A look ahead at Ruesse's columns after each game this season

Ruesse did predict Gophers 34 UNLV 14

True, but in the spirit of the thread, if he rips the Gopher's performance only half as much as the fans on this board are, doesn't he still win round one.

Maybe he isn't as evil as he appears to be...

Patrick Reusse ‏@1500ESPN_Reusse

Ran into Sid today. He was ripping Gophers to point that I wound up semi-defending them. World turned on its axis.

True, but in the spirit of the thread, if he rips the Gopher's performance only half as much as the fans on this board are, doesn't he still win round one.

Quoted for MF'in Truth. Some of our "fans" are absolutely sickening and a bigger part of the problem than they'd care to admit.

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