A few hours late...but here's Royce's video

It was a very well done video...Man, I hope he plays for us soon.

In the comments under the youtube video, Royce had some interesting things to say:

You can do whatever you set your mind to
Why tell the story on youtube. trust i know its worth more then that by all of the haters irritated responses.
It was 100% the truth i've been working out.
I am still apart of the gophers baskeball team as of right now. If you read the "well informed" startribune, my status was unchanged.
The story will be told, youtube couldn't do it justice. Speacial Thanks to "The Startribune" for promotion.
Real story will contain document evidence,not opinions.

On the one hand, it sounds like he's still committed to the team, and that he's still working hard. Which again, is a good thing. On the negative side, he sounds a little bit pleased with himself for fooling the Star Trib, which means also fooling the fans. Oh well, I just know I hope to see him in Gold by the end of the year.

Royce posted Twitter message and video but the real story is how pathetic newspapers have become when someone spends an entire day tracking down and speculating on the true meaning of a message that someone posted on Twitter. Probably not Myron's fault as he is probably being told to track info down but the Star Tribune created all this spin and speculation based on a Tweet. It looks like everyone working at the newspapers has become a gossip columnist so that they can compete with the social network sites and TMZs of the world.

I would have to say this is a case of false advertising on Royce's behalf. He claimed this was, "The Royce White Story" leading us to believe it was going to be something completely different.

I would have to say this is a case of false advertising on Royce's behalf. He claimed this was, "The Royce White Story" leading us to believe it was going to be something completely different.

I agree that his comments may have been misleading but isn't a newspaper's job to filter out real news and present it? Do we really need to have newspapers fueling the fire by giving us hourly updates that only add to speculation?

I agree that his comments may have been misleading but isn't a newspaper's job to filter out real news and present it? Do we really need to have newspapers fueling the fire by giving us hourly updates that only add to speculation?

I agree, I think the Star Tribune and whoever else jumped all over this looks foolish. The proper thing would have been to wait, watch the video and report on it today, if there was anything to it, which there wasn't. Leave the pre-video hype to the Gopherhole, which doesn't present itself as an all-encompassing, two source verifying media organization.

There just needs to be some sort of resolution to this suspension. Even a deadline for a resolution would lift the speculation that is hanging over this team. At least with Mbakwe, people are aware of what needs to happen for a decision to be made.

I have a feeling that this suspension will be wrapped up in the next week and I can't wait.

The young man made some mistakes and has been judged by the legal system and by the fans. Now its his turn to work hard and prove to the people of MN and to himself that he can get through these transgressions and be a stronger person. I can't wait to see Royce on the court wearing Maroon and Gold!!!

I personally think the events of the past day: innocent tweet (in retrospect) followed by the board lighting up like a christmas tree, Myron thinking a scoop was to be had (after reading the board no doubt) and alerting coaches, family, etc. followed by this video is AWESOME.

Good theater and Royce is not the culprit. We are.

Well played


i said it yesterday and i will say it again: i am lmao at all the holier-than-thou zealots who were freaking out about this yesterday and just got their "chains yanked" big-time by royce.

he just made myron medcalf, KFAN, wcco, kare 11, kstp, kmsp, the star tribune, the pioneer press and about 35% of this board look like nothing but a bunch of over-reacting, hating fools.

bravo royce! bravo! good theater indeed.

that was teh lame. why was royce white in quotation marks in the title? the "royce white" documentary.

Moses who are you to say anything. Do you even have a job? What are you contributing to the world? You are just a coward who isn't a fan of gopher basketball instead you are just a hater.

I served 20 years in the Army including 2 stints each in Iraq and Afghanistan...Does that sound like a coward to you??? I retired with honors....Who are you to question me??? What have you accomplished??? I recently began my 2nd career working for the Army in Europe as a civilian. But my service and job status is illrellevant in this matter.

I don't hate White or Mbawke but what I do hate is when people get clouded by an unhealthy desire to win at all costs. We've survived many years without winning and we'll be okay if we don't win...Just because we got our hopes up with the big signing of highly rated players, doesn't mean we have to let them ruin what's left of our university's once proud image. I'd rather not go the way of Oklahoma football in the 80's or Miami in the 90's...

I was willing to give White a chance to show some humility...he's clearly too arrogant and thick to get it....If Tubby keeps him, and plays him this year, I'll lose a great deal of respect for him.

I would at least like to see White suspended for the year and perhaps be given a chance to continue his career at Minnesota IF he goes to class and conducts himself properly with some humility...I just dont think he's capable.

Nobody cares about your opinion Moses, leave...Who cares if our players are 'humble?' What does humility mean on the basketball court? Nothing. I'm sure you're very brave.

I love people who volunteer to handle the elite's dirty work and then brag about it like they're better than everybody else.:clap:

Nobody cares about your opinion Moses, leave...Who cares if our players are 'humble?' What does humility mean on the basketball court? Nothing. I'm sure you're very brave.
"I love people who volunteer to handle the elite's dirty work and then brag about it like they're better than everybody else.-Goldenherbs"

Jesus people. This is how you treat the men who served our country? I like to kid Moses for the Weber to TE stuff, but the guy put his life on the line for us. He certainly wasn't bragging about anything, just defending himself. Ugh!

As far as the White stuff goes: Moses is right about not trusting White to turn things around. I doubt it as well. He did write that he hopes White will finally "get it". I feel the same way. I'm pretty sure we all would love to see White score 20 a night and lead us to the promise land, but some of us worry at what cost.

"I love people who volunteer to handle the elite's dirty work and then brag about it like they're better than everybody else.-Goldenherbs"

Jesus people. This is how you treat the men who served our country? I like to kid Moses for the Weber to TE stuff, but the guy put his life on the line for us. He certainly wasn't bragging about anything, just defending himself. Ugh!

As far as the White stuff goes: Moses is right about not trusting White to turn things around. I doubt it as well. He did write that he hopes White will finally "get it". I feel the same way. I'm pretty sure we all would love to see White score 20 a night and lead us to the promise land, but some of us worry at what cost.


Some of the trash on this board is getting even trashier.

Per Myron's tweet-

Tubby Smith's reaction to Royce White's YouTube video: "He's frustrated. ... I hope he doesn't get too frustrated

I don't know if Royce is savvy enough to pull off such a publicity stunt, but any chance he throws this video out there to remind everyone how talented he is, putting pressure on the "U" to reinstate him?

Or, maybe he just likes people to know that he can tie his shoes and shoot free throws.

Which video was better? Royce White's or Uncle Rico's? Both were showing off some mad skills.

I have not heard an Uncle Rico reference in quite some time, well-played :)

That part where he shoots the free throw....awesome.

Isn't that sad that freethrows are like a Gopher fan's porn? But it's true!

I served 20 years in the Army including 2 stints each in Iraq and Afghanistan...Does that sound like a coward to you??? I retired with honors....Who are you to question me??? What have you accomplished??? I recently began my 2nd career working for the Army in Europe as a civilian. But my service and job status is illrellevant in this matter.

I did not know that, Moses - thank you.


I have not heard an Uncle Rico reference in quite some time, well-played :)

Isn't that sad that freethrows are like a Gopher fan's porn? But it's true!

I did not know that, Moses - thank you.

GL - You are too classy for this board. IMHO.

:clap: :clap: :clap:

Glad there are some people with their heads on straight on this board.... (Section201, GopherLady, Moses87)

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