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  1. denguegopher

    Gopher +12.5 vs Penn State
  2. denguegopher

    Stumbled across this on Facebook

    1980, Earle Bruce's staff. Anyone recognize a "Grinnin" assistant?
  3. denguegopher

    Shriner's, Kiwanis etc

    Just read an obit in the Rochester paper and one man was very involved in these organizations. He appeared to contribute a lot to the community. Is it necessary to be invited by a current member to join these associations?
  4. denguegopher

    Keenan Cooper

    I just read that the former Gopher is no longer on the coaching staff at Luther College. He has apparently taken a job in Luther's Office of Development. Perhaps he'll phone me requesting a donation. I give to Luther but they won't get rich off of me. Good luck to Keenan in his new job.
  5. denguegopher

    Cam Wiley

    Was at a fast food place today and the young man behind the counter notices my Gophers hat and asks me if I like that team. His best friend is Cam Wiley. He reported that Cam is doing well in Akron and left Minnesota because he thought that he would have a better shot at the NFL if he could get...
  6. denguegopher

    1974 Baltimore Colts

    I have no memory of two Gophers being on that team.
  7. denguegopher

    Craig Curry

    He was just before I started to follow the Gophers. I did not realize that he almost made the Dolphins.
  8. denguegopher

    Deion (sp) Sanders, Jackson State

    Enjoyed the story about his Tigers on 60 Minutes. I know that its probably been posted here, but Tim Brewster is on his staff.
  9. denguegopher

    Gaelin Elmore

    My niece just texted me and indicated that she's attending a conference in Minneapolis. Not sure of the topic but she just heard Gaelin speak. She works for Mower County Social Services, so my guess that the topic would be in that sphere. Said that he was great to listen to. Love to see Gophers...
  10. denguegopher

    Did I miss something?

    In the past I would visit this page on rare occasion to read political opinion. Some of it was insightful, other comments were funny or inflammatory, and some vacuous, but it still made for entertaining reading. So I can assume that all that good stuff is now outlawed?
  11. denguegopher

    Stumbled across this today

    The 1979 Michigan-Indiana game where the Michigan player (#23) purposefully tosses the ball out or bounds to stop the clock and of course there was no penalty called. That would be a 15-yard penalty when most teams do that. I know that the topic is old, but IMHO its just an example of the...
  12. denguegopher

    Keenan Cooper hired as DIII DC

    Hired at my alma mater. Best of luck to him, the team/program is about as low as they can get right now.
  13. denguegopher

    So USAToday says

    that we are staying home for bowl season?
  14. denguegopher

    Michigan State helmets

    What do you think of Michigan State using those padded helmets in their spring game? If it helps I'm for it. Cornell actually used helmets like that in games at the time of Ed Marino. Not easy to see but the top of the helmet has a layer of padding.
  15. denguegopher

    Terry Bowden back in the saddle
  16. denguegopher

    Fleck featured in USA Today!*%20%5BTangent%20Desktop%20Tile%5D&utm_campaign=ddd4f28...
  17. denguegopher

    This might be old news
  18. denguegopher

    Smaller Minnesota schools recruiting Las Vegas
  19. denguegopher

    Viramontes resurfaces

    Saw this in the paper today.
  20. denguegopher

    No line on Gophers - MD; Annexstad questionable?

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