Really? I thought the social injustice was the 40% chance of an STD, or the ten-fold increase in the risk of suicide to the woman; or, the billions of dollars in cost to society. The threshold of "justice" for women doesn't exist. Estimates of reported rape are so small because the chance of prosecution on he said/she said cases is near zilch. Yet, women suffer damage to their vagina, anus, thighs, arms, neck, head, breasts, etc. and nothing is done for them.
The U of M did a study on the cost of being a rape victim. Average cost: $110,000. Eleven percent of rape victims become pregnant.
Social costs to the victim
Cost of the initial exam, treatment for STDs, pregnancy, chronic conditions (headaches, panic attacks, sexual dysfunction), suicide attempts, chemical abuse, PTSD, dissociation, depression, anxiety, fear, blame, helplessness, legal costs (evidentiary exams, trial readiness, impact statements, legal costs), academic impacts (reduced class attendance, performance, skills-abilities, job, position), DNA testing, etc.
When due process is discussed, it seems to be in a Constitutional vacuum. When the players were discussed, it was in the vacuum of life long costs to the players. Yet, in the grand calculus, the woman was always ignored as having a lifelong cost. Constitutional norms apply to everyone involved, including the woman. The social long term costs need to be recognized as it applies to the woman, any and all women.