as the MSHSL has made abundantly clear, geographic representation is one of their core values.
6A is different because almost all 6A schools are in the same relative geographic area. It really is - more or less - the "big metro schools" class.
5A has a majority of teams in the greater metro area, but it does have teams in outstate MN.
4A and below are state-wide classes with teams in all regions of the state.
Look - if I ran the MSHSL, I would get rid of one class of 11-man and redistribute the teams. try to have 8 teams in every section if possible. also dump the districts and go to section scheduling. If Iowa can make it work, MN can make it work.
but no matter what system you have, some teams are going to be better than other teams. some teams are going to win more often. you cannot legislate that. and I don't believe in penalizing success.