A J Barker live, coming up at 9:30 on 1500

I still think the Michael Carter turnaround has far more to do with Tyrone Carter than Jerry Kill.

True. But, he was in Kill's doghouse last year, now he isn't. He must be doing something that Coach likes.

It was in the letter. Claimed Reeves called him a faggot in regards to his religious beliefs.

The rest of this is just noise, a disgruntled player lashing out at coaches. People should not be shocked to find out that D1 coaches really don't give a crap about a player unless they feel like that player can help them win ball games. It is just the nature of the way things are. Coaches at this level in general are jerks, just the way it is, clearly Barker couldn't deal with that. I am sure things are pretty rough for any player that was recruited by Brewster because they are not Kill's guys so unless they are preforming great they are going to be pushed to the back of the line behind guys he picked.

I firmly believe in the separation of church and state, but I believe even more deeply in the separation of church and sports.

I firmly believe in the separation of church and state, but I believe even more deeply in the separation of church and sports.

Then you won't like Coach Kill.

If I recall correctly, team prayers are a big part of his methods and he leads the team in prayer fairly often. I could be wrong on that, but if my memory serves me that is accurate.

Then you won't like Coach Kill.

If I recall correctly, team prayers are a big part of his methods and he leads the team in prayer fairly often. I could be wrong on that, but if my memory serves me that is accurate.

That is a total turnoff to me.

When I go to church I don't want a Punt, Pass and Kick competition to break out either.

Then you won't like Coach Kill.

If I recall correctly, team prayers are a big part of his methods and he leads the team in prayer fairly often. I could be wrong on that, but if my memory serves me that is accurate.

It doesn't mean I don't like Coach Kill. I don't agree with that kind of stuff, but I'm mature enough to not make judgments based on an isolated set of qualities someone might have. For the record, I'm a pretty standard churchgoer who takes his spiritual life seriously. I'd just prefer that sports stay within its domain.

It doesn't mean I don't like Coach Kill. I don't agree with that kind of stuff, but I'm mature enough to not make judgments based on an isolated set of qualities someone might have. For the record, I'm a pretty standard churchgoer who takes his spiritual life seriously. I'd just prefer that sports stay within its domain.


May I add military to that list

It doesn't mean I don't like Coach Kill. I don't agree with that kind of stuff, but I'm mature enough to not make judgments based on an isolated set of qualities someone might have. For the record, I'm a pretty standard churchgoer who takes his spiritual life seriously. I'd just prefer that sports stay within its domain.

Fair enough. My apologies, didn't mean to suggest you'd hate coach kill. Poor word choice on my part. Just meant to point out kill, from what I recall, does that sort of thing.

Fair enough. My apologies, didn't mean to suggest you'd hate coach kill. Poor word choice on my part. Just meant to point out kill, from what I recall, does that sort of thing.

No problem. I should have been clearer in my original post on the topic.

True. But, he was in Kill's doghouse last year, now he isn't. He must be doing something that Coach likes.

My guess would be keeping his head down, his mouth shut and just playing ball. That is what most coaches like in their players.

My guess would be keeping his head down, his mouth shut and just playing ball. That is what most coaches like in their players.


Brewster was very much a sunshine and lollipops coach. I am not shocked that some players are unhappy about more of a disciplinarian being in the system. Look at the results in the classroom to see the outcome of both systems.

Some tweets from the media and Barker's comments that are very interesting and telling, IMO

chipscoggins ‏@chipscoggins
One thing on the AJ Barker scholarship issue. Per NCAA rules, teams must decide whether to award schollies prior to the first day of class

chipscoggins ‏@chipscoggins
So Kill had to decide whether to give Barker a scholarship after the UNLV game. Barker had 3 catches for 101 yards in that game. ...

chipscoggins ‏@chipscoggins
Barker had one career catch going into the season. Teams can't put a player on scholarsahip once school starts.

chipscoggins ‏@chipscoggins
Kill could not put Barker on scholarship until AFTER this semester, per NCAA rules, if they didn't award him one after the UNLV game.

GopherHole.com ‏@GopherHole
Barker says there is a disconnect between players who were recruited by Brewster and those recruited by Kill. #Gophers


Brewster was very much a sunshine and lollipops coach. I am not shocked that some players are unhappy about more of a disciplinarian being in the system. Look at the results in the classroom to see the outcome of both systems.

along with all the work and attention Coach Kill and staff had to put into these accomplishments.

Some tweets from the media and Barker's comments that are very interesting and telling, IMO

chipscoggins ‏@chipscoggins
One thing on the AJ Barker scholarship issue. Per NCAA rules, teams must decide whether to award schollies prior to the first day of class

chipscoggins ‏@chipscoggins
So Kill had to decide whether to give Barker a scholarship after the UNLV game. Barker had 3 catches for 101 yards in that game. ...

chipscoggins ‏@chipscoggins
Barker had one career catch going into the season. Teams can't put a player on scholarsahip once school starts.

chipscoggins ‏@chipscoggins
Kill could not put Barker on scholarship until AFTER this semester, per NCAA rules, if they didn't award him one after the UNLV game.

GopherHole.com ‏@GopherHole
Barker says there is a disconnect between players who were recruited by Brewster and those recruited by Kill. #Gophers

Thanks for the info Scher. I am not surprised by the last one. Brewster wanted to put the best players he could find on a field and trust that someone would make a big play (I remember him on TV walking through the team stretches asking "where's my playmakers at?"). Kill builds a unit and trusts that if everyone does their job on a play, then everything will work out. I can see why guys recruited for those two systems would see the world differently.

It's understood that he couldn't be put immediately on scholarship during the season, and I don't interpret Barker as saying he should have been. But based on his performance the first half of the season he was playing better than all the scholarship WRs. Hence, he should have been verbally guaranteed a schollie rather than (if there is truth to it) having conditions placed like staying healthy. Kill wouldn't pull the existing schollie of a player for getting injured so it shouldn't be a condition of Barker earning one. And it's not because he was having behavioral concerns all along, because if that were the case, Kill shouldn't have been playing him.

I think it's a case of Kill being desperate to win, trying to ride his best WR back into playing, inappropriately using his walkon status as a negative reinforcer, and the kid blowing a gasket. Both parties in the wrong here, as well as the politically incorrect assistant coach.

Unreal, apparently AJ also did an interview with Reusse and Mackey -- two interviews on one station?

Go Gophers!!

Unreal, apparently AJ also did an interview with Reusse and Mackey -- two interviews on one station?

Go Gophers!!

He's going to have fun with that one ... Mackey has seemingly taken Kill's side fairly strongly. Maybe his goal is to let the media beat him up so he can be the victim and people will feel sorry for him?

The bold part. Look at Michael Carter. Prime example of a prototypical Brewster kid. Didn't want to work or keep his head on straight, got into trouble and almost got kicked off the team. Worked his rear end off and looks like one of our best defenders under Coach Kill. AJ's logic seem flawed to me.

I find the idea that players under Brewster didn't work hard is a huge joke! All kids in any program work hard and if you don't believe that you have never been around college athletes. It's insulting to even assume that! Under Brewster it was more of the revolving door of coaches and systems nuts bs to say guys under brew didn't work hard

I find the idea that players under Brewster didn't work hard is a huge joke! All kids in any program work hard and if you don't believe that you have never been around college athletes. It's insulting to even assume that! Under Brewster it was more of the revolving door of coaches and systems nuts bs to say guys under brew didn't work hard

Proof is in the pudding. The team GPA raised by a whole point. Did they get smarter? No. They just became accountable in the classroom.

Reusse says that Kill has a volatile personality and isn't the "country bumpkin he wants us to think he is."

Go Gophers!!

Reusse says that Kill has a volatile personality and isn't the "country bumpkin he wants us to think he is."

Go Gophers!!

I don't doubt that for a minute. His record shows he can coach and he should stick to that instead of reading to us from "The Little Engine that Could" every chance he gets.

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