Utsby busy playing soccer when does the commitment happen?
Has she visited anywhere yet? Most kids start taking their official visits in September. Recruiting will start heating up for everyone soon.
Utsby busy playing soccer when does the commitment happen?
Per previous comments on here, she has visited Gophers many times and had done a visit to Utah and Northwestern. I am unsure if she has or plans to visit the other two on her top 5 (North Carolina and Pitt)
Last said end of July was goal for announcement, unsure if pushed back is good or bad sign for gophers and if or when the new goal to commit is.
I know that was mentioned on here but July is 2 weeks of AAU for the kids and 8 days of a dead period when no visits can take place. The end of July timeline never made much sense especially if she was gonna take multiple visits.
The end of July referred to the end of the viewing period. She had already visited multiple places and narrowed it down to three schools: UM, Northwestern and Utah. The Pitt and North Carolina additions happened unexpectedly in July. Not sure if she has visited those two yet or when she is going to make a decision.
Utsby official visit to UM starts tomorrow I believe.
Gabby Elliot will be doing her official visit this weekend as well.
Any updates on how the weekend visit was for Utsby and Elliott?
What are they waiting on? Sign up ladies being in Gopher Nation is a good thing!
This was Elliots 1st official visit, I'm sure she'll take at least 1 or 2 more before she decides. Sounds like Ustby has visited all or most of her schools, she should be in decision mode soon.
I think she probably picked Arizona. Go look at Adia Barnes (Arizona head coach)’s Twitter. Comment about “today is good, but tomorrow will be better” about 3 hours ago.