After today....

Alabama shut out LSU in the national Championship last year! So all say Michigan is doing better than LSU will.

well, when you don't have much of an admission standard, cushy cheater majors, what i would bet is a whole lot of shady stuff between alabama & lsu boosters/football recruits, university administrations that strategically support and look the other way in regards to such cultures...........then it really isn't that hard.
About admission standards: I have no reason to believe that Minnesota has better admission standards than most other schools (for athletes). Considering a player that couldn't get into Baylor got in here, especially.
Cushy major: I'm not really one to say. I don't know what players at most schools are majoring in.
Shady stuff: Probably, but anyone that thinks they're the only ones that do it are foolish.

About admission standards: I have no reason to believe that Minnesota has better admission standards than most other schools (for athletes). Considering a player that couldn't get into Baylor got in here, especially.
Cushy major: I'm not really one to say. I don't know what players at most schools are majoring in.
Shady stuff: Probably, but anyone that thinks they're the only ones that do it are foolish.

It's not about admission standards it's about looking the other way to get a player in that can't qualify. I think that's what people are getting at.

...everyone should realize two things.

1) It is not impossible to compete in the B1G (Ohio over PSU, UNI within 5 of WI, NIU within 1 of IA, Syracuse within 1 of NU)
2) Based on NIU you can believe that Kill can build a program

Go Gophers!!!

You don't understand. The Gophers underachieving in non conference play is different. Really different. Super, ultra, maxi different. We clearly should lose all hope and have a complete meltdown.

I wonder if there is lots of wailing and gnashing of teeth on Iowa, NW, and Wisconsin's boards?

Neither Michigan nor South Carolina deserve to be in the top 15.

There should be no poll until after Labor Day and possibly not until the second week.

If you look back at these past preseason rankings, the absurdity becomes very clear.

There should be no poll until after Labor Day and possibly not until the second week.

If you look back at these past preseason rankings, the absurdity becomes very clear.

They were actually pretty decent last year

Alabama - Preseason #2 - Post Season #1
LSU - Preseason #4 - Post Season #2
OK St - Preseason #9 - Post Season #3
Oregon - Preseason #3 - Post Season #4
Stanford - Preseason #7 - Post Season #7
Wisconsin - Preseason #11 - Post Season #10
Boise State - Preseason #5 - Post Season #8
South Carolina - Pre Season #12 - Post Season #9

They missed on a couple teams, but mostly, they were pretty close last year.

Simple solution:

Reverse results of The Civil War and let the south secede.

Annex Canada.

They talk weird down there.

They were actually pretty decent last year

Alabama - Preseason #2 - Post Season #1
LSU - Preseason #4 - Post Season #2
OK St - Preseason #9 - Post Season #3
Oregon - Preseason #3 - Post Season #4
Stanford - Preseason #7 - Post Season #7
Wisconsin - Preseason #11 - Post Season #10
Boise State - Preseason #5 - Post Season #8
South Carolina - Pre Season #12 - Post Season #9

They missed on a couple teams, but mostly, they were pretty close last year.

My problem is that many voters seem to be influenced each week by where a team was ranked the previous week. If a team wins, most voters will keep them in the same place (or close to it) regardless of how they played. Where a team was ranked the previous week should have no influence on where you think they should be ranked the next week in my opinion.

The later you wait to start the polls, the less that happens.

Urbz will select and coach a BT team into the NC. The one variable that I cannot predict is the current movement of high calibre players to teams that have all other pieces like WI did last year and this year. Stuff like that could take an avg Mich team and put them over the top. I watched some of the WI game yesterday and if they have the avg 2nd yr qb some of those passes are sloppy and they lose. DOB stepped and and made it look easy.

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