2023-2024 College Basketball Coaches Hired/Fired Thread


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Nov 11, 2008
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Bob Huggins first out of the gate:

Go Gophers!!

I'm going to say this of the top. I AM NOT SAYING WE SHOULD FIRE CBJ TODAY!

That said, for the crew that says every coach gets 4 years, it's not coach x's fault they inherited a bad program etc. Maybe in 1974 that's an excuse now it's not. CBJ needs to win now or it's time to go. For the record, Stubblefield had a conference record of 9-38 in his 2+ years, CBJ currently is 9-37.... yes DePaul is trending down thus why CBJ should get this whole year, but there better be a change in record soon.

I'm going to say this of the top. I AM NOT SAYING WE SHOULD FIRE CBJ TODAY!

That said, for the crew that says every coach gets 4 years, it's not coach x's fault they inherited a bad program etc. Maybe in 1974 that's an excuse now it's not. CBJ needs to win now or it's time to go. For the record, Stubblefield had a conference record of 9-38 in his 2+ years, CBJ currently is 9-37.... yes DePaul is trending down thus why CBJ should get this whole year, but there better be a change in record soon.
depaul AD one month ago:
‘‘The stuff and the talk about the in-season stuff, that’s just irregular for me unless there are circumstances that bring that about,’’ he said. ‘‘I don’t see ourselves making a change in the middle of the season if we don’t have something irregular.’’

what changes an AD's mind? an alum stepping up with $s for the buyout?

an aside: I'm a ray meyer fan from the 1970s

I'm going to say this of the top. I AM NOT SAYING WE SHOULD FIRE CBJ TODAY!

That said, for the crew that says every coach gets 4 years, it's not coach x's fault they inherited a bad program etc. Maybe in 1974 that's an excuse now it's not. CBJ needs to win now or it's time to go. For the record, Stubblefield had a conference record of 9-38 in his 2+ years, CBJ currently is 9-37.... yes DePaul is trending down thus why CBJ should get this whole year, but there better be a change in record soon.
I'm mostly indifferent on a mid-season change but it would be nice to be able to get a jump on the search. Ben is coaching for his job this week IMO. If they lose both, it's a 5 game losing streak with Michigan State, Iowa and Purdue looming the next 4. Pretty hard to stop the snowball rolling down the hill at that point. A win tomorrow would be huge. But at least a split this week is needed.

IDK- let’s they lose both by a combined total of 4 points. You still want the staff switched out immediately? I watch every game and I am now on board with Stocker. Win em all and make the tourney and quiet the naysayers.

IDK- let’s they lose both by a combined total of 4 points. You still want the staff switched out immediately? I watch every game and I am now on board with Stocker. Win em all and make the tourney and quiet the naysayers.

IDK- let’s they lose both by a combined total of 4 points. You still want the staff switched out immediately? I watch every game and I am now on board with Stocker. Win em all and make the tourney and quiet the naysayers.
It's especially true with Viking fans but fairly universal all around: Minnesota sports fans have a healthy fantasy life.

depaul AD one month ago:
‘‘The stuff and the talk about the in-season stuff, that’s just irregular for me unless there are circumstances that bring that about,’’ he said. ‘‘I don’t see ourselves making a change in the middle of the season if we don’t have something irregular.’’

what changes an AD's mind? an alum stepping up with $s for the buyout?

an aside: I'm a ray meyer fan from the 1970s
I miss the WGN games and the sold out Rosemount Horizon. Grew up in the area.

DePaul is a good appetizer, but the closer we get to March, the closer we get to full on coach rumor silly season! (Emphasis on rumor - this account is right sometimes but wrong plenty of times)


DePaul is a good appetizer, but the closer we get to March, the closer we get to full on coach rumor silly season! (Emphasis on rumor - this account is right sometimes but wrong plenty of times)

That Twitter handle is a bit of a loose cannon but also a great follow. They do hit on some stuff, so you have to take them with a grain of salt but also pay attention. To their credit, they do qualify the statement with an honest assessment of the reliability of the source.

That Twitter handle is a bit of a loose cannon but also a great follow. They do hit on some stuff, so you have to take them with a grain of salt but also pay attention. To their credit, they do qualify the statement with an honest assessment of the reliability of the source.
Muss is no dummy. He knows he would be a home run hire in this market, and rev up the fan base immediately. He also knows that if this situation doesn't improve, there will be a large pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. The U will have no choice. I'm ambivalent on him. A bit of a loose canon for my tastes, but great success everywhere.

Muss is no dummy. He knows he would be a home run hire in this market, and rev up the fan base immediately. He also knows that if this situation doesn't improve, there will be a large pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. The U will have no choice. I'm ambivalent on him. A bit of a loose canon for my tastes, but great success everywhere.
I actually find Arizona State at least as interesting a prospect for Muss as here (since there's been talk in the past that his wife doesn't want to be anywhere cold) - they aren't going to have the same kind of expectations as Arkansas - they've only made the tournament 5 times in the last 17 seasons and probably won't be there this year, it's back out generally west where he's had success in the past, and they might get a bounce from bringing in a new coach at the same time they move to the Big 12. I was already thinking Bobby Hurley's probably at the end of his rope there and needs to find a way to get back east to his own natural territory, too.

Muss is no dummy. He knows he would be a home run hire in this market, and rev up the fan base immediately. He also knows that if this situation doesn't improve, there will be a large pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. The U will have no choice. I'm ambivalent on him. A bit of a loose canon for my tastes, but great success everywhere.
But can he keep his shirt on? Lol

I actually find Arizona State at least as interesting a prospect for Muss as here (since there's been talk in the past that his wife doesn't want to be anywhere cold) - they aren't going to have the same kind of expectations as Arkansas - they've only made the tournament 5 times in the last 17 seasons and probably won't be there this year, it's back out generally west where he's had success in the past, and they might get a bounce from bringing in a new coach at the same time they move to the Big 12. I was already thinking Bobby Hurley's probably at the end of his rope there and needs to find a way to get back east to his own natural territory, too.
Arizona in July (when they actually have free time) is hell. She can have a winter condo there like any good Minnesotan.

Muss is no dummy. He knows he would be a home run hire in this market, and rev up the fan base immediately. He also knows that if this situation doesn't improve, there will be a large pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. The U will have no choice. I'm ambivalent on him. A bit of a loose canon for my tastes, but great success everywhere.
I actually find Arizona State at least as interesting a prospect for Muss as here (since there's been talk in the past that his wife doesn't want to be anywhere cold) - they aren't going to have the same kind of expectations as Arkansas - they've only made the tournament 5 times in the last 17 seasons and probably won't be there this year, it's back out generally west where he's had success in the past, and they might get a bounce from bringing in a new coach at the same time they move to the Big 12. I was already thinking Bobby Hurley's probably at the end of his rope there and needs to find a way to get back east to his own natural territory, too.
Because truth tends to be stranger than fiction, I would not be surprised if there's something to this, and I wouldn't be surprised if Muss has more interest in the U than the U has in him. First, and I could be wrong about this, I do think Coyle will be inclined to give Ben enough rope for Brian to hang himself with. Second, hiring Muss would take more balls than Coyle possesses on at least three levels.

Because truth tends to be stranger than fiction, I would not be surprised if there's something to this, and I wouldn't be surprised if Muss has more interest in the U than the U has in him. First, and I could be wrong about this, I do think Coyle will be inclined to give Ben enough rope for Brian to hang himself with. Second, hiring Muss would take more balls than Coyle possesses on at least three levels.
I might have agreed 5 years ago, but pretty much anything goes now with the NCAA. What really is the risk now? Plus, if he's nervous about the inevitable "you didn't give Ben as long as you gave Pitino" column from Jim Souhan and company, hiring Muss pretty much guarantees no one will care.

I might have agreed 5 years ago, but pretty much anything goes now with the NCAA. What really is the risk now? Plus, if he's nervous about the inevitable "you didn't give Ben as long as you gave Pitino" column from Jim Souhan and company, hiring Muss pretty much guarantees no one will care.
Anyone who's worried about what one of the local hack writers publish isn't the person for this job. To his credit, Coyle has never struck me as someone like that.

I lost track; do we even have a president right now? Would that make it the right or wrong time to hire a coach? We need Mitch McConnell to pull some bullshit rule out of his ass.

The bad look, of course, is hiring the literal same DNA as the disgraced former coach from a half century ago. That's always going to be the reason regardless of the current mores of the industry.

I’m not so sure on that. A sort of contrarian theory is that a low level job in a Power 2 or 3 is much harder than a higher level job just below that. That could make it much harder for places like Vandy to draw good candidates.

I’m not so sure on that. A sort of contrarian theory is that a low level job in a Power 2 or 3 is much harder than a higher level job just below that. That could make it much harder for places like Vandy to draw good candidates.
Football takes 12 teams and basketball takes 68 teams in the tournament. Basketball will be much slower to become the P2. The Big East can get its own basketball deals with the quality of play. It could be a P3 with Big East for basketball, but B12 and ACC will have to follow the football likely.

I’m not so sure on that. A sort of contrarian theory is that a low level job in a Power 2 or 3 is much harder than a higher level job just below that. That could make it much harder for places like Vandy to draw good candidates.
I assume it's all about $$$. That said, Vandy is a tough job.

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