A J Barker live, coming up at 9:30 on 1500

Proof is in the pudding. The team GPA raised by a whole point. Did they get smarter? No. They just became accountable in the classroom.

after mason was fired and brewster was in year one didnt something get published about minnesota being one of the better academic programs in the big ten that year or maybe the following year? maybe it has more to do with kill being unable to get the talent that was more of an academic liability compared to brewster. brew took a huge risk with his classes, im cool with people ripping the coache but these players work harder then the average student day in day out whether brew was coaching or kill. im just not a guy that is willing to rip student athletes tha bust their asses so you have something to do on saturdays

I still think the Michael Carter turnaround has far more to do with Tyrone Carter than Jerry Kill.

So where was uncle Ty when Michael was p*ssing away the first 3 years of his college experience.

If I remember the story correctly, Kill called Ty as basically MCs last chance.

after mason was fired and brewster was in year one didnt something get published about minnesota being one of the better academic programs in the big ten that year or maybe the following year? maybe it has more to do with kill being unable to get the talent that was more of an academic liability compared to brewster. brew took a huge risk with his classes, im cool with people ripping the coache but these players work harder then the average student day in day out whether brew was coaching or kill. im just not a guy that is willing to rip student athletes tha bust their asses so you have something to do on saturdays

We were on track to lose scholarships and Kill changed that. You refuse to acknowledge it.

I don't doubt that for a minute. His record shows he can coach and he should stick to that instead of reading to us from "The Little Engine that Could" every chance he gets.

Agreed. I would say it's "The Little Engine that Could" with a little "Holier than Thou" thrown in there. A typical college football coach who may or may not succeed here, not a saint.

It's understood that he couldn't be put immediately on scholarship during the season, and I don't interpret Barker as saying he should have been. But based on his performance the first half of the season he was playing better than all the scholarship WRs. Hence, he should have been verbally guaranteed a schollie rather than (if there is truth to it) having conditions placed like staying healthy. Kill wouldn't pull the existing schollie of a player for getting injured so it shouldn't be a condition of Barker earning one. And it's not because he was having behavioral concerns all along, because if that were the case, Kill shouldn't have been playing him.

I think it's a case of Kill being desperate to win, trying to ride his best WR back into playing, inappropriately using his walkon status as a negative reinforcer, and the kid blowing a gasket. Both parties in the wrong here, as well as the politically incorrect assistant coach.

To earn the scholarship, you need to be committed to the team. There are lots of players on scholarship who may not be good enough to play, but they keep the scholarship by being part of the team, showing up to practice, participating and trying to make the TEAM better. I doubt a coach can "verbally guarantee" a scholarship without being an NCAA violation, since it could be interpretted as a "pay for play" scheme.

Also, you may be conveniently overlooking the part about the treatment of his injury. According to the letter, Barker admitted he declined the initial MRI for his injury. He admitted he was seeking alternative treatments (accupuncture) outside of the team trainer instruction. So when his "alternative" treatment didn't work and he wasn't back on field, the coaches perhaps brought it up, which he did not like. This whole thing showed how AJ was out for himself. the program does not need that type of player.

Good Riddance!

I find the idea that players under Brewster didn't work hard is a huge joke! All kids in any program work hard and if you don't believe that you have never been around college athletes. It's insulting to even assume that! Under Brewster it was more of the revolving door of coaches and systems nuts bs to say guys under brew didn't work hard

Apologies. I should have been more clear in my post. I should've said 'worked harder in the classroom'. Since it is documented he was suspended under Horton or the rest of the season for academics. That's my bad.

You seem pretty upset though. Sorry to offend you.

Minnesota football's 2008-09 single year APR was a very good 968. We'll see if Kill's teams ever get that high.

Minnesota football's 2008-09 single year APR was a very good 968. We'll see if Kill's teams ever get that high.

and most of the players on that 2008-2009 team whose grades counted towards that year's APR score were recruited by coach mason and staff. so your point makes no sense and is not really a valid criticism of coach kill and staff. but nice try marquette man. :rolleyes:

It's understood that he couldn't be put immediately on scholarship during the season, and I don't interpret Barker as saying he should have been. But based on his performance the first half of the season he was playing better than all the scholarship WRs. Hence, he should have been verbally guaranteed a schollie rather than (if there is truth to it) having conditions placed like staying healthy. Kill wouldn't pull the existing schollie of a player for getting injured so it shouldn't be a condition of Barker earning one. And it's not because he was having behavioral concerns all along, because if that were the case, Kill shouldn't have been playing him.

I think it's a case of Kill being desperate to win, trying to ride his best WR back into playing, inappropriately using his walkon status as a negative reinforcer, and the kid blowing a gasket. Both parties in the wrong here, as well as the politically incorrect assistant coach.

Sounds like a fair analysis. Well told.

I find the idea that players under Brewster didn't work hard is a huge joke! All kids in any program work hard and if you don't believe that you have never been around college athletes. It's insulting to even assume that! Under Brewster it was more of the revolving door of coaches and systems nuts bs to say guys under brew didn't work hard

There's an enormous difference between working hard and working smart.

maybe it has more to do with kill being unable to get the talent that was more of an academic liability compared to brewster.

Maybe it has more to do with Kill being unwilling to recruit academic and character risks like Brewster very actively did.

I say both of the above as an unabashed supporter and defender of Brewster. Kill is on an entirely different level from Brewster, particularly as a head coach. If I'm looking for a recruiting coordinator, I want Brewster. If I want a TE/WR coach, I'll take Brewster. For anything else, give me Kill. And that doesn't mean Kill will succeed here. This place has chewed up and spit out a lot of good football coaches. Kill has a far greater chance of success than Brewster if for no other reason than he has a ton of experience as a head coach, which has allowed him to build a system and work within that system. And when I say "system", I mean everything from how to run practices, focus on academics, training/nutrition, public relations, etc., etc. If you don't want to buy in, there's the door. I don't think Brewster was lackadaisical; he was building a system from scratch, and that allowed players to get away with a lot of BS that they can't under Kill. Kill's been building his system for 30 years, and for almost 20 as a head coach. Brewster hadn't been a head coach in 20 years, and that was at the HS level.

There's an enormous difference between working hard and working smart.

Maybe it has more to do with Kill being unwilling to recruit academic and character risks like Brewster very actively did.

I say both of the above as an unabashed supporter and defender of Brewster. Kill is on an entirely different level from Brewster, particularly as a head coach. If I'm looking for a recruiting coordinator, I want Brewster. If I want a TE/WR coach, I'll take Brewster. For anything else, give me Kill. And that doesn't mean Kill will succeed here. This place has chewed up and spit out a lot of good football coaches. Kill has a far greater chance of success than Brewster if for no other reason than he has a ton of experience as a head coach, which has allowed him to build a system and work within that system. And when I say "system", I mean everything from how to run practices, focus on academics, training/nutrition, public relations, etc., etc. If you don't want to buy in, there's the door. I don't think Brewster was lackadaisical; he was building a system from scratch, and that allowed players to get away with a lot of BS that they can't under Kill. Kill's been building his system for 30 years, and for almost 20 as a head coach. Brewster hadn't been a head coach in 20 years, and that was at the HS level.

I don't disagree

and most of the players on that 2008-2009 team whose grades counted towards that year's APR score were recruited by coach mason and staff. so your point makes no sense and is not really a valid criticism of coach kill and staff. but nice try marquette man. :rolleyes:

Realize my comments were in reply to someone saying, "Proof is in the pudding. The team GPA raised by a whole point. Did they get smarter? No. They just became accountable in the classroom."

If you're being consistent, you'd say that the praise of Kill for a higher GPA is not really a valid praise of "coach kill and staff."

We were on track to lose scholarships and Kill changed that. You refuse to acknowledge it.

Try again, Pitts. It is just more Jerry Kill bullsh*t. Guys like you have been eating a lot of it the last couple of years.


Selected: Football APR Rankings

University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

Sport School State Academic Year Multi-Year Rate Penalties Postseason

Football University of Minnesota, Twin Cities MN 2004 - 2005----- 918 Mason
Football University of Minnesota, Twin Cities MN 2005 - 2006----- 919 Mason
Football University of Minnesota, Twin Cities MN 2006 - 2007----- 927 Breswster
Football University of Minnesota, Twin Cities MN 2007 - 2008----- 915 Brewster (Penalty - Scholarship Reduction = 3)

Football University of Minnesota, Twin Cities MN 2008 - 2009----- 934 Brewster
Football University of Minnesota, Twin Cities MN 2009 - 2010----- 935 Brewster
Football University of Minnesota, Twin Cities MN 2010 - 2011----- 932 Kill


Ok then. What about the GPA difference. Why ignore that?

Perhaps Kill was able to negotiate buyouts of the tougher courses after the drop/add deadline to give the team a better chance at a winning recor...er...GPA.

If there is one way for AJ Barker to save face and not look like a primadonna it is by going on a interview tour with literally every single station/show that will let you.

I think AJ is going through some mental issues and I don't mean that to demean the kid. This is the "manic" with someone who going through the roller coaster ups and downs.

I'm not saying that to dismiss what he had to say, maybe maltreatment by a coach did push him over the edge (or was one of the things), I just think it's pretty obvious the kid isn't thinking clearly.

If there is one way for AJ Barker to save face and not look like a primadonna it is by going on a interview tour with literally every single station/show that will let you.

I think AJ is going through some mental issues and I don't mean that to demean the kid. This is the "manic" with someone who going through the roller coaster ups and downs.

I'm not saying that to dismiss what he had to say, maybe maltreatment by a coach did push him over the edge (or was one of the things), I just think it's pretty obvious the kid isn't thinking clearly.

It seems to working for him. He already has Reusse on this side. In all seriousness though he clearly is in way over his head. Maybe he can write a book on his experiences on how not to use the internet and the media to communicate.

Perhaps Kill was able to negotiate buyouts of the tougher courses after the drop/add deadline to give the team a better chance at a winning recor...er...GPA.


The GPA thing, I think it's a little skewed cause wasn't it out there that after Brew was fired and before Kill, guys kinda slipped off? I mean, after that year ended, and the weeks till Kill was hired, that's time with no guidance. I'm sure there were guys who slacked off and it put them at risk cause of it. I don't know if when Brew was there, if he had finished the year, and then Kill immediately came in, that the academic situation would have been as dire.


The GPA thing, I think it's a little skewed cause wasn't it out there that after Brew was fired and before Kill, guys kinda slipped off? I mean, after that year ended, and the weeks till Kill was hired, that's time with no guidance. I'm sure there were guys who slacked off and it put them at risk cause of it. I don't know if when Brew was there, if he had finished the year, and then Kill immediately came in, that the academic situation would have been as dire.

I still find it to be ridiculous that these guys need some kind of guidance to go to and pass class.

Of course I'm speculating, but I would believe it has been in Kill's plans to get Barker on scholarship after the season. He is using the scholarship like dangling a carrot in front of Barker's face to try and motivate him, but obviously Barker did not get the hint. I don't see it as being any different from the coach who tells his players that no position on the field is secure when fall camp starts. Not naming a starter even when it's obvious who the starter is. When you reward guys before the end result is achieved, you run the risk of dealing with complacency. Kill wanted Barker back on the field, he used the scholarship talk to try and make his point and Barker broke.

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