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  1. Mr. 131

    That crowd really surprised me!

    The Iowa game had better attendance, but the crowd last night was way more engaged and enthusiastic the whole game. Folks standing for large chunks, music rocking, students acting like maniacs… it felt different. Maybe the pressure was off and everyone just came to enjoy a game, maybe there...
  2. Mr. 131

    I don't know where my fandom goes from here...

    Guys, I just need a space for my grief. Please don't roll your eyes. There is absolutely years of pain behind this post. 1991... 1991 is the last time I saw a MN sports team taste glory - I was six. No, I don't give a shit about the Lynx. Something about this loss feels final. Something...
  3. Mr. 131

    Jersey's roughly 40% off at bookstore through 10/21...

    I prefer the Kill era jerseys, but I'm picky like that. But for those still rowing, or at least holding an oar, this is a relatively good deal. Now if I could just buy a white one.
  4. Mr. 131

    Well, I finally joined Dinkytown Athletes - whose with me, and whose already here?

    I've been waffling for a while now - but despite the NW trainwreck that was, I have heeded Fleck's call to action and am now shelling out for the team. Of course, like most of you, I am a season ticket holder, and I plan to buy Duck Duck beer as well (even though I think it tastes pretty bad)...
  5. Mr. 131

    Most cost effective way to watch Gopher Football at home.

    Hi everyone, This squarely falls in the "let me google that for you" realm of feedback. So please assume positive intent, as I have actually done a modicum of research but am still left wondering. The skinny: I have season tickets, but like to watch the game at home as well (at least the...
  6. Mr. 131

    Gopher Loyalty Program - how many years does it take to get something better than a used washcloth?

    So the Gopher's Loyalty program is a benefit to season ticket holders, so this question is directed at all you season ticket holders. I'm only in my second year - and I expect it will take quite a while to build up my gopher score. That said, I was surprised at how thoroughly sold out all the...
  7. Mr. 131

    Minnesota vs. Iowa - as told with GIF's

    Give me a GIF story that illustrates tomorrow's narrative for the MASSIVE hate-week battle! Welcoming Iowa fans to Minnesota: Drinking fireball in a parking lot: Me, greeting every single Gopher fan (and maybe even some Iowa fans) after a few drinks: My sentiment at kickoff: Watching Mo...
  8. Mr. 131

    Season Ticket Renewal - a Poll and a question

    I currently plan to renew, but I am thinking of changing seats. Right now, I'm in 131 (moniker be damned). I really enjoy the student section's energy next to my seats, but my viewpoint is rough. So many times this year I've thought a 3 yard gain was 5. Now I might just need to get higher in...
  9. Mr. 131

    "BIG Tailgate" show will be on campus for homecoming...

    It looks like the BIG Tailgate show will be on campus tomorrow. I have no idea where they will be, or if it's a fan friendly event in the same way that gameday is....but just sharing that they mention this in their show today. Roughly the 24 min mark. Ski U Mah!
  10. Mr. 131

    Tailgating without a "home" group

    Hey there elite! I've been lurking for a long time and this is the season that finally got me to make an account! I've always really enjoyed reading posts on here, and I'm secretly hoping for a "full banana" set of unis someday in the future. If that doesn't tell you how much I lurk maybe...

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