All Things MN United Season Thread

This season is looking to be a disaster. Someone talk me back from the ledge. We fired our coach during last season and at this point just have a rumor of a new one. We did hire a new director, but he just showed up, Rey got hurt, and then hurt again. Bongi isn't even in the country yet. Our new Center Back from Sweden just got here (a week before the season starts) and hasn't even been practicing with the team, our preseason games were a big disappointment (3 goals scored in 4 games, two of which were against a USL team). There haven't been any big marquee signings, so basically we're going with the same lineup that finished near the bottom last year (except for the coach). About the only good news in the roster change is that Lod is back and Bristow is gone. Help me out here, give me some upbeat news...
Okay, here's one upside that I do really like... Caden Clark is coming back home to MN :drink:


It appears that the Pioneer Press does a lot more Loons coverage. I see a lot of Tweets from Andy Greeder - but it's all behind a paywall. (I already subscribe to the Strib online edition - not going to add the PP).

But from what I can glean from his tweets, it sounds as if the plan is to try and get a lot younger and more athletic, especially on defense and midfield, so they can press the ball down the field (pitch) quicker and get the ball into the attacking zone. also saw something to the effect that they want to position the roster so that they can add talent during a later international signing period.

the new coach is supposed to be well-regarded, and is coming from Man U.

but yeah, for right now, looks dicey, especially with Reynoso dealing with a knee problem that doesn't sound promising.

still trying to decide if it's worth it to shell out $99 for the MLS season pass.

and it's official: from the Strib:

Minnesota United has hired its next head coach.

Manchester United assistant coach Eric Ramsay on Thursday signed a contract to replace Adrian Heath, according to a source with knowledge of the matter.

Ramsay will still need to acquire his work visa before he starts coaching the team, which can take some time.

He is expected to leave Manchester United late next week after working for the Premier League team for nearly three seasons.

Ramsay becomes the youngest permanent head coach in MLS history at age 32 and is seven years younger than the next youngest current MLS coach, 39-year-old Nick Cushing from New York City FC. Ramsay also was the youngest to earn his coaching UEFA Pro License.

The Loons have not yet announced Ramsay's hiring, which comes four months after they fired Heath, the only other head coach the club has ever had, with two regular-season games left last October.

Ramsay emerged in recent days as the leading candidate in a wide-ranging coaching search that included two finalists each from MLS and Europe. Former MLS coaches Robin Fraser and Gio Savarese were among those included in the search, completed primarily by new sporting director Khaled El-Ahmad.

Four current Loons players — including 35-year-old defender Michael Boxall and 33-year-old striker Teemu Pukki — are older than Ramsay. Ramsay speaks multiple languages, including Spanish, French and Welsh as well as English. The Loons have six players whose first language is Spanish.

(Loons open season at Austin FC Saturday night)

Pretty good start all things considered. I like seeing the younger players step up late in the game.

I saw a few highlights online. looked like they were really making an effort to push the ball up the field. under Heath, it seemed as if the ball spent way too much time in the midfield.

will be interesting to see what happens with the new coach - and also when Reynoso and Bongi are in the lineup.

I'm wavering on shelling out for the MLS season pass. I miss watching the games - but do I miss it enough to pay $99? I tried to find the schedule and I only saw a couple of matches being shown on Fox or FS1. but Apple does usually make a couple of matches available for free each week.

Okay, here's one upside that I do really like... Caden Clark is coming back home to MN :drink:

Wow, that was really an impressive game by the Loons. That first half was total domination. We had the same players as last year, minus two key starters, so I wasn't expecting much at all. Then along comes a totally different tactic of high pressure (ya, I know they said they were going to do it, I just didn't think it's work), and Austin looked completly hapless. Really impressive. Makes Heath look just that much worse. If Heath was still our coach, we would have been sitting back on defense with a prayer of a quick counter to get a goal.

Sang-Bin looked much better. Fragapoine actually played some defense (first time I've seen that happen consitantly), Pukki is playing great. Plus, the subs at the end of the second half did themselves proud, especially Caden. I'm really looking foward to seeing what he can do for us this year.

Great result against the defending champs while missing several of our best players. I love the new system. Hoping the new managers keeps Knowles on the staff as he clearly has something good going on with the younger players on roster.

Great result against the defending champs while missing several of our best players. I love the new system. Hoping the new managers keeps Knowles on the staff as he clearly has something good going on with the younger players on roster.
Last week's game was a fun one:
  1. Whoever sang the national anthem was great, they should have her do it every game.
  2. Love the high press. Much more fun to watch than Heath's "let them have the ball and we'll hope for a quick counter" approach. Even if the Loon's lose, it's a far more entertaining game.
  3. We now use more subs and do so earlier in the game. Ties directly into our high press approach, but Heath always led the league in not using subs, and even when he did, it was really late into the game.
  4. We really need to get Ray, Lod and Bongo back in action. Our 16-player rotation is pretty weak at the bottom.
  5. Dane is playing great, both in shot stopping and playing the ball with his feet.
  6. Our key player in the first two games is Will Trapp. Follow his movement during the game, and he's always in the right place, especially on defense. He's the key to our ability to do a high press. Without him, that high press would lead to the other team getting much more quick-counter chances.
  7. Per MLS, in the first week, Jeong was the fastest player in the league (22.5 mph). I wouldn't have guessed that, but he's certainly done a lot on the wing. He's one guy who should be taking more shots.
  8. Here's a nice article on the coaching differences between Heath and Knowles. Basically, Heath was old school just talking a lot and making it up as the week went on, whereas Knowles has a scripted week where every day is focused on a different aspect of the upcoming game (e.g., Tuesday they focus on strategy for when the other team has possession), with lots of video on the opposing team followed by practice to implement the strategy. Apparently, Heath rarely showed video of the other team at all, he just talked a lot.
  9. The betting line against the Loons seems way too high, we're not getting much respect from Vegas: Orlando minus-115; draw plus-280; MNUFC plus-265

2-0-1 with three goals in stoppage time.

all done with no Rey and no permanent Head Coach.

are we seeing a changing of the guard? it seems promising.

Another great test in LAFC with some cooler weather. Loons made right call by keeping Knowles on the first team coaching staff. Let’s hope the new gaffer builds off the good start. COYL

Thoughts on the LAFC game:
  1. We were outplayed again, yet came away with the win, again.
  2. We abandoned the high press and instead went with a tight low-block. I'm hoping this was just done because it was LAFC, I like the high press.
  3. Our weakest starting player is Taylor, he's not bad, but he's the weakest link in the starting 11, especially if we're going to play a low block.
  4. Paddleford more than held his own against a really difficult side. My starting back four are Valentin, Tapis, Boxall and Paddleford.
  5. We subbed even earlier this game, which again is a total departure from past years. We're now subbing to change tactics vs Heath's subbing in desperation. Our third goal was done entirely by the subs (okay, other than Dane starting the play with a goal kick).
  6. Caden Clark has underwhelmed me, I was hoping for much more. He's now trying too hard to impress (e.g., going to much one-on-one vs using teammates). I think he'll lose his starting slot in the coming games.
  7. Our biggest weakness right now is the ability to build out of the back. Ray will help with that, a lot.
  8. Our best strength is attacking up the middle, versus Heath where our attacks always came from the flanks (so yet another big tactical departure from the Heath days).
  9. Kyndra St. Thomas is the worst color commentator in the entire MLS team. She has zero clue about any soccer tactics or strategy. She sounds like some parent commenting about their kid's game.

Home US Open Cup game Tue Apr 2 against Michigan Stars from NISA (third tier but fully professional league in the pyramid). Granted it'll be our reserves but could be fun to see something different and support the Cup

Looks like we have another “reynoshow”. I think this is the third one? Maybe fourth? He’s not worth the trouble anymore no matter how talented he is. He’s got some self destructive tendencies, he needs to get help but it can’t be on our dime anymore

Looks like we have another “reynoshow”. I think this is the third one? Maybe fourth? He’s not worth the trouble anymore no matter how talented he is. He’s got some self destructive tendencies, he needs to get help but it can’t be on our dime anymore

I noted that the team's official comment comes down to:

"we are focusing on the players who are here."

I wonder if the change in management/coaching staff means a change in approach.

beyond that, the issues this season seem to be more in the back line between youth and injuries, and Reynoso does nothing to address those issues.

Some random thoughts on the Charlotte game:
  • Charlotte needs a soccer stadium, playing in a 75,000 seat football stadium, where maybe 15,000 fans were in attendance, makes for a lousy fan experience.
  • Padelford has been a huge upside surprise this season, he's solid as a defender.
  • Ramsey was the MVP of the game. His game plan of going with a 5-4-1 formation (switching to 3-3-4 when we're in possession), and quick counter on the flanks was perfect. Heath never would have made such a switch in tactics.
  • Trapp was key to our formation, he bailed us out many times when we got stuck with fullbacks way up the field. He made a lot of sprints back to defend Charlotte's counter.
  • Also in the "we're not Heath anymore" category is that when we went up 1-0 we didn't just hunker down and play nine-defenders in the box.
  • We need a midfielder who is better at keeping possession. We're relying way too much on hitting long passes out of the back. That's going to be too easy for other teams to defend. We need someone who can be the pivot for playing out of the back. Rey was supposed to be that guy. I'm hoping in the transfer window we can find someone to fill that missing role, which in turn will let Lod play a more offensive role on the team (vs falling back to cover).

nice win - and on free TV (well, free for cable subscribers).

I like the new "speed-up" rules for dealing with substitutions and injuries. the game really had good flow to it. didn't have those long periods of down time while they evaluate injuries on the field - or wait for players to get on and off the field during substitutions.

Interesting comments from Ramsey on how they are going for a team approach that is not dependent on one or two players generating all the offense. if that wasn't a shot at Reynoso, it sure could be read as one. which makes me think that someone in the front office knows that Reynoso is not coming back.

I wonder how that works with his contract - what has to happen for the contract to be voided and the roster spot opened up.

Loons hang on for a 2-1 win over Atlanta. three consecutive victories for the Loons. went up 2-0 and went into a defensive shell that almost cost them. Atlanta made it 2-1 and was putting pressure on for the last 15 minutes of the match.

got hairy at the end - with stoppage time literally running out, refs called a foul on MN and gave Atlanta a free kick from just outside the penalty area, but Dayne made the save.

with the win, the Loons move into 1st place in the West division.

Tani has been a gem up top. Sad to see Bongi off to such a poor start. There's still a lot of room for improvement which bodes well given the results we keep getting.

And that's it. The Rey-no-show is over in MN. Off to Tijuana in Liga Mx. Considering Rey likes to hang out with some acutal gang bangers, not sure going there is a great place for him. That said, his play style should translate well in Liga MX.

Some thoughts on the last game:
  • Great night to be at the stadium, probably the most intense crowd I've seen.
  • We went with a double pivot out of the backfield!!! Love that formation. If you're not familiar with it, look it up. It's completely different than our long play out of the back that we were doing. Trapp, who's mostly a defensive middle fielder, handled the extra duties really well. I imagine he put on a lot of miles running though. We really need to pick up a possession midfielder in the transfer window.
  • I rarely complain about the ref, but this time I will. The first uncalled PK should have at least been reviewed (and on review it was a PK). The 13+ minutes of overtime was way too much, and the second yellow card on Tapias shouldn't have been called.
  • Pukki is a talent above everyone else on the field. Watching him work is worth the price of a ticket alone. Being a former striker, I can really appreciate what he does, the anticipation, positioning, and ability to find space to get a quick shot. No one else on the team comes close to making more out of opportunities than Pukki (along those lines, Sang-bin could learn a lot from Pukki. He needs to be far more selfish in the box).
  • My new names for Boxall and Tapias are the "Enforcer" and the "Assassin". Boxall gets the "Enforcer" label because he's always in someone's face making them back down. Tapias the "Assassin" as in the silent killer - he doesn't make a lot of waves, he's just always in the right spot at the right time killing whatever offense the other team is pressing.
  • The "Rey" deal was interesting to watch it play out. Kudos to Ramsey for being completely different than Heath. When he was AWOL last season, Heath welcomed him back. Ramsey did the opposite, keeping Rey from practicing or even being around the team. The new message is clear, the team is more important than the individual, if you're not here for the team, you're not going to be around long.

help me out. I think the Loons had to cough up a pretty hefty fee to bring Reynoso to MN. can they recover any of that from his new team, or are they just out the money?

Yikes - this story just keeps getting crazier. Yahoo sports picked up a story from the Pioneer Press.

Emanuel Reynoso has a checkered past with guns and another troubling incident has surfaced.

The Cordoba, Argentina news outlet El Doce shared a short video Tuesday of the current Minnesota United midfielder holding a bag with what appears to be several stacks of cash. An unidentified man also is in the video holding the likeness of a handgun and more bundles of money.
The Loons are looking to offload Reynoso, with Club Tijuana in Mexico’s Liga MX becoming a potential suitor via a transfer deal on Tuesday.
Reynoso has had previous run-ins with the law in Argentina. In December 2021, he was accused of hitting and threatening a then-16-year-old boy with a gun in Cordoba. Reynoso was detained in jail for approximately 10 days until posting bail.

When he returned to Minnesota, he addressed that accusation of assault, saying “everything was solved.”

Reynoso acknowledged to the Pioneer Press in 2020 that he was present at a shooting in Argentina in 2017 but said he “didn’t participate.” Prosecutors said at least 20 bullets were fired but no one was injured, The Clarin newspaper reported.

Rey is from the rough side of town. He has been given many chances to separate himself from that lifestyle and won't/can't do it. Not sure Tijuana Mexico is a good place for a guy like him.

Heads up. according to the Apple TV+ website, tonight's match between the Loons and Colorado is a "free" match on Apple TV+.

and, if I'm reading the site properly, Wednesday's match with LAFC is also listed as a "free' match.

watching matches on TV without a paywall. what a concept!

You still need a subscription to Apple+, you just don’t need the additional mls package.

Plus, I do might through comcast, so there is one more layer.

It all sucks

nope - I watched the match tonight and I don't have an Apple TV+ subscription. all I do is go to MLS Season Pass and click on the "free" contest.

regarding the match - Loons escape with a 3-3 draw but really blew an opportunity for a road win. they led 3-1 at the half but the second half was a mess. mistakes on defense and no offensive possessions.

St. Clair made a great save on a penalty kick - and then allowed a very soft goal a few minutes later. Pukki had a chance for a game-winner but hit the post from a sharp angle.

on the plus side, MN got a bit of a break. Tani O. scored a goal in the first half. it was originally waived off for offsides, but after a VAR review, the ref changed the call and allowed the goal.
Sang Bin with 2 goals for MN. made some great runs in the 1st half.

the stats are nuts:
Colorado led in possession 74% to 26%.
Colorado 8 shots on goal to 6 for MN.
3 fouls called on Colorado to 15 on MN.
4 Yellow Cards on MN to 0 on Colorado.
10 corner kicks for Colorado to 0 for MN. (no corner kicks?)

Was at the game in colorado. Weird game. Went from feeling like we were giving the match away to stealing it by the end. The rapids are much better than last couple seasons. Tough schedule this week.

FWIW - the Loons' match tonight with LA FC is being shown on FS1 (and is also a 'free' match on Apple TV+.

But - kickoff is not until 9:45pm Central Time. that may be a little late for us old guys to stay up......

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