5 Different CFB Helmets on Display on SVP & Rusillo on ESPN2

I am biased. MN is the best looking one.

I've seen it several times in the past month or so. Not sure if there is a MN native on the staff or something. I know one of the producers for the Mike & Mike show is and that is probably why a Goldy bobble head is always on their desk.

That's great...but I have no idea who those people are.

That's great...but I have no idea who those people are.

U2, Goldy is a mascot for the Minnesota Golden Gophers.

bobble head is a figurine with its head on a spring.

That's great...but I have no idea who those people are.

U2, Goldy is a mascot for the Minnesota Golden Gophers.

bobble head is a figurine with its head on a spring.

Lol...made me laugh diehard.

That's great...but I have no idea who those people are.

U2, Goldy is a mascot for the Minnesota Golden Gophers.

bobble head is a figurine with its head on a spring.

Hilarious hahahaha

That's still awesome to see though, the heavy hitters along with us. I don't care what show it is, anytime that maroon "M" gets displayed prominently on ESPN, I dig it.

The helmet came the U staff - the team that runs @GopherGridiron and @GopherFBEquip. They also sent to Tim Brando Show.

Great work by them as the helmets have been getting some great placement.

The helmet came the U staff - the team that runs @GopherGridiron and @GopherFBEquip. They also sent to Tim Brando Show.

Great work by them as the helmets have been getting some great placement.

Nice! Any chance they can send one to the Game Day/Game Day Final people?? When we got a helmet sticker earlier this season, they had a helmet that was similar to our current design but the colors/font were a touch off. If Lou Holtz is gonna be pimpin the Gophs, gotta do it right!

The Gophers have been an easy team to root for. Nice to see some recognition.

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