Penn State sells out 21,000 student ticket allotment in six minutes


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Nov 11, 2008
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>Hats off to <a href="">#PennState</a> fans. School sold out allotment of Over 21,000 student season tix all bought in just SIX minutes!</p>— Bruce Feldman (@BruceFeldmanCFB) <a href="">June 27, 2014</a></blockquote>
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Go Gophers!!

Is the total allotment 21,000? The stadium seats over 100,000. That would be roughly 20% of the total. When you apply the 20% to TCF we need to sell roughly 10,000 student tickets. Can we do it in 6 minutes, nah.

The Penn State football ticket sale took place, by classification, over four days this week. Unless they meant that there was a cumulative 6 minute time across the four days (or 1.5 minutes per day), it is more likely that there were a limited number of tickets available for freshmen yesterday and those sold out quickly. If so, that is bad bull because it means freshmen get very little shot at seeing a game live. If there were so few freshman tickets available, they should have made it where freshmen could get two-pack tickets to let three times as many students see a couple of games.

Or, stop being greedy and open more seats to students if there is the demand for it. Students should not be turned away for tickets since they are the reason the university exists. Our student section is 30,300. In 2013 that was 37% of Kyle Field, and in 2014 that is $28%, and will settle out to 30% in 2015 after construction is complete. Everyone else pays a little more to afford the opportunity for students to attend the game and create a competitive home field advantage.

Is the total allotment 21,000? The stadium seats over 100,000. That would be roughly 20% of the total. When you apply the 20% to TCF we need to sell roughly 10,000 student tickets. Can we do it in 6 minutes, nah.

Does anyone know how student ticket sales are doing this year? They've been pretty quiet about it. I would hope we could at least sell 5,000 season tickets after last year.

Is the total allotment 21,000? The stadium seats over 100,000. That would be roughly 20% of the total. When you apply the 20% to TCF we need to sell roughly 10,000 student tickets. Can we do it in 6 minutes, nah.
Couldn't do it in six months.

Happy Valley = out in the middle of nowhere. Captive student audience. Penn State sports are a major source of entertainment.

Gophers = located in a major metro area. Mobile student audience. Sports compete with multiple other sources of entertainment.

Apples = Oranges

This could be going against the nationwide trend because Penn St. students and alums are rallying for a common cause. They've been attacked, so they're sticking it to people by loving the football team even more.

I wouldn't necessarily read much into this.

Happy Valley = out in the middle of nowhere. Captive student audience. Penn State sports are a major source of entertainment.

Gophers = located in a major metro area. Mobile student audience. Sports compete with multiple other sources of entertainment.

Apples = Oranges

Makes me laugh every time.

Some people are fiercely loyal. A fan base that condoned sheltering and enabling a child rapist will support their team no matter what the circumstances.

How do apples equal oranges?

Happy Valley = out in the middle of nowhere. Captive student audience. Penn State sports are a major source of entertainment.

Gophers = located in a major metro area. Mobile student audience. Sports compete with multiple other sources of entertainment.

Apples = Oranges

Except basketball...they can't give those tickets away

This could be going against the nationwide trend because Penn St. students and alums are rallying for a common cause. They've been attacked, so they're sticking it to people by loving the football team even more.

I wouldn't necessarily read much into this.

Nah, it's just the thing to do in State College, PA. The student section is large, it's loud, and it's fun. The U should be very jealous of their student participation.

Some people are fiercely loyal. A fan base that condoned sheltering and enabling a child rapist will support their team no matter what the circumstances.

Must have missed the part where the fan base rallied behind Sandusky. The monster and the people who were in power when he was there are all out of the picture, so why shouldn't the fans remain loyal to the team? The current staff and players have nothing to do with any of what went on in the past.

Must have missed the part where the fan base rallied behind Sandusky. The monster and the people who were in power when he was there are all out of the picture, so why shouldn't the fans remain loyal to the team? The current staff and players have nothing to do with any of what went on in the past.


I think what you are referring to is called 'moral vanity'.

Must have missed the part where the fan base rallied behind Sandusky. The monster and the people who were in power when he was there are all out of the picture, so why shouldn't the fans remain loyal to the team? The current staff and players have nothing to do with any of what went on in the past.

Yep. The fan base believes that Joe did everything in his power that he needed to do by reporting it to Curley and Spanier and that he was a good man etc. but i don't recall when they ever justified Sandusky's actions.

Yep. The fan base believes that Joe did everything in his power that he needed to do by reporting it to Curley and Spanier and that he was a good man etc. but i don't recall when they ever justified Sandusky's actions.

I am sure opinions throughout the fan base about Paterno and his roll in what happened vary a great deal. None of that changes the fact that what happened with Sandusky shouldn't stop fans and alumni from wanting to support the current version of the team.

I am sure opinions throughout the fan base about Paterno and his roll in what happened vary a great deal. None of that changes the fact that what happened with Sandusky shouldn't stop fans and alumni from wanting to support the current version of the team.

The issue most people have is the belief most Perv State fans never understood why they were being persecuted. The natural inclination is the desire to punish the unrepentant. Unfortunatly the wiser PSU fans were drowned out by the tone deaf. Perv State shall remain so for a very, very long time.

The issue most people have is the belief most Perv State fans never understood why they were being persecuted. The natural inclination is the desire to punish the unrepentant. Unfortunatly the wiser PSU fans were drowned out by the tone deaf. Perv State shall remain so for a very, very long time.

The bottom line is that obviously the students at PSU love attending football games. I don't think either the most forgiving OR the most pious of people on this Minnesota-based message board have a clue just how much Saturday Afternoons in the fall are just meant to go out to the football game on the PSU campus and have an enjoyable time... and to carry on this event in spite of all that has occurred. It is what you would call TRADITION. That is pretty much something that a lot of the Judges/judgettes on this board do not understand. YOU people try to assign your own biased and highly emotional, political, religious, socially just/correct opinions on to the way you think EVERYONE "ought" to respond. Then YOU people pick your sides and try to ramrod your biased opinion down the throats of everyone else and try to bash (in this case) all of PSU.

I guess your reactionary/judgmental theory doesn't explain anything going on with the student football fans at PSU. Perhaps to them it has NOTHING to do with the horrible, tragic events that some of you feel it "should" be all about. Maybe it is just as simple as "healing" a deep wound. Perhaps it is about letting justice and the system do what justice and the system is supposed to do in the case of a horrific crime and then picking up the pieces and moving on. Maybe it is all about sadness, shame, grief, guilt, and the ONLY way to begin to deal with all of the tragedy, the shame spiral, the horror of what happened and to "GO ON WITH LIFE..." Maybe the campus in State College, PA can show the world that they have had tragedy and horrible things perpetrated on their campus and that they will NOT let the tragedy and horror dominate their campus any longer.

Many GREAT and good things will happen on the Campus of Penn State University as we move forward. The state, the nation and the world need that Institution of Learning and Education that is PSU to do great teach... to research...all kinds of things that will make the world a better place. The students who attend that great university NEED to go on with their lives and dedicate what they have felt, learned and had to come to terms with from this horror and this tragedy of this sandursky crime NOT win...NOT destroy them or their university. They need to carry on, go forth, be productive and make the world a better place.

So, life will go on in State College PA. Life NEEDS to go on. There will be good, greatness, and new dedication coming from that little corner of the world. And, all of us, no matter where we are need to quit being so damn judgmental about horrible things that happen other places. Believe me, there is plenty that is not right going on right here, it is not all just, right, good and honorable in our back yard. Judge not people of Minnesota and the University of Minnesota. If you are honest...we are no better than people any where else. We don't know what may be lurking out there. Maybe nothing...maybe something that we will need to deal with...and carry on from.

Good for the PSU Student Section! And Good for the concept of: " goes spite of the human MUST always go on..." And, in State College, PA the students of PSU want to participate in a tradition that is a part of PSU tradition. They need to overcome the tragedy and the horror...they need to have some things survive the utter and complete horror of what happened on their campus. They need to survive. They need to move forward. They need to reclaim the innocence that was lost when one icon proved to be much less than what had always been believed. Good for the PSU Student Section. May they learn, be watchful, less inclined to assign greatness to their heroes and when their heroes fail, may they always pick up the pieces, make amends, and accept the humility and humbleness that must always accompany a: "fall from grace..."

And, may all of us here on GOPHERHOLE realize that to be judgmental is just BEGGING to be judged ourselves... Take a look around you, people. we do not do everything perfectly or any where near perfectly ourselves. Who knows what tomorrow will bring? And, WHEN (not IF) we stumble, just what will we do to acknowledge our human condition and then pick ourselves up and go forward? Or, will we all just lay down and die? I certainly hope that we all have the strength of character to pick ourselves up and take our lives forward. And to even bring some of what we love and enjoy with us as we move forward. And may we ALWAYS be judged with as much compassion as we give others IF we have the tragic tendency to try to judge others based only upon vindictiveness, anger and a 'broad brush" approach that judges everyone by the actions of the few.

PSU is a nice example of the cult of personality. The denialists are still out in force.

Putting "tradition" and football ahead of moral behavior is not acceptable. Although less severe by many orders of magnitude I maintain USC got paddled by the NCAA (out of proportion to the crime) because of the AD and schools dismissive attitude and complete lack of taking responsibility or offering contrition.

People are generally more forgiving when there has been adequate contrition. That's the sticky part for a lot of us.

PSU is a nice example of the cult of personality. The denialists are still out in force.

Putting "tradition" and football ahead of moral behavior is not acceptable. Although less severe by many orders of magnitude I maintain USC got paddled by the NCAA (out of proportion to the crime) because of the AD and schools dismissive attitude and complete lack of taking responsibility or offering contrition.

People are generally more forgiving when there has been adequate contrition. That's the sticky part for a lot of us.

So what should happen? Do you give the school the death penalty? Do you keep on punishing players and coaches that didn't have anything to do with what happened? Do you expect the fans to abandon the program completely? You are making a lot of general assumptions about the fanbase and the personal beliefs of the 100,000+ that show up in Happy Valley on gameday.

What happened with Paterno/Sandusky was a massive black eye for the program and the school. They have paid the price in the public and those that were guilty have been dealt with by the legal system. Paterno's reputation will always be tied to what happened under his watch. But all of that happened in the past, the students and fans should be allowed to support the program and not feel guilty about it.

So what should happen? Do you give the school the death penalty? Do you keep on punishing players and coaches that didn't have anything to do with what happened? Do you expect the fans to abandon the program completely? You are making a lot of general assumptions about the fanbase and the personal beliefs of the 100,000+ that show up in Happy Valley on gameday. What happened with Paterno/Sandusky was a massive black eye for the program and the school. They have paid the price in the public and those that were guilty have been dealt with by the legal system. Paterno's reputation will always be tied to what happened under his watch. But all of that happened in the past, the students and fans should be allowed to support the program and not feel guilty about it.

+1000 very good post!

PSU is a nice example of the cult of personality. The denialists are still out in force.

Putting "tradition" and football ahead of moral behavior is not acceptable. Although less severe by many orders of magnitude I maintain USC got paddled by the NCAA (out of proportion to the crime) because of the AD and schools dismissive attitude and complete lack of taking responsibility or offering contrition.

People are generally more forgiving when there has been adequate contrition. That's the sticky part for a lot of us.

" Originally Posted by MNVCGUY
So what should happen? Do you give the school the death penalty? Do you keep on punishing players and coaches that didn't have anything to do with what happened? Do you expect the fans to abandon the program completely? You are making a lot of general assumptions about the fanbase and the personal beliefs of the 100,000+ that show up in Happy Valley on gameday. What happened with Paterno/Sandusky was a massive black eye for the program and the school. They have paid the price in the public and those that were guilty have been dealt with by the legal system. Paterno's reputation will always be tied to what happened under his watch. But all of that happened in the past, the students and fans should be allowed to support the program and not feel guilty about it."

Yes, PSU (Pedophile State University) should have been given the death penalty but unfortunately that won't happen now. Do you really think a "black-eye" is all they deserved? If you don't punish the institution with severe penalties for severe crimes, you did little to change the behavior (just look at the Catholic Church).

This is some serious sick sh!t and I don't give a rats azz what the poor coaches, players and fans think. I'm more interested in what the victims think and whether they believe there has been a fair punishment. Ask yourself, if you or your child was the victim of such a crime, would you be okay with the perpetrator getting a black-eye? If so, get help, a lot of help!

PSU is a nice example of the cult of personality. The denialists are still out in force.

Putting "tradition" and football ahead of moral behavior is not acceptable. Although less severe by many orders of magnitude I maintain USC got paddled by the NCAA (out of proportion to the crime) because of the AD and schools dismissive attitude and complete lack of taking responsibility or offering contrition.

People are generally more forgiving when there has been adequate contrition. That's the sticky part for a lot of us.

And you say that what the courts have decided is not enough? What was your stand on whether the King should have cut the baby in half and given 1/2 of the baby to each of the parties in the dispute over custody of the child? Or, were you crying "foul" and "lack of contrition" when the judge granted a "pound of flesh" but "Not a drop of blood" And, should the University of Minnesota EVER have been allowed to play another men's Hoops game after the Haskin's outrageous scandal? Hell, pompus one, there are still people who think the NCAA screwed the U Basketball Program over with that outcome.

Let the court have it's day, meter out it's punishment and then life MUST go on. You aren't any where near smart enough to identify when maximum contrition has been reached by the people impacted by Penn State University: the INSTITUTION. I'm not foolish enough to think that I know when they have paid enough. Let it be in the hands of the legal system...the justice system. Then, let life go on and let the people who have skin in the game at PSU do as the law allows them to do.

What kind of a dictator do you think you are, any way pompous elitest? You make a pretty damn poor judge, jury and executioner pompous one.

" Originally Posted by MNVCGUY

This is some serious sick sh!t and I don't give a rats azz what the poor coaches, players and fans think. I'm more interested in what the victims think and whether they believe there has been a fair punishment. Ask yourself, if you or your child was the victim of such a crime, would you be okay with the perpetrator getting a black-eye? If so, get help, a lot of help!

If it was me or one of my kids I would want the following to happen: The bastard that did it to be put to death or rot in a jail cell the rest of his life. And I would want the people in charge of the monster to lose their jobs and face other legal ramifications as well.

But I would like to think that I could separate the actions of a few from the University as a whole. Calling PSU (Pedophile State University) implies that what happened with Sandusky is going on all over the University and unless I have missed it there have not been other cases against the University that have surfaced.

What happened at Penn State was a terrible thing and the people connected to it deserve any and all punishments that come their way. But somewhere you have to draw the line and put the blame where it belongs. The current staff at PSU was not there when this happened. The current players were not there when this happened. The current students were not there when this happened. Why should they be punished for something they had nothing to do with?

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