105-man camp roster


Elite Poster
Nov 24, 2008
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According to GI, scholarship players not on the 105-man roster:

- Duke Anyanwu
- Sean Ferguson
- Quinn Bauducco
- Cameron Wilson
- Dexter Foreman

Anyanwu makes sense given that he is a true freshman and was almost certainly going to redshirt anyway, but the others are pretty surprising to me, particularly Ferguson and Bauducco. Can we speculate that these guys are on their way out?

Baudacco and Anyanwu have injuries.
Wilson is probably just not that good/maybe shouldn't have been on scholarship to begin with.
Ferguson/Foreman are mysteries. Foreman wasn't around at spring camp from what I remember. Wondering if it's academics/transfer. Ferguson is one of the many guys fighting for a job on the Oline, had ok academics coming in if I remember.

Our Aussie mystery punter made the roster: #94 Christian Eldred. Obviously he's here, enrolled, and kicking the crap out of the football. Here's to seeing his 50 meter/5-second hang-time punts.

Good to see Carter made it. The GI twit was bogus.
An entire string of comment on Carter, and low and behold he tweeted he would be there, and he is. GI trying to hard, needs to retract the comment and appologize to those on this board.

If it was hard to leave these guys off, it may be a good sign for guys like Alipate who may be developing better than expected at their new position and for injury prone guys like Beal. I'm sure position depth has a lot to do with it but I'm feeling better about the team's overall depth.

Go Gophers!

That's odd about Foreman. His Twitter has pictures of him in his jersey and stuff like that, so he didn't transfer.

I am curious if Duke is going to wait until December to enroll. I think it could only make sense because Duke is so young for his age (he'll be 17 until late September) and he is coming back from an injury. So it might make more sense for him to just recover for a couple months and lift weights and enroll in December, then he'd still have 5 to play 4. He might be willing to do this, he was open to greyshirting when he signed, but I don't know if it's too late or anything.

Wilson - - he seems to be a guy who is on scholarship who doesn't really have a chance to play, despite WR being a position of desperate need.

Ferguson - - I am not sure what to think about him being left off the roster. I am surprised on one hand but then again, he would have had a difficult time breaking the 3 deeps - - - Olson / Gjere / Lenkiawicz / Bush / McAvoy / Pirsig (I know he's being RS, but for reps during practice), and even Ernie Heifort (as well Campion playing multiple positions).

Foreman - - I think he's in a similar boat to Ferguson. Gray / Shortell / Leidner / Nelson all need to get a lot of reps. I still would have liked to see him make the 105 roster only because he'll likely be our 3rd string QB next year barring injuries and I would have liked to have a QB who is more of a runner to get snaps to take some hits off Gray (ala Jordan Lynch at Northern Illinois).

Bauducco is an injury guy.

I think Duke was here in the summer which would have started his clock so greyshirting is out.

I think Duke was here in the summer which would have started his clock so greyshirting is out.

Ahh makes sense. I forgot that they start classes in the summer. Thanks for clearing that up!

husker70 said:
An entire string of comment on Carter, and low and behold he tweeted he would be there, and he is. GI trying to hard, needs to retract the comment and appologize to those on this board.

GI has tried to reach on more then a few things to come out with news first - that's what happens when your a pay site.

I think Sean Ferguson is injured. Maybe I'm making that up.

I think Duke was here in the summer which would have started his clock so greyshirting is out.

Yeah Duke has already been around all summer.
FWIW I saw him hurdle in the spring, he looked really impressive, probably around 240 lbs going over the high hurdles smoothly. He's got a knee injury supposedly, heal him up, redshirt him, and find a spot for him once he can practice. I could see him at TE, H-back, WR, LB, DE, or maybe even DT.

I noticed alot of the "late" walk ons aren't on the list, cavonte johnson, the K from bemidji, Hunter Friesen, the WR from florida, Augustine Popugua, etc. I suppose they are surefire redshirts and are going to be looked at later down the line.

Baudacco and Anyanwu have injuries.
Wilson is probably just not that good/maybe shouldn't have been on scholarship to begin with.
Ferguson/Foreman are mysteries. Foreman wasn't around at spring camp from what I remember. Wondering if it's academics/transfer. Ferguson is one of the many guys fighting for a job on the Oline, had ok academics coming in if I remember.

Foreman was sighted at spring camp, and he was at the spring game in a green jersey. Also, do I recall Kill saying that they did not have any academic casualties this spring?

Correct me if I'm wrong on this, but the players who didn't make the 105-man list can join the team at a later date, right?

Just speculating, but leaving some people off the list may be a motivational tool - or an indication of where they sit on the overall depth chart.

I don't think it necessarily indicates that those players don't have a future with the program.

Correct me if I'm wrong on this, but the players who didn't make the 105-man list can join the team at a later date, right?

That's correct.

I don't think it necessarily indicates that those players don't have a future with the program.

You're right, it doesn't necessarily indicate that, but it is exceedingly rare for a scholarship player (especially non-true freshmen) to be left off the 105 if they are not injured. Given that there are no more than 85 scholarship players at any given time, it means that there are at least 20 walk-ons who the staff thinks are more worthy of a camp spot than you. I would not take that as a good sign if I were a player, especially if I've been in the program 2-3 years already. As MV pointed out this morning, only one scholarship player (and I'm not sure who that player was) was left off the 105 last year, and he transferred out after the season.

I also take it as a good sign that our walk-on program is progressing well to have that many non-scholarship players in came. Even still, scholarship players who have a future with the team should always be on the 105 unless injured or a true freshman.

Players can be added and removed from the roster during camp. A player that has a realitivly minor injury, that needs a little time, might be left off the roster in the expectation that injuries during camp will open up some slots. The roster limits come off with the start of classes.

That's correct.

You're right, it doesn't necessarily indicate that, but it is exceedingly rare for a scholarship player (especially non-true freshmen) to be left off the 105 if they are not injured. Given that there are no more than 85 scholarship players at any given time, it means that there are at least 20 walk-ons who the staff thinks are more worthy of a camp spot than you. I would not take that as a good sign if I were a player, especially if I've been in the program 2-3 years already. As MV pointed out this morning, only one scholarship player (and I'm not sure who that player was) was left off the 105 last year, and he transferred out after the season.

I also take it as a good sign that our walk-on program is progressing well to have that many non-scholarship players in came. Even still, scholarship players who have a future with the team should always be on the 105 unless injured or a true freshman.

So I know that scholarships are one year, not guaranteed from one year to the next (though it is very rare to not renew a scholarship from what I understand). So I'm wondering when do they actually renew/issue a player's scholarship? Spring, summer, before fall registration?? Is it too late to not give them out for the scholarship players that didn't make the roster if they want to go down that road?

I would have been much less surprised if Hawthorne and/or Orseske were on that list.

Foreman confuses me a little. I only saw the Spring Game, but I heard he looked pretty good during the spring practices. And as someone else mentioned I'd think he'd be the 3rd QB this season, unless both Gray and Shortell are out an extended period AND Nelson or Leidner start doing outstanding in practice.

I guess this is consistent with what Kill said in one of his weekly updates with Sid a few weeks ago. He stated that not all of the scholarship players were going to make the 105 man roster. I hope that's more of a positive toward the walk-ons than a negative toward the scholarship players...

Here ya go:

" Limit on Number of Participants—Bowl Subdivision. [FBS] In bowl subdivision football, there shall be a limit of 105 student-athletes who may engage in practice activities prior to the institution’s first day of classes or the institution’s first contest, whichever occurs earlier. (Adopted: 1/11/94, Revised: 12/15/06) Replacement of Student-Athlete Who Voluntarily Withdraws. [FBS] A student-athlete who has voluntarily withdrawn from an institution’s team, has departed the practice site and no longer will engage in any preseason activities may be replaced with another student-athlete without including that individual in the institution’s 105-participant preseason practice limitation. (Adopted: 1/10/95) Replacement of Student-Athlete Due to Injury or Illness. [FBS] A student-athlete who sustains an injury or illness that prevents further participation in preseason practice activities may be replaced with another student-athlete without including that individual in the institution’s limitation on number of individuals who may participate in preseason practice. The replaced studentathlete shall cease participation in all athletically related activities (including team meetings and film review) and shall not resume participation in athletically related activities before the institution’s first day of classes or first contest, whichever occurs first. The replaced student-athlete may continue to receive preseason practice expenses. (Adopted: 1/17/09)"

So, if a player is out for the rest of Fall Camp, he can be replaced. Once class starts, everyone can participate.

I would have been much less surprised if Hawthorne and/or Orseske were on that list.

Was waiting for this one. That's why Kill is the Coach and we aren't.;) Both have talent. Hawthorne and Orseske are the presumptive starters until supplanted. We have no idea what kind of a summer each one of these guys had...

So I know that scholarships are one year, not guaranteed from one year to the next (though it is very rare to not renew a scholarship from what I understand). So I'm wondering when do they actually renew/issue a player's scholarship? Spring, summer, before fall registration?? Is it too late to not give them out for the scholarship players that didn't make the roster if they want to go down that road?

I would have been much less surprised if Hawthorne and/or Orseske were on that list.

Foreman confuses me a little. I only saw the Spring Game, but I heard he looked pretty good during the spring practices. And as someone else mentioned I'd think he'd be the 3rd QB this season, unless both Gray and Shortell are out an extended period AND Nelson or Leidner start doing outstanding in practice.

I guess this is consistent with what Kill said in one of his weekly updates with Sid a few weeks ago. He stated that not all of the scholarship players were going to make the 105 man roster. I hope that's more of a positive toward the walk-ons than a negative toward the scholarship players...

It's now becoming a lot clearer as to the direction Kill is taking with the Quarterbacks. Both Gray and Foreman are/were dual threat quarterbacks. With this being Gray's last year and the Shortell/Nelson/Liedner group vying for playing time in the future, it looks like the emphasis will be more on pocket passing and the running backs carrying the weight of the running game. Gray was our leading rusher last year....I don't think we'll see any of our quarterbacks being the leading rusher for a long time - if ever during Kills coaching career.

It's now becoming a lot clearer as to the direction Kill is taking with the Quarterbacks. Both Gray and Foreman are/were dual threat quarterbacks. With this being Gray's last year and the Shortell/Nelson/Liedner group vying for playing time in the future, it looks like the emphasis will be more on pocket passing and the running backs carrying the weight of the running game. Gray was our leading rusher last year....I don't think we'll see any of our quarterbacks being the leading rusher for a long time - if ever during Kills coaching career.

Don't agree at all. Nelson is a dual threat QB all the way. Shortell is more of a pocket QB, but has show the ability to take off. Leidner is closer to Nelson than Shortell in style. I think Kill always wants a dual threat QB.

Chandler Harnish threw for 8,944 career yards on 687-of-1,110 passing for a 61.9 completion percentage with 26 interceptions and 68 touchdown passes. Rushed for 2,983 yards on 538 carries with 24 touchdowns and averaged 5.5 yards per carry.

At SUI, Kills QB's rushed over 700 times in 7 seasons...

Does anyone know what happened to Devante Fudge? He kind of appeared out of no-where on the freshman move-in video but now notice he isn't on the roster.

Don't agree at all. Nelson is a dual threat QB all the way. Shortell is more of a pocket QB, but has show the ability to take off. Leidner is closer to Nelson than Shortell in style. I think Kill always wants a dual threat QB.

Chandler Harnish threw for 8,944 career yards on 687-of-1,110 passing for a 61.9 completion percentage with 26 interceptions and 68 touchdown passes. Rushed for 2,983 yards on 538 carries with 24 touchdowns and averaged 5.5 yards per carry.

At SUI, Kills QB's rushed over 700 times in 7 seasons...

I agree Highwayman, I would be pretty surprised if our QBs don't run the ball quite a bit during their entire time here. Nelson is a very good runner. I also think it would seem like a waste in our system to not have a QB who ran the ball a bit. One of the biggest advantages of the spread-option is that it forces the defense to account for everyone, including the QB. Running the spread option with a QB who can't/won't run, isn't really logical.

Does anyone know what happened to Devante Fudge? He kind of appeared out of no-where on the freshman move-in video but now notice he isn't on the roster.

The great mystery of Devante Fudge. My only guess is that he's one of those walkons who will join the team once fall practices begin. The Popguanta (spelling) kid from River Falls was also at move-in day and he isn't participating in camp. So my guess is that Fudge is in that same position, or else he somehow snuck onto our move-in footage (jk).

From a player on the team third hand, he showed up and did not get the 'respect' he thought he should get and decided to leave.

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