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  1. RodentRampage

    Double or Nothing - BRING THE SLAB OF BACON!

    An invitation to the Rose Bowl is on the line this Saturday. I think that in addition the Gophers bringing Paul Bunyan's Axe to TCF Bank Stadium, the Badgers ought to bring the Slab of Bacon. Double or Nothing, Winner Take All! Just think of it, the Axe on one side of the field, the Slab on the...
  2. RodentRampage

    The Axe

    The story goes that the Slab of Bacon was delivered to the Gophers locker room after Minnesota win the 1943 game but the coach refused to accept it, claiming that the trophy was frivolous during a time of war. Wisconsin claimed to have lost it, but it had been updated with the scores until 1970...
  3. RodentRampage

    Rose Bowl Parade

    If we go to the Rose Bowl, I'm planning to go to the game and the parade. The Rose Bowl game now dominates the event, but once upon the time, the game was just an added attraction for the Tournament of Roses.
  4. RodentRampage

    Can’t handle the build up

    It's only (arguably) the biggest game in Gophers history. Win and it's the Rose bowl for the first time in 58 years.
  5. RodentRampage

    The Axe

    You could build a bridge out it it.
  6. RodentRampage

    The Axe

    It's made of wood.
  7. RodentRampage

    Gopher Bowl game question

    It does look like if the Gophers don't make the Rose Bowl they'll be playing in Florida.
  8. RodentRampage

    Gameday/Axe Game ideas...get Paul and Babe here, get I35 bridge Maroon and Gold, others? Something in St Paul, Roch, Duluth, MOA?

    I remember when the Twins were in the World Series, Foshay Tower was lit up with "WIN TWINS" instead of the usual "FOSHAY". They could light it up with "GOPHERS".
  9. RodentRampage

    Now I'm confused....fair catch rule.

    ARTICLE 3. An invalid signal is any waving signal by a player of Team B: a. That does not meet the requirements of Article 2 (above); or b. That is given after a scrimmage kick is caught beyond the neutral zone, strikes the ground or touches another player beyond the neutral zone (A.R...
  10. RodentRampage

    KARE 11: Gopher greats Bud Grant and Rickey Foggie weigh in on '19 team

    Did Minnesota have a freshman football team back then?
  11. RodentRampage

    Chris Orr addresses fans and says "We're going to get our axe back."

    Besides, it's our Axe. Paul Bunyan's a Minnesotan. He only visited Wisconsin to go to the Dells.
  12. RodentRampage

    Chris Orr addresses fans and says "We're going to get our axe back."

    No. I'll bring hat and make you eat it. I'm never going to apologize for being optimistic about the Gophers. If you're going to run some smack against the Gophers if the Gophers lose, I can't stop you from doing that.
  13. RodentRampage

    Milestone Alert: First-place tie clinched

    Not only have the Gophers clinched no worse than a first place tie for the division, even if the Gophers lose, they will have the second best record in the Big Ten, which hasn't happened since they won the conference in 1967. If the Gophers beat Wisconsin and Michigan beats Ohio State, the...
  14. RodentRampage

    Milestone Alert: First-place tie clinched

    Right now, the focus is on beating Wisconsin and getting to the Big Ten championship game, but a share of the title is still something.
  15. RodentRampage

    Where are You Watching B1G West Title Game?

    At my mother's house up north.
  16. RodentRampage

    Eating our opponents - Northwestern Edition

    I found a recipe for Wildcat, but it doesn't actually contain any wild cat. Ingredients 1 pound finely ground grass fed beef tenderloin- raw 1 teaspoon brown mustard 1/2 teaspoon hot pepper sauce 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce 1 teaspoon brandy 1 pinch salt, or to taste ground white pepper to...
  17. RodentRampage

    It is Thursday...who is playing QB Saturday?

    CBS Sports - NCAA punts on embracing gambling by rejecting national college football injury reports Yahoo! Sports - With the onset of legalized betting, could injury reports be mandated in college football? That's just a drop in the bucket. It's well-documented that the NFL's requiring injury...
  18. RodentRampage

    AP: In Minnesota, everyone’s aboard the Gophers boat

    Things have changed. I watched the Penn State game at Peppers and Fries and it was great to have a whole room cheering. It used to be that I could to a restaurant and ask to put the Gophers on and had to explain the concept. I remember trying to watch the game in a restaurant and some jerks...

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