Akeem Springs' brother goes on another Twitter rant

He's a college kid rooting for his brother and from my brief twitter search he's at J-State in MS. You guys are really analyzing the tweets of a college kid 16 hours away? Who cares? I absolutely guarantee that every school has kids on the bench or not in the starring role who have friends and family saying these things to them every day and probably plenty that are doing it on twitter and facebook. Shoot I've experienced it coaching youth football when a dad pulled a kid from the team because he wanted him to play running back. This is a non issue

You only got the last sentence correct......and even that's missing fairly common punctuation. This doesn't hurt or help the team. I think that it's more amusing than anything.....so I appreciate the GL share. This dude clearly has a couple of screws loose.

I think it was because he was saying he would be leaving. Even Springs himself tweeted out saying his stay in Minnesota may not be very long.

He'll be a big part of this team and we really need him.

This is 100% why we are talking about it

He's a college kid rooting for his brother and from my brief twitter search he's at J-State in MS. You guys are really analyzing the tweets of a college kid 16 hours away? Who cares? I absolutely guarantee that every school has kids on the bench or not in the starring role who have friends and family saying these things to them every day and probably plenty that are doing it on twitter and facebook. Shoot I've experienced it coaching youth football when a dad pulled a kid from the team because he wanted him to play running back. This is a non issue

This is 100% why we should stop talking about it.

Right. He just made it seem like it was going to be much shorter than he originally expected. It was at least a little alarming, that's all.

He's in his last year of eligibility. Where's he going to go? Europe? A lot of silly sabre rattling, IMO.

He's in his last year of eligibility. Where's he going to go? Europe? A lot of silly sabre rattling, IMO.

I don't know. It wouldn't be the first time someone quit in the middle of their senior season.

I don't know. It wouldn't be the first time someone quit in the middle of their senior season.

I'm taking Akeem's word for it. His brother is an odd duck. Anyone who happens to blessed with no relatives who would ever say something to humiliate them is in the minority. None of my relatives can claim that.

Yeah, his brother seems to have calmed down. He was cheering for the team, on twitter, and seemed happy with the W. He didn't have any sort of tirades about Akerm starting, so I think we can put this thread to bed.

You only got the last sentence correct......and even that's missing fairly common punctuation. This doesn't hurt or help the team. I think that it's more amusing than anything.....so I appreciate the GL share. This dude clearly has a couple of screws loose.

get the ___ out of here with your grammar correction you lame

Call me dumb, but what rational would justify him leaving?

I get the concept of heading overseas, but doesn't a season of Big 10 performance boost his portfolio to make him more desirable?

In my mind it would only hurt his stock if he chose to leave with the prospect of all the big ten exposure that awaits him this year.

What am I missing?

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Considering his brother ran his mouth after the first half of game 1, when Springs was 3 of 4 shooting and since has gone 0 for 10, there's not a lot to talk about.

Can we not turn springs into a guy we root against because of his brother.

This kinda makes me mad! Who cares what his brother said !! Let's support Akeem! Let's drop this nonsense

Whoa stocker08 smart take on that one, took some serious brain power to figure that one out. I agree with the oleboy41 hands down on this one, last time I checked this site isnnnt a grammarrr focused zone, primarily basketball Ive heard, might want to check the boards title.

Well done though on your period use though stocker08, I'm quite impressed young lad

I wouldn't consider an ellipse to be common punctuation. Anywho....I wanted to emphasise the pause.

No, I think you are talking about a Möbius strip.

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