7 National Championships for Gopher Football

Ahoy-hoy chaps,

Just got back from performing some more multivariate analyses, and it turns out that Princeton also won the 1904 National Championship! Sure, we were 8-2 and lost the last game, and yes, other teams went undefeated, but my extensive historical analysis shows that this is no impediment to being awarded a national championship. For those who are not paying attention, that brings our grand total of national championships to 28. Happy days all around!


I always thought the gophers we closer to having 7 national championships than the badgers were to getting 1. Turns out I was right.

Ole said:
I for one think it's actually pretty funny when he posts.
We should be able to laugh at ourselves every once in awhile, doesn't make our national titles mean any more or less, but I think "Archie" is just here for good fun.

While I'm sure some of his wit goes right over my head (I only attended a land grant university in the "west", Wisconsin), I too enjoy AMTIII's posts.

It's kind of silly if they are indeed claiming the title this many years later. In another 50 years is someone going to say that the 2004 Utah Utes deserved the title because they went undefeated, were coached by the illustrious Urban Meyer and were quarterbacked by Super Bowl MVP* Alex Smith? After all, USC had to vacate the championship, Oklahoma had one loss and you can't give the title to Auburn, I mean, what do you think what comes up when you click "I'm Feeling Lucky" on Google after typing in "Cow College?" (Seriously. Try it.)

So congratulations 2004 Utah Utes! You did it! Sort of!

*That happens in the future, obviously. And I think the Archibald bit is funny.

And I think the Archibald bit is funny.

Bit? BIT?

You remind me of my [former] manservant Biggles. On occasion, I would give him a perfectly clear and reasonable order and he would just laugh as if I were joking. Maybe it was my fault for being too chummy with the fellow and allowing him to address me by my first name, but after a while, it became too much to bear. Look, if I knew how to clear the pool of overdosed debutantes myself, I wouldn't need a blasted manservant!

Sorry, maybe I'm misreading you. It's not you and your compatriot's fault that you laugh at what you can't comprehend, given your public school edification. I sometimes forget that each discrete social strata has a distinct vernacular, and we may be talking right past each other. I pledge to do my best to remember this going forward.


P.S. I was just informed that the 1882 season, with it's 8-2 record, meets all the required criteria of a National Championship season! That makes 29. Yea Tigers, Rah!

I like you, Archie. You make me smile. :) See?

I'm not as educated as you, but I know that a man of education and sophistication wouldn't want to use incorrect punctuation. Your post script includes a misuse of an apostrophe ("it's 8-2 record" should instead read "its 8-2 record.")

Please forgive me for correcting one of a higher social class.

I like you, Archie. You make me smile. :) See?

I'm not as educated as you, but I know that a man of education and sophistication wouldn't want to use incorrect punctuation. Your post script includes a misuse of an apostrophe ("it's 8-2 record" should instead read "its 8-2 record.")

Please forgive me for correcting one of a higher social class.

Apology accepted. The problem lies with the autocorrect feature on my iPad. It must have been programmed by someone from Stanford. While it is [not] a public school, it certainly isn't Ivy League. Then again, it certainly isn't Minnesota, so it's [contraction for "it has"] got that going for it. Which is grand.

Apology accepted. The problem lies with the autocorrect feature on my iPad. It must have been programmed by someone from Stanford. While it is a public school, it certainly isn't Ivy League. Then again, it certainly isn't Minnesota, so it's [contraction for "it has"] got that going for it. Which is grand.

When did Stanford become a public school?

I attended the scrimmage today and the Gophers did indeed add the 1904 National Championship to the banner, in fact it looks to be an entirely brand new banner. They also added a poster in the HOF lobby about the 1904 Championship team. Nice job Gophers football staff!


PS. BleedGopher, was that you there with your daughter?

I attended the scrimmage today and the Gophers did indeed add the 1904 National Championship to the banner, in fact it looks to be an entirely brand new banner. They also added a poster in the HOF lobby about the 1904 Championship team. Nice job Gophers football staff!


PS. BleedGopher, was that you there with your daughter?

It is a brand new banner. I was there when they were putting it up.

I attended the scrimmage today and the Gophers did indeed add the 1904 National Championship to the banner, in fact it looks to be an entirely brand new banner. They also added a poster in the HOF lobby about the 1904 Championship team. Nice job Gophers football staff!


PS. BleedGopher, was that you there with your daughter?

I'm confused. By banner do you mean where all the other Big Ten and National Championships years are listed on the facing of the upper deck in the student section? They actually put 1904 up there?

I'm confused. By banner do you mean where all the other Big Ten and National Championships years are listed on the facing of the upper deck in the student section? They actually put 1904 up there?

I think he means the banner in the Gibson-Nagurski Complex but not sure.

I see that our crack GopherHole staff has already changed this site to "7 Nation Titles Football Forum". I can now rest easy knowing that it is official.

I see that our crack GopherHole staff has already changed this site to "7 Nation Titles Football Forum". I can now rest easy knowing that it is official.

Killjoy, between Art V. and PH (or any of his/her other pseudos), one or both of them will find it an argumentative situation.

Killjoy, between Art V. and PH (or any of his/her other pseudos), one or both of them will find it an argumentative situation.

Dr.Don - You got me thinking about Art V. Does he live in the basement of his Mother's home too?

Nice to see a little color on the team in 1904. Integrated for over 100 years! Then, we regressed to the dark ages on some later years. What in the world happened to end the integration? Was B.B. a racist? Just asking. I'm not looking to get controversial here. Just noticed how suddenly nordic the team looked in the 30's.

this is legit

The Billingsley rankings are legit. Retroactive to be sure, but the way he goes about it is very acceptable. Other
schools have been claiming and proclaiming his national championships for years.

I once saw, during my research, this title before. I never brought it to the U's attention. I guess I was too busy
with what I was doing, and since I had found it I figured they had also.

Still, its a very nice and very legitimate claim.

Not sure what to think. Tyler says he asked about 1911 and 1915. But I didn't see it in the article.

Disappointing. Inquiring minds want to know!


old gopher ball coach bernie bierman was on that 1915 gopher football squad. just a random fun fact for you.

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