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    Thank God for a commercial. Not.
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    Fire Ben Johnson

    I know for a fact I could take a charge and then paddles afterward.
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    The team is playing with warrior spirit tonight and that is how it needs to be the rest of the season. Now, quit trading baskets and get a stop.
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    ESPN: Effort to unionize college athletes hits stumbling block

    The players association reminds me of the last line in the Declaration. "And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the Protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and sacred Honor." Not that it matters to this discussion.
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    Fire Ben Johnson

    I would gladly put on a uniform with a dozen retirees who know how to pass a ball, have dad bods and put on too many six packs on top of the old six pack to fill in for the NIL wannabee's Who is with me?
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    Ben Johnson: We know we’re really close to breaking through. (video)

    The honorable thing to do is to for Ben to notify Mark and tell him to find his replacement immediately and that he will remain until told otherwise. Failure is not cute, an option or simply fate.
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    All Things 2024-25 Minnesota Timberwolves In-Season Thread

    Finch's offense doesn't exist. He has no offensive philosophy that I can detect. Yet, for some unexplainable reason, I like him as a coach. As for the team, am I the only person that thinks they have developed a talent for laziness on offense?
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    PJ was hired 8 years ago today. What grade would you give the Fleck era?

    I'm thinking PJ Fleck has motivation now that he was doused in mayo to win more games. Nobody, I mean nobody, wants a repeat of that experience. For that incident alone, I am giving Fleck an A. Anybody who takes one for the team for that lousy brand of mayonnaise deserves respect.
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    B1G vs SEC

    I am all in on the Big 10 winning as many games as possible. Yes. Losing games leads to teams ultimately scheduling Macalester and wondering why there is no betting line at all.
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    FBT season recap included an interesting comment attributed to Bill Miller

    "Assistant head coach and linebackers coach Bill Miller even went as far to say that the team was full of "emotionally fragile" players whom the coaching staff "needed to be careful" how they worded their teaching moments in practice in a post-game interview with KFAN's Justin Gaard. The...
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    Nagging again!

    Hey, I thought the seers of the light said Malcolm Moulton was going to light it up for the Goph's. Whatever happened to that? He ranks somewhere in the 500's for impact on the game. Our best receiver cracked the top 100. Our next best somewhere in the middle. With Gray throwing in the...
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    Are the staff doing what you expected this year?

    If there was a person on the staff that you would swap out for a better coordinator or assistant, who would it be and why? I'll sit back and watch in silence.
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    Compare and contrast 2009 (Jedd Fisch) with 2011 Matt Limegrover

    Expectancy theory predicts that people will perform better if they believe they are able to achieve what is desired, are allowed to do what it will take, if they want to achieve it, and, of course, that they know what ”it” is. Does it take 3 or more years to teach Jerry Kill's playbook? Is...
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    Why do we persist in supporting Jerry Kill as head football coach?

    Of the 95% who support Kill as the next fearless leader, I offer this to you, you guys have lousy judgement. The other 5% have already checked out the net, which is not a reference to the internet. So how long does he last?
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    Upgrading the D-Line

    Looks like recruiting is receiving a new look by quality recruits this year. Last year at this time, recruits were giving the U low marks for our offers. This year, it looks like recruits are giving the U a more serious look, even at the highest of rankings. Has anyone heard how recruiting is...
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    Keeping it inside the boarder in 2013

    Nick Rallis is committed to the Goph's and has been offered for the incoming class of 2013. I would say that is the beginning of locking down the borders.
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    Let's settle the beer debate once and forever

    It has been argued on this board that the U has autonomy to control beer sales at TCF or anywhere else. I have lost most of my credibility prior to this thread, so knock me over with a feather as I most certainly over-reached my education on the law. However, nobody has ever taken on where the...
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    The point of attack

    Has anyone heard of any nose tackles that the Gophers are trying to get. IMHO we need at least one of these beasts per recruiting cycle and we have none so far verbally committed. Even with 13 guys on the 4 front, we will lose a few after 2011 and we need to keep up the depth.
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    Immediate changes in recruiting picture

    Several top prospects changed their interest level to low on the boards. However, it looks like Minnesota athletes are getting school interest. Frankly, I find this refreshing that Mr. Kill will be using his own judgement on the potential of players. Too often we see these kids overlooked...

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