Gopher Season Ticket Costs Going Way UP?


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2008
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ESPN 1500 is talking big increases in Gopher Football Season Tickets cost. Says there will be an announcement yet today. They've got things wrong before, hope their numbers are wrong now.

2 years in a row?

ESPN 1500 is talking big increases in Gopher Football Season Tickets cost. Says there will be an announcement yet today. They've got things wrong before, hope their numbers are wrong now.

Hope this is wrong--just saw a big jump before last year. I'd think they should wait until there is some actual ticket demand--lots of empty seats this year.

Eh? Kinda running out of time if they want to make a formal announcement today. It would be disappointing if this were the case (well, if it truly is a "big" increase - something like $20, whatever). That said, next year's home schedule is much more appealing than this year's, with TCU, Michigan, Nebraska, and Wisconsin as big name teams coming to the Bank (compared to Iowa and Ohio State from 2014).

No way they are that dumb. Good luck asking us to donate money to facilities at the same time they ask us to pay a significant increase in tickets. If it is just a $20 inflation adjustment or something small like that, that's ok.

If you want to float bad news to people, you put out a press release right at the end of the day so it gets lost with the rest of the news. Preferably, you put it out on Friday afternoon, so it totally gets lost in the weekend.

They should lower their prices until the stadium is at least full for all the Big Ten games. How a second consecutive regime cannot see the long-term gain from having a consistently full stadium is beyond me. Let students buy 2 seats. What the hell am I missing?

ESPN 1500 is talking big increases in Gopher Football Season Tickets cost. Says there will be an announcement yet today. They've got things wrong before, hope their numbers are wrong now.

LOL, I think the current price is frozen for three years. There will be no change until there is a demand. That would be retail 101. There is not enough demand. When we win something other than the first half of the division championship, you might see a little movement.

My buddy with whom I have seats heard it is the seat license going up. For us, quite a bit from $500 now to $650 in 2015, $800 in 2016 then $1000 in 2017. If that happens, we will have to drop our seats.

Very confusing information on the show. They first said an announcement was coming at 6:00 then later "after 4:00". It wasn't the price of the ticket itself, but the donation to get them. $500 goes to $750 and then $1,000. The present $250 donation seats go to $600 then $750. Even the Students get a $50 hit. If those are true that means the fundraising for facilities has been a massive failure.

I'm sure that some of that is wrong. They were very confused about the present system. Could understand an increase, but increases of 50% to 300% over two years? That's gotta be wrong. Either the numbers themselves or the hubris behind them.

LOL, I think the current price is frozen for three years. There will be no change until there is a demand. That would be retail 101. There is not enough demand. When we win something other than the first half of the division championship, you might see a little movement.

Putting any money on that Jay?

Yeah if the jump is that high were going to have to drop one of our our extra seats, that increase isn't something either I my brother, or buddy will be able to swing, the jump is too high for us to sustain paying it.

Very confusing information on the show. They first said an announcement was coming at 6:00 then later "after 4:00". It wasn't the price of the ticket itself, but the donation to get them. $500 goes to $750 and then $1,000. The present $250 donation seats go to $600 then $750. Even the Students get a $50 hit. If those are true that means the fundraising for facilities has been a massive failure.

I'm sure that some of that is wrong. They were very confused about the present system. Could understand an increase, but increases of 50% to 300% over two years? That's gotta be wrong. Either the numbers themselves or the hubris behind them.

I love when they try to pretend like the seat license is somehow not part of the season ticket price by calling it a donation. Honest question, can you get the same seat without the donation? If you can't then it isn't a donation it is part of the ticket price.

I love when they try to pretend like the seat license is somehow not part of the season ticket price by calling it a donation. Honest question, can you get the same seat without the donation? If you can't then it isn't a donation it is part of the ticket price.

The only difference is the tax deductible status of the per-seat donation. Otherwise, you're spot on. It's a ticket cost.

I love when they try to pretend like the seat license is somehow not part of the season ticket price by calling it a donation. Honest question, can you get the same seat without the donation? If you can't then it isn't a donation it is part of the ticket price.

It's for taxes. The price of the ticket isn't tax deductible (unless you use it for business, then it's an entertainment expense, which is 50% deductible). The donation to buy a seat is a charitable donation. You can take 80% of the seat fee as a deduction.

I would think if a major increase in the donation seats area is real, we'll suddenly see a lot of folks moving their seats into those vacant upper deck corners...

Well, it's 1500, so they're probably looking at the increase notices from last year.

I would think if a major increase in the donation seats area is real, we'll suddenly see a lot of folks moving their seats into those vacant upper deck corners...

If what they've been saying is true G.B.G., they will be very few sections without some kind donation requirement. You're right though, they may find out pretty quickly that Gopher Fans are not Vikings Fans. They won't just bitch about the license cost, they'll just dump the seats.

I sincerely hope this big of an increase is not on the table. It would price a lot of us right out of the market and not sure who would step in to fill the void at this point. Also would be a huge slap in the face to those of us who have supported the program through thick and thin for many many years, in my opinion.

If what they've been saying is true G.B.G., they will be very few sections without some kind donation requirement. You're right though, they may find out pretty quickly that Gopher Fans are not Vikings Fans. They won't just bitch about the license cost, they'll just dump the seats.

My seats are somehow not in the donation requirement zone. If that changed, and I had to start donating a 'seat license fee' (hate that term), the first thing that would happen is that the annual donations I make to the U's Golden Gopher Fund, Alumni Association, and CSE would all dry up. Mass balance in effect here, I'm not made of money. My career isn't one that hands out big raises and bonuses. And I'm trying to save up to send my two sons to the U someday (crossing fingers they'll want to follow in the old man's footsteps). Short-sighted robbing of Peter to pay Paul.

My seats are somehow not in the donation requirement zone. If that changed, and I had to start donating a 'seat license fee' (hate that term), the first thing that would happen is that the annual donations I make to the U's Golden Gopher Fund, Alumni Association, and CSE would all dry up. Mass balance in effect here, I'm not made of money. My career isn't one that hands out big raises and bonuses. And I'm trying to save up to send my two sons to the U someday (crossing fingers they'll want to follow in the old man's footsteps). Short-sighted robbing of Peter to pay Paul.

Like I said in the O.P. and in a later post it's very possible the info is wrong. If it isn't they are sounding very desperate.

Putting any money on that Jay?

No demand when you are selling tickets for $25.00 on Facebook and packaging games. I don't doubt they would like to raise prices but they had better be careful. While there is hype right now and for a good reason, this is too early to make this announcement and they will lessen their demand even more. The Twins just announced changes that they hope brings more folks to the park to party and the Vikings are redesigning to do the same thing. Those factors are a must in their thinking. I'll buy you a beer if they raise ticket prices or seat fees before Febuary 1st and at that time it will be 10% max. No market can double the take in one year in the entertainment or retail business unless there is a circumstance to warrant it. That circumstance does not exist yet.

Season tickets go on sale tomorrow which is why this is coming up now. I'd guess if they don't go up now they won't go up at all.

I am a lowly section 103 guy, and this could very well end up affecting other sections as well. However, if it's between getting the new facilities started with this fee increase vs no increase and wait another year, I think the AD dept needs to do this even if they broaden the seat fee to 103.

No demand when you are selling tickets for $25.00 on Facebook and packaging games. I don't doubt they would like to raise prices but they had better be careful. While there is hype right now and for a good reason, this is too early to make this announcement and they will lessen their demand even more. The Twins just announced changes that they hope brings more folks to the park to party and the Vikings are redesigning to do the same thing. Those factors are a must in their thinking. I'll buy you a beer if they raise ticket prices or seat fees before Febuary 1st and at that time it will be 10% max. No market can double the take in one year in the entertainment or retail business unless there is a circumstance to warrant it. That circumstance does not exist yet.


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