A call to Flip

I don't think it's a matter of thinking that the guy we get instead of Flip won't be good. It's just that it's more of a crapshoot. Another situation where we're throwing stuff against the wall to see what sticks. Sometimes they work (Jerry Kill, we hope), sometimes they don't (Dan Monson, Tim Brewster). We don't have a very good track record here.

Of course, Flip is no certainty. Neither is Smart or Stevens, for that matter. But I'll take my chances on a guy who went to four NBA conference finals with two teams before a guy like Enfield, who essentially is being considered basically for winning two games.

I'm a Flip fan, but there are a number of coaches I'd love to have before him -- but none of them are coming. I never thought Teague would seriously consider Flip. The fact that he did, and Flip said no, scares me.

I'll take my chances on Teague making the hire over a bunch of GH posters.

I can't wait until Teague hires a complete unknown and people storm Bierman like it's the Bastille.

Then we actually start winning and fans get more bitter about being wrong than happy about winning games.

You don't know that because I don't know that. I just don't think Flip is necessarily the savior of the entire world of basketball like some folks, and I don't think our AD should just lay down to whatever Flip demands.

Why do some posters feel if they haven't heard of the guy he can't be a good coach. Every great coach in the country was an unknown at one time. Flip is not a God, just like Tubby is not a God like some national people think.

I don't think anyone thinks flip is a "savior" and we will all a sudden be title town. Most think flip can elevate the program to probably the 3-5 range and get the money for facilities on the fast track so the next coach can take the gophers to the upper echelon. Others including myself could be wrong, but, we aren't getting guys like Shaka, buzz, Stevens, marshal, etc. so that means an unknown and that will mean an empty barn next year...

I can't wait until Teague hires a complete unknown and people storm Bierman like it's the Bastille.

Then we actually start winning and fans get more bitter about being wrong than happy about winning games.

This could very well happen, but how long before the practice facility is built? Also, what happens if he hires a Brewster and he doesn't win or recruit? What then? Does Norwood get a mulligan or do they both get run out of town?

I don't think anyone thinks flip is a "savior" and we will all a sudden be title town. Most think flip can elevate the program to probably the 3-5 range and get the money for facilities on the fast track so the next coach can take the gophers to the upper echelon. Others including myself could be wrong, but, we aren't getting guys like Shaka, buzz, Stevens, marshal, etc. so that means an unknown and that will mean an empty barn next year...

This is what worries me more than anything else. No fans, sour boosters, and no practice facility.

This could very well happen, but how long before the practice facility is built? Also, what happens if he hires a Brewster and he doesn't win or recruit? What then? Does Norwood get a mulligan or do they both get run out of town?

Are you seriously asking what happens when you don't do you job well? Herp derp.

Are you seriously asking what happens when you don't do you job well? Herp derp.

Seriously - some people think that Norwood can do no wrong. But remember this. He came from the largest university in Virginia, but it was basically a 1 sport school. He was a big fish in a small pond. It is different now. He is now in the big leagues, quite possibly a small fish in a big pond. It looks like he's overestimated his selling power by not signing Shaka. Have to believe by how quickly that he moved on Tubby, which needed to be done at some point, that he thought that he had a chance with Shaka. Didn't get him, that happens, but he should have had a backup plan to go to. I'm sure that he checked on all of the others that have been rumored. He may not have offered, but he put out feelers. His best hope, and probably what he thought his last stop, was Flip. If that is truly done, he doesn't have much to turn to. I don't think that Buzz is coming here and the FGCU coach probably isn't interested either. It's not looking good right now. Hopefully he has a plan, at least I hope that he does, and gets this done quickly.

At last, a glimmer of common sense and reality. For pete's sake, most of the posters seem to accept all speculation as truth. We're at the point where people refuse to recognize the difference between speculation, rumor and supported fact.

Run them out of town.

They just fired a HOF coach after arguably our best season since 81-82. That's a couple of decades. No Jimmy Williams, no Royce White, no Trevor Mbakwe (for a while), and NO PRACTICE FACILITY promised for 6 years. Did I mention a $2.5M buyout following another extension??? How far would that have gone towards the practice facility?

So who failed? Tubby or the U?

I like Tubby. He ran a clean program. I was OK with his dismissal until the new coach hiring turns into a goat rope.

Teague and Ellis look like mid-major amateurs today. I hope they pull this out with a home run hire, if not. BYE-BYE! They fired a better coach than it looks like they can hire. Smishilla 7. What a joke. I thought they were supposed to be networkers. (I would be happy to eat these words any minute from now)

Hmmm, was responding to 19's post, but evidently forgot to log the quotation.

Seriously - some people think that Norwood can do no wrong. But remember this. He came from the largest university in Virginia, but it was basically a 1 sport school. He was a big fish in a small pond. It is different now. He is now in the big leagues, quite possibly a small fish in a big pond. It looks like he's overestimated his selling power by not signing Shaka. Have to believe by how quickly that he moved on Tubby, which needed to be done at some point, that he thought that he had a chance with Shaka. Didn't get him, that happens, but he should have had a backup plan to go to. I'm sure that he checked on all of the others that have been rumored. He may not have offered, but he put out feelers. His best hope, and probably what he thought his last stop, was Flip. If that is truly done, he doesn't have much to turn to. I don't think that Buzz is coming here and the FGCU coach probably isn't interested either. It's not looking good right now. Hopefully he has a plan, at least I hope that he does, and gets this done quickly.

Bro no one is saying he's infallible.

The guy hasn't even made a single hire yet as AD and people are sh**ting themselves calling for his head.

It's been less than a week since Tubby was fired, get a grip people.


I know your are watching the Michigan/Florida game right now because that's just what you do 24-7 - basketball. That could be you playing to go to the Final 4 in just 2 short years. I have no idea what went wrong with your discussion with Norwood but lets not let egos get in the way. We wanted you prior to Tubby and the timing was not right. This is OUR last window and many of us who have been following Gopher basketball for the last 25-50 years want you to be the man. I would put money on the fact that the 1st exhibition game next year would be sold out. Can you imagine that? You walking back and forth in front of the bench, lifting your chin and adjusting the tie.

If Norwood wanted to pick your entire staff...he is simply not very bright and WAY over his head. If it was a Ryan Saunders issue, maybe you can bend a little bit for the U of M. Let's be honest, Ryan is set for life. If I was Ryan I would be a little po'd BUT would still would want you to move forward and accept the job for the good of the U of M.

The "dream" staff is in place. Trent Tucker has basically said he would jump at the opportunity to be your assistant. Bring on Jarod Nuness from Baylor and you likely get Tyus Jones. What comes with Tyus? Jahlil Okafor. Add Mr. Showtime, Reid Travis and we could be cutting down the nets in 2 years. Donors would be throwing money at a practice facility like no tomorrow. That is exactly the base to put MN Hoops on the map for years to come.

I am afraid Norwood and Dr. Kaler just don't understand the amazing opportunity they have in front of them because they are not from MN and just don't know how much the fan base/donors want you to walk up on that raised court to Sweet Georgia Brown.

I hope you and Norwood can put everything aside and start negotiations over for the good of the U of M. Yes, there is a chance we could still find an "adequate" coach but I think not hiring you will put us at LEAST 3-4 years behind achieving our goals That is the VERY best case. If they make the wrong hire, well, it will sadly be a ghost town.

I see a potential poem coming!!!

@darrenwolfson: Teague isn't using a search firm, but he is picking the brain of many for advice. Among those, I'm told: Kevin McHale. He's NOT a candidate.

Go Gophers!!

McHale has an ax to grind with Saunders from their days with the Wolves, especially when Flip started to increasingly resist Kevin's questionable personnel moves.

Here's my argument: Is Flip a sure success? No, but there is no way that the Villa 7 hire will be a sure thing either. I'll take my gamble with the guy that will make getting the practice facility done much easier. If he doesn't work out than in three years we can look for another coach. But at least at that point we'd have the upgraded facilities to help.


Did the OP actually say that if he was Ryan Saunders, he'd be pissed? Wow. . .

Maybe the whole Flip drama is playing out according to the storyline of the Bible.

Pontius Pilate (Teague) ordered the death of Jesus (Flip) on Good Friday and he rose to save humanity (Gopher basketball) on Easter.

Teague = Pilate
Flip = obviously our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
Ryan Saunders = ehhhh. . .even Jesus didn't command us to worship his son.

McHale has an ax to grind with Saunders from their days with the Wolves, especially when Flip started to increasingly resist Kevin's questionable personnel moves.
Good point, Bad Gopher. A Power Struggle between two Power Personalities is the ultimate Super Bowl of Pissing Contests. The boss is upwind, the employee (or potential) is downwind.

McHale has an ax to grind with Saunders from their days with the Wolves, especially when Flip started to increasingly resist Kevin's questionable personnel moves.

I would think Saunders would have more of an ax to grind than vice versa. McHale fired Flip (essentially threw him under the bus for their mutual failures). It has to be a tough decision though, you're the GM, you can't fire yourself and someone had to go. I don't blame Flip for probably being annoyed with McHale and I don't blame McHale for firing Flip.

Here's my argument: Is Flip a sure success? No, but there is no way that the Villa 7 hire will be a sure thing either. I'll take my gamble with the guy that will make getting the practice facility done much easier. If he doesn't work out than in three years we can look for another coach. But at least at that point we'd have the upgraded facilities to help.

As someone who doesn't support Flip, I think that's a perfectly reasonable and logical point. However, I don't think that it means we need to bend over backwards for him. He could make sense in those terms but under reasonable circumstances.

As someone who doesn't support Flip, I think that's a perfectly reasonable and logical point. However, I don't think that it means we need to bend over backwards for him. He could make sense in those terms but under reasonable circumstances.

Actually you said last night that you were "fine with Flip". This appears to be a good correction and more accurate. Thanks.

Actually you said last night that you were "fine with Flip". This appears to be a good correction and more accurate. Thanks.

If Teague hired Flip, I would be fine with him. He would obviously not be MY first choice (which is what I tried to say by saying I don't support him), but I realize that Teague knows a lot more about hiring college basketball coaches than I do, so if he hired Flip, I would be fine with Flip.

You see, if my guy doesn't get hired I don't have an absolute meltdown where I think we are doomed to mediocrity. I'll assume I was wrong.

This isn't that difficult of a concept to follow, you see, Flip didn't get hired and my preference would be for Teague to forget about him. However, if Teague wants to hire him or Anthony Grant or Chris Mack. . . I'd be fine with those decisions. The sky isn't going to fall with any of those decisions.

I hope to God it is NOT from #1Alphabet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't worry Don, just found out yesterday my daughter is now an International Who's Who in Poetry writer. So I'll leave writing poetry to her.

Now if somehow NT figures out a way to save face and STILL get Flip on board as the new Head Coach of the Gophers?! Then I'll be so inspired and full of joy that I just might start writing poetry. lol

Don't worry Don, just found out yesterday my daughter is now an International Who's Who in Poetry writer. So I'll leave writing poetry to her.

Now if somehow NT figures out a way to save face and STILL get Flip on board as the new Head Coach of the Gophers?! Then I'll be so inspired and full of joy that I just might start writing poetry. lol

Hopefully your poetry writing will be like mine....limited to limericks.

Much to GopherHolers chagrin,
Teague is searching for a Coach to fill in.
He said I might Flip, then again I might Flop,
I want the guy who will take our Gophers over the Top.

I'll take my chances on Teague making the hire over a bunch of GH posters.

What does this even mean?

I think most of us can agree that Teague knows more about this than we do. But we are allowed to have opinions on what we'd like to see happen, no? Based on the number of posts you've had on this over the past week, it seems you have opinions on the new coach, too. If we're not allowed to discuss and speculate on who we'd like before the new coach is named, this site might as well shut down.


I know your are watching the Michigan/Florida game right now because that's just what you do 24-7 - basketball. That could be you playing to go to the Final 4 in just 2 short years. I have no idea what went wrong with your discussion with Norwood but lets not let egos get in the way. We wanted you prior to Tubby and the timing was not right. This is OUR last window and many of us who have been following Gopher basketball for the last 25-50 years want you to be the man. I would put money on the fact that the 1st exhibition game next year would be sold out. Can you imagine that? You walking back and forth in front of the bench, lifting your chin and adjusting the tie.

If Norwood wanted to pick your entire staff...he is simply not very bright and WAY over his head. If it was a Ryan Saunders issue, maybe you can bend a little bit for the U of M. Let's be honest, Ryan is set for life. If I was Ryan I would be a little po'd BUT would still would want you to move forward and accept the job for the good of the U of M.

The "dream" staff is in place. Trent Tucker has basically said he would jump at the opportunity to be your assistant. Bring on Jarod Nuness from Baylor and you likely get Tyus Jones. What comes with Tyus? Jahlil Okafor. Add Mr. Showtime, Reid Travis and we could be cutting down the nets in 2 years. Donors would be throwing money at a practice facility like no tomorrow. That is exactly the base to put MN Hoops on the map for years to come.

I am afraid Norwood and Dr. Kaler just don't understand the amazing opportunity they have in front of them because they are not from MN and just don't know how much the fan base/donors want you to walk up on that raised court to Sweet Georgia Brown.

I hope you and Norwood can put everything aside and start negotiations over for the good of the U of M. Yes, there is a chance we could still find an "adequate" coach but I think not hiring you will put us at LEAST 3-4 years behind achieving our goals That is the VERY best case. If they make the wrong hire, well, it will sadly be a ghost town.

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