quarter.

W. Mich. Carder is a heck of a qb and he will test our secondary. Their defense was horrendous last year and they lost some their best guys. Unless our offense cannot move the ball I think we can out score them just by dominating the time of possession.

Syracuse. They are alittle like WMU. Returning qb and oline but question marks elsewhere. It is at night and I doubt they can handle Gray. Plus Syr is a team from a BSC conference so we probably won't overlook them.

Iowa. We will see what they can do. New coaches, oline, rbs, and. Questions on defense. It really all depends on how well Vandenberg and his receivers gel.

NW. We got this. Their defense is terrible and Persa is gone along with his receivers. I am not a Colter Believer.

Wisconsin. They won't be as good as last year. It they will still be good. Too good for us to win in Madison.

Purdue. They have some nice players but football is a sum of the parts. Danny Hope has had a couple big upsets during his tenure but his teams have only won two road games not in Bloomington.

Michigan. They have been voted #1 by at least one journalist. They have some good pedigreed coaches and players That said they looked awful against VT in the Sugar Bowl and still won. Never say never.

Nebraska. Not the Nebraska of the past. Don't think we win. It doubt the result will be any worse than last year.

Illinois. We have owed them last decade and we kicked the crapped out of them last year.

MSU. Great defense probably one of the best ever in the B1G. Still it's here in late Nov. If it is cold and snowy it's gonna be a battle. Will their offense. E able to move?

Us. From what I have seen we are better in every facet of the game and we have more depth. I think we go 6-6 while losing a game WMU and winning a game like MSU.

I think we lose one of our OOC games and win 2 Big Ten (sorry, I hate B1G, its so dorky) games. I have to think about what division we are in. I think it is dorky also and I don't like the bifurcation of the Big Ten. We are in the northwest division and PSU, OSU, Purdue, IU, Illinois, and Wisconsin (they don't belong) are in the southeast division. I am praying we win 3 Big Ten games, but against which Big Ten teams would they be? I am trying to stablize myself, especially in view of the positive articles appearing in the StarTribune. It is so easy to be optimistic 10 days before the season starts, only to fly into the box, get hit by the German 88s, and go down (with apologies to Steven Ambrose's, "The Wild Blue"). We lose a game we are not supposed to lose. We win a game we are not supposed to win (I hope), maybe two.

You might be the least informed poster on this board. People weren't in love with Brew following two 6-6 seasons.


Did you know the word gullible isn't in the dictionary? I'm serious. Look it up.....


Did you know the word gullible isn't in the dictionary? I'm serious. Look it up.....

Hey Art, is Vandelay Industries in compliance with the Vietnam Era Veterans Readjustment Assistance Act (VEVRAA) of 1972as amended (38 U.S.C. 4212)? What percentage of your labor force consists of veterans?

Here is my two cents on our opponents.

UNLV: They have a running game that needs to me respected and some intriguing prospects at an and some guys who can catch the ball. Other than that. It much on d and zero depth. I would favor us in his game.

NH. They are a quality FCS program. We cannot sleep on them, but I think this game will be over by the third quarter.

W. Mich. Carder is a heck of a qb and he will test our secondary. Their defense was horrendous last year and they lost some their best guys. Unless our offense cannot move the ball I think we can out score them just by dominating the time of possession.

Syracuse. They are alittle like WMU. Returning qb and oline but question marks elsewhere. It is at night and I doubt they can handle Gray. Plus Syr is a team from a BSC conference so we probably won't overlook them.

Iowa. We will see what they can do. New coaches, oline, rbs, and. Questions on defense. It really all depends on how well Vandenberg and his receivers gel.

NW. We got this. Their defense is terrible and Persa is gone along with his receivers. I am not a Colter Believer.

Wisconsin. They won't be as good as last year. It they will still be good. Too good for us to win in Madison.

Purdue. They have some nice players but football is a sum of the parts. Danny Hope has had a couple big upsets during his tenure but his teams have only won two road games not in Bloomington.

Michigan. They have been voted #1 by at least one journalist. They have some good pedigreed coaches and players That said they looked awful against VT in the Sugar Bowl and still won. Never say never.

Nebraska. Not the Nebraska of the past. Don't think we win. It doubt the result will be any worse than last year.

Illinois. We have owed them last decade and we kicked the crapped out of them last year.

MSU. Great defense probably one of the best ever in the B1G. Still it's here in late Nov. If it is cold and snowy it's gonna be a battle. Will their offense. E able to move?

Us. From what I have seen we are better in every facet of the game and we have more depth. I think we go 6-6 while losing a game WMU and winning a game like MSU.

I agree with your analysis 100%. The only thing I would add is that W Mich scares me a bit. A solid QB as you noted but in addition to that I think they have a B1G quality OL.

Are you guys serious about Western Michigan? Watch us hang 70 points on them. 7 to 9 wins plus a bowl win.

I have no idea how to predict wins and losses before the season starts. Last season, who would have predicted things would have been so bad the 1st half of the year? One of the interesting post-game comments I heard Kill made last year was that the team was nervous playing before so many people. I don't know if I can ever recall a college football coach saying something like that before, but I think it spoke volumes about how inexperienced we were. We're still a really young team this year. I think after the first two games, we'll have a really good idea what this team will be like. If we barely scrape out wins or lose to UNLV or New Hampshire, it will be a long year and we're probably a 4-5 win team. If we play well and win the games by 15+ points, I'd pencil us in for 6 wins and a bowl game.

I think some of you guys are underestimating Purdue, they'll be a pretty decent team next season. They were decent last year and they should improve.

As far as expectations, I think 5 wins is a good conservative guess and if we won 7, I'd be ecstatic. 5 wins should not be a disappointment, we are coming off a 3-win season.

Well, 3 wins was a disappointment last season, so I can't use that as rationale to not be disappointed by a 5 win season. The Gophers have 4 non conference games that they should win. I do agree with you on the comment that people are underestimating Purdue. I feel like the Gophers could win anywhere from 3 to 8 games depending on the quality (and health) of the team and the quality of the coaching. If they do get to 8 wins, I would guess that one would be a significant upset and that they don't beat both Purdue and Iowa.

Well, 3 wins was a disappointment last season, so I can't use that as rationale to not be disappointed by a 5 win season. The Gophers have 4 non conference games that they should win. I do agree with you on the comment that people are underestimating Purdue. I feel like the Gophers could win anywhere from 3 to 8 games depending on the quality (and health) of the team and the quality of the coaching. If they do get to 8 wins, I would guess that one would be a significant upset and that they don't beat both Purdue and Iowa.

8 wins would be setting the sights a little high.

Here's what I see:

We should be at the level to beat all the non bcs teams at TCF(and of course UNLV)-that's 4 wins.

We won 2 Big Ten games each of the last two terrible years - so we should be improved and win at least 3.

That's 7 wins....drop one for being conservative...that's 6 wins.....always a chance we could win one we shouldn't.....bottom line- 6 or 7 wins.

Are you guys serious about Western Michigan? Watch us hang 70 points on them. 7 to 9 wins plus a bowl win.

Are you the guy that predict a 55-0 win over New Mexico State last year?

Regarding predictions, the only thing I'll say is this: I'll be disappointed if we win 4 or less games.

Could care less about predictions, but if we somehow start 6-0 then upset Wisco for the axe I will probably sh!t my pants

Are you the guy that predict a 55-0 win over New Mexico State last year?

so true. MN barely beat M of Ohio for the 1st win of the Kill era. Those of us who watched the games saw improvement by players and play calling but early on some of that play calling appeared to be full on stupid. i say 'appeared' cuz i can't say it was players/play call or both.
4 wins is better than 3 wins so I'll be fine with 4 wins.

Pre-season predictions are like verbal commitments. They're fun to talk about, but the real test is when you have to put your name on the dotted line.

There are so many variables that can impact a game, and the season: weather - injuries - officiating - coaching decisions, etc.

My heart tells me the Gophs are going to win at least 6 or 7 games, and play in a bowl game. But, my head tells me that 1 or 2 key injuries could derail this train in a hurry.

Best-case scenario - 7 wins
Worst-case scenario - 4 wins

In terms of what this program needs, I think 6 wins and a bowl game is a must to show improvement. If they can go 7-5 in the regular season, and win a bowl game, that would be an excellent year in my book. If they beat the Stinking' Badgers, I will name my first child Jerry (regardless of whether it's a boy or a girl).

I think too many of you judge the future only by looking at the past. This is like driving a car while looking in the rear view mirror! Most Twin Cities sportswriters are guilty of this. Of course you wind up in the ditch this way. No one knows how the season will turn out. Thats why they play the games. I believe the Gophers will be greatly improved. How this translates into wins we will see. I do believe the one thing that can really elevate a college team is having a dual threat QB.I think we have potentially a great one in Marquis Gray. I am very excited to see the Gophers return to a good team. With the best defense we have had and a great coaching staff, I think we are finally getting to where we want to be. Go Gophers!!

if this is the case why would any non rule breaking coach be fired?

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