Game security with no sense


Well-known member
Nov 21, 2009
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Last week, the gate security seized an empty sippy cup from my three year old. I was told someone could fill it and make it a projectile. I said unless your policy is that every body has to buy a water,this is the way my son can drink out of a four foot fountain. Sippy cup in the garbage.

Today, I had a packet of cheez it's. Gate man says no outside snacks. He gleefully takes snack from 3year old, and tosses them in front of him. Family friendly my ass.

Why are there so many stupid people in charge of things??????

It was really fun to take my 9 year-old to a Viking's pre-season game and try to explain to him that getting "wanded" insured our liberty and freedom.

Target field allows outside food. And strollers. If you need a diaper, or sun screen, they have you covered. At TCF, They toss snack crackers they do not sell inside.

So, whO should I call on Monday? I will point out that the child has a paid season ticket, and had one last year as well.

Target field allows outside food. And strollers. If you need a diaper, or sun screen, they have you covered. At TCF, They toss snack crackers they do not sell inside.

So, whO should I call on Monday? I will point out that the child has a paid season ticket, and had one last year as well.

IDK who to complain to, but chew some ass, for all of us. I had contemplated bringing my 2 year old to a game, believe it or not, he loves football,
wants me to rock him to sleep watching football on TV. But after reading this, no way....he cant go 3 hours without the snacks he likes or being able
to drink from a sippy cup. RIDICULOUS!!!!!!!!!!! Perhaps these are the questions the U should be asking of themselves why they can't fill the damn place..

It really is maddening. Target Field is 100x better for being fan friendly. It is an easy way (I.e., cheap and quick) for the University to improve.

Been taking 2-4 yr olds to games for the last 3 years and never had a problem - sippy cup and all. Just use your brain a little when bringing stuff in for the kids. Figure it out for yourself, or piss and moan to someone else, that's your call.

Been taking 2-4 yr olds to games for the last 3 years and never had a problem - sippy cup and all. Just use your brain a little when bringing stuff in for the kids. Figure it out for yourself, or piss and moan to someone else, that's your call.
A member of my party brought a bag for his kid with snacks and a sippy cup and got in with no problem. I think some security guards have a power trip and some just use common sense.

A lady in front of me walked in with a bottle of water and showed it at the gate, where they made her finish it or dump it. I just tucked my water bottle in my back pocket and walked right on in. It is easier to ask for forgiveness than permission.

A member of my party brought a bag for his kid with snacks and a sippy cup and got in with no problem. I think some security guards have a power trip and some just use common sense.

A lady in front of me walked in with a bottle of water and showed it at the gate, where they made her finish it or dump it. I just tucked my water bottle in my back pocket and walked right on in. It is easier to ask for forgiveness than permission.

“I asked God for a bike, but I know God doesn't work that way. So I stole a bike and asked for forgiveness.”

― Emo Philips

Brought In a whole bag of kid-stuff with my 4 year old and have the last two years as well. Gate D. Never had an issue.

“I asked God for a bike, but I know God doesn't work that way. So I stole a bike and asked for forgiveness.”

― Emo Philips

One of my top 5 favorite comedians of all time...

Been taking 2-4 yr olds to games for the last 3 years and never had a problem - sippy cup and all. Just use your brain a little when bringing stuff in for the kids. Figure it out for yourself, or piss and moan to someone else, that's your call.

I haven't had a problem until this year. But going oh fer two in 2014.

I shouldn't have to lie or smuggle to defeat a senseless system.

Since we cannot "profile," we must treat all as the same. Poorly. It is the way of the world.

I'm pretty sure the U's policy allows you to bring in a sippy cup. This sounds like a security guard who is unaware of the rules and making up his own.

Been taking 2-4 yr olds to games for the last 3 years and never had a problem - sippy cup and all. Just use your brain a little when bringing stuff in for the kids. Figure it out for yourself, or piss and moan to someone else, that's your call.

If big Polynesian women can hide pots and pans under their Mumu dresses, you can figure out how to hide a sippy cup.

I tuck my Jamieson flask inside my cowboy boots for those cold November games. Wait, if we don't start passing the ball better, it will be for ALL the games.

If you want to bring a bomb, why even try to get past security. Just blow it up when everyone comes out.

Get rid of the pat downs and security checks. Don't let the bastards control us.

1 word. ... pockets.

They're not going to frisk people for sippy cups or snacks. Have stuffed my pockets (or coat) with large peanut bags, 20-oz Mountain Dew bottles, etc., many times and no problems at all.

I got checked at a security once. I pissed someone off when I asked, "What can I do? Assault someone with a dead weapon?"

Has Angie encountered a situation where they require a ticket for children under 2 years old? I heard they make you go the ticket office to get a free ticket if you have a kid under 2.

Has Angie encountered a situation where they require a ticket for children under 2 years old? I heard they make you go the ticket office to get a free ticket if you have a kid under 2.

I knew we were going to bring our son with to the game so I looked online for ticket policy for toddlers. Gopher sports says everyone needs a ticket. So I called the ticket office and they said children under two are free as long as they are sitting on your lap/sharing your seat with you. You just need to go to the ticket window at stadium before the game and ask for a child's ticket.

I just brought son up to window with me and asked for a child's ticket and no questions asked, the ticket lady handed me a child's ticket.

Last week, the gate security seized an empty sippy cup from my three year old. I was told someone could fill it and make it a projectile. I said unless your policy is that every body has to buy a water,this is the way my son can drink out of a four foot fountain. Sippy cup in the garbage.

Today, I had a packet of cheez it's. Gate man says no outside snacks. He gleefully takes snack from 3year old, and tosses them in front of him. Family friendly my ass.

Had this issue a few years back and had an email exchange w/ Joel Maturi. He wasn't pleased that the security guards were handling it in this manner. He commented on them needing to apply common sense (insert joke here...) Since then, I have had no issues in bringing in "kid friendly" snacks for our little ones.

I would try another entrance, hope for another security agent, or wear field pants and stuff whatever you need in the pockets. It ludicrous to think a team, a University, and their agents would treat anyone like this. Its counterintuitive. Lets steam off a kid and his parents for fun. If I was in charge they would be fired.

Brought our 9 month old to the game Saturday with the diaper bag filled with baby food, bottles, etc. Security guard briefly looked in and let us through. There were also no issues with not having a child's ticket. Maybe it was different because he is still a baby but I would just assume you caught the wrong dude on the wrong day.

My favorite was one game last year where the security dude at our gate either had been told, or got overly excited all by himself to check under everyone's cap. He did a full inspection of each hat as he asked everyone to remove them and show them to him. There was absolutely zero chance anyone was going to be sneaking anything in under their hats that day. Meanwhile, both my Jr. high aged son and wife had both completely zoned out and forgotten about a couple items: My wife had a big zip lock back bulging with jello shots in her purse, and my son was carrying a half drank 20+ ounce gaterade. The security guy spent all his time inspecting their hats and tops of their heads, and completely missed the gaterade and jello shots. My wife remembered them right away as the security guy finished up with her hat and asked to look in her purse... and then nearly gasped as she just continued in after he waved her by. As for my son, I noticed him drinking his gaterade in the seat next to me so I asked him where he got it. That is when he mentioned he carried it in full view but nobody said anything because they were too concerned about his hat to apparantly notice it.

It all just depends which gate you enter and at what time. Anything can happen. We have Gopher seat cushions and about 70% of the time nobody even looks at them. On rare occasions we get a guard that goes through every zipper and pocket in the seat cushions. You never know.

Brought our 9 month old to the game Saturday with the diaper bag filled with baby food, bottles, etc. Security guard briefly looked in and let us through. There were also no issues with not having a child's ticket. Maybe it was different because he is still a baby but I would just assume you caught the wrong dude on the wrong day.

I had the same experience on Saturday with our two kids. 3 month old and a 2 year old. No child ticket, bag filled with stuff for both, and no problem getting in. Gate D.

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