Mr. Streveler, your table is ready.


Well-known member
Nov 22, 2008
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Best runner on the team. If he can throw the ball away when he is in trouble he will be the best QB on our team. Nelson and Leidner have had ample opportunity.

per ESPN:

What Minnesota learned: The QB competition is (and should be) open at Minnesota. Philip Nelson has had the advantage with the more reliable arm, but Leidner stepped in and threw Minnesota’s first passing touchdowns in months. Both played against Syracuse but the offense looked the best with Leidner and that's what Kill chose to go with when the game was on the line

Go Gophers!!


Best runner on the team. If he can throw the ball away when he is in trouble he will be the best QB on our team. Nelson and Leidner have had ample opportunity.

I don't know much about him. Most of the season I've been a Nelson fan--I think he is quicker, faster, crisper in his mechanics after the snap, and has a quicker release than Leidner. Unfortunately he has missed too many wide open receivers this year, and after tonight I think Leidner has earned the top spot unless Streveler can step up. I believe Leidner has a stronger arm than Nelson--he can throw it 50 yards or more without pressing, and he has shown good 'touch' on many of his passes. He's probably better under adverse conditions.

In my opinion, I think Nelson has better passing mechanics. But I think Leidner has the stronger arm, and is a better (tougher) runner. Also, Leidner has better nerves, but Leidner needs to know when to tuck the ball away when running. So I prefer Leidner as the QB. No one has seen Streveler, but I really hope the Coaches have real Open competition for the starting job next year. This juggling of two QB's just isn't great for their confidence and their rhythm.

What Minnesota fans learned for the zillionth time.........expect the worst. 70 yard punt return will go down in the litany of Gopher horror shows.

In my opinion, I think Nelson has better passing mechanics. But I think Leidner has the stronger arm, and is a better (tougher) runner. Also, Leidner has better nerves, but Leidner needs to know when to tuck the ball away when running. So I prefer Leidner as the QB. No one has seen Streveler, but I really hope the Coaches have real Open competition for the starting job next year. This juggling of two QB's just isn't great for their confidence and their rhythm.

+1... however, Leider takes way too many sacks.... hes' is cooler under fire... but then needs to know when to just dump the ball.

At this point everyone should have a legit shot, even Donovahn Jones.

The o-line wasn't exactly stellar tonight in pass blocking (including rbs), and for as much as cuse blitzed I would have thought there would have been some easy quick-hitters open (coaching?).

Bottom line - give any quarterback even one more second and they would've looked a whole lot better tonight in my opinion.

+1... however, Leider takes way too many sacks.... hes' is cooler under fire... but then needs to know when to just dump the ball.
He takes sacks, and he fumbles...a lot. He's the one guy I saw tonight that had fire and I like that about him, but there's a lot more to being a QB than simply giving a damn. It's going to be a really interesting saga between now and August.

Every time Leidner is in the game, I always feel something bad is going to happen. It seems that the only pass he has in his arsenal is chucking it down the sideline and hoping someone makes a play on the ball. But I will give him props for the TD pass to Wolitarsky, he hit him in stride.

Bottom line, the 4 game winning streak would have never happened with Leidner. Nelson needs to settle down, stop overthinking, and make some throws.

I commented to those around me that we were going to lose this game tonight unless something changed quickly after seeing horrible tackling, and seeing the O line get destroyed in the first Quarter. After seeing that Nelson was as erratic and unpredictable as ever I knew the writing was on the wall.

My pessimism was briefly detoured when Mitch L almost pulled it out at then end and he deserves to the be the QB next year unless Streveler? beats him out in Camp. I am tired of commentators like those tonight parrot the line that Nelson "is the better passer". Nelson is not proven to be a better passer and has played his way out of a job. Nelson is well into Christian Ponder territory as far as I am concerned.

Every time Leidner is in the game, I always feel something bad is going to happen. It seems that the only pass he has in his arsenal is chucking it down the sideline and hoping someone makes a play on the ball. But I will give him props for the TD pass to Wolitarsky, he hit him in stride.

Bottom line, the 4 game winning streak would have never happened with Leidner. Nelson needs to settle down, stop overthinking, and make some throws.

I like Leidner starting and Nelson coming off the bench. Nelson is too amped or nervous early.

Making that move would continue a disturbing pattern under Jerry Kill. First it was Gray, then it was Shortell, then back to Gray, then Shortell, then Nelson, then Leidner, now back to Nelson, back to Leidner, back to Nelson, and then finish with Leidner. Somebody needs to make a decision about the quarterback, develop the guy, and let him play. Kill is supposed to a "development" coach. So far, he has failed to develop a quarterback and can't seem to make his mind up on who he wants to play.

I think at this point all we know is that we don't really know who the longterm solution is at the position. Going to be a wide open competition starting in the spring and will be interesting to see how it all shakes out. I just hope one of them wins the job and becomes the leader this team needs from the QB position.

I don't know what I hate more. Watching Leidner one hop passes into the receiver's shins or watching Nelson overthrow a receiver by 15 yards. Let Peter Mortell throw the ball, he already does everything on special teams. What is one more thing?

Just got back from the game-

I think at this point all we know is that we don't really know who the long term solution is at the position. Going to be a wide open competition starting in the spring and will be interesting to see how it all shakes out. I just hope one of them wins the job and becomes the leader this team needs from the QB position.

The way the offensive line played tonight, they had so many problems not picking up the blitz off the edge. Running backs never once if ever picked up the blitz. You could see before they were coming from the end zone view, they were bringing the blitz and we did not adjust to it at the line. Not sure if that was the quarterbacks fault or the lines for not shifting the protections. I don't know how many times the left tackle flat out blocked nobody but it was far too many times.
It was as much blocking as it was anything else but the quarterback play was less than average. Nelson couldn't hit the broad side of a barn tonight, his timing was so off everyone could see that. He was so off it was almost embarrassing to be a Gopher fan in person in the first half. Leidner sure wasn't doing much either, they had a good defense but our offense played as bad as they did to end the season in the first half. To me this game was lost by the offensive front not picking up the blitz and the penalties were to frequent. Refs had some questionable calls but they did not decide the outcome of the game.
I don't know how many times someone came off the left edge untouched
but it seemed like it was at least 5 or 6 times where the left tackle did not block anybody and hardly got out off the snap of the ball. There should be just as much competition in the offensive line as there is in the quarterback position. We had major problems at the Left tackle spot and Right tackle spot all game quite frankly it is about as bad as we looked at those two spots all season.

Honestly I would rather they grab a junior college quarterback that has played a lot of football than start a redshirt Freshman in Strevlar and to be honest I don't trust either Leidner
or Nelson to be the guy next year. Nelson had horrible mechanics with his feet the whole game and the whole second half of the season, he never once set his feet when he was passing because I think he sensed the line was
not blocking anyone tonight and he was going to get killed. He was anticipating the blitz but could do nothing but heave up passes that were not near anyone . Nelson he was crapping his pants before they even hit him. Just zero pocket poise this evening and I just don't understand what happened to the confident quarterback that lead his team to victory against Penn State and Indiana, where was that guy tonight?
Mitch Leidner holds the ball to long, you need to have a clock in your head that says get rid of the dang ball, he just takes to many sacks for my liking. He takes a lot of sacks for a guy that has his mobility.
It is not the end of the world but I was extremely disappointed in the performance of the offensive and defensive lines tonight. We showed up and let a middling ACC team kick our butts up front that was a huge disappointment. The Gophers got zero pressure even
when we blitzed two extra men and we did that a lot. There was no passion on defense to play this game even if they played a lot of ball.
Hagemen didn't even show up for the game tonight, you could not find him with a search light he lost containment on the Syracuse winning score that was his responsibility to take the quarter back and finish him. Why do you bring a delayed blitz from a safety that comes up from the linebacker spot, just way to deep to even matter. If your
going to bring the damn safety bring him up to the line and at least get a chance for an overload. To me as flat as the players were in the first half with a little more want to and
creativity from the coaching staff we could have lit this team up. They really should have benched the left and right tackles and tried some new people and the defensive ends
didn't show up tonight either with the exception of Scott Ekpe. Just a disappointing end to the season. That said, Wolitarsky #82 has his hands in the right place and he catches that pass instead of letting them sluff off to the side like he did, he did everything right but catch the ball and with that any chance of a Gopher victory slipped away. It was just a crap game that I would just as soon forget. Kind of a waste of flying in, we have lost so many bowl games the last decade no wonder people are reluctant to pay the money to go. It was a fun experience but the loss leaves a little bitter taste, we should have beaten Syracuse, we let there quarterback make sandwiches and order pizzas back in the pocket all game. At least I have an early flight home and will get to see the one nice day left in Minnesota before we freeze our butts off. Texas is nice this time of year and the people were friendly everywhere we went. Houston really isn't that bad to drive in for being so spread out and having so many people. Coaches get a C- tonight for clock management and overall game planning. They could have made better in game adjustments to what Syracuse was doing with there blitzes, they were not really disguising where or how they were blitzing.
Hopefully the plan is in place to get better and we have some thumpers ready to step up in the offensive and defensive lines. We need a pass rusher that can beat someone one on one and create pressure without giving up containment.
This is a team the Gophers should have beaten, if the program was headed in the direction we all thought they were. A lot of questions left unanswered tonight. I think were just disappointed because we looked like we had turned the corner for the better, and tonight made it look like were back at square one in the quarterback again and that we do not have a starter on the roster. Gophers did not play well and they still nearly eked out a victory. We need to get better at blitz pickup and need to get stronger in the offensive and defensive lines, were not where we need to be yet but we just need to shed the oh no here we go again crap . Gophers are better than the team that showed up tonight this is a game they should have won this should have been a 9 to 10 win team and for that reason they underachieved a little bit.

Making that move would continue a disturbing pattern under Jerry Kill. First it was Gray, then it was Shortell, then back to Gray, then Shortell, then Nelson, then Leidner, now back to Nelson, back to Leidner, back to Nelson, and then finish with Leidner. Somebody needs to make a decision about the quarterback, develop the guy, and let him play. Kill is supposed to a "development" coach. So far, he has failed to develop a quarterback and can't seem to make his mind up on who he wants to play.

THIS. Kill developed guys like Chandler Harnish and Jordan Lynch (heisman finalist!) for cripes sake....why can't he do it here?? I think Nelson is the long term guy..they just gotta work on his brain and COACH to his strengths and ADJUST during the game. Not always just after half time..

Why don't we ever blame Coach Zebrowski?

The way that both of these quarterbacks throw is just eye-bleeding to me. There are countless throws during every game that I scratch my head and think that high school ballplayers can make these throws.

I feel as if Phil and Mitch both throw differently than they did in high school. I remember watching Phil at Mankato throw perfect passes with a nice spiral, now he can't even hit 5 yard outs let alone wide open receivers 15+ yards down the field.

I think its very safe to say that Zebrowski is the problem here. Kill doesn't coach the QB's on a regular basis.. I cannot explain more than enough that these guys have horrible mechanics and are clueless more than half of the time.

Why don't we ever blame Coach Zebrowski?

The way that both of these quarterbacks throw is just eye-bleeding to me. There are countless throws during every game that I scratch my head and think that high school ballplayers can make these throws.

I feel as if Phil and Mitch both throw differently than they did in high school. I remember watching Phil at Mankato throw perfect passes with a nice spiral, now he can't even hit 5 yard outs let alone wide open receivers 15+ yards down the field.

I think its very safe to say that Zebrowski is the problem here. Kill doesn't coach the QB's on a regular basis.. I cannot explain more than enough that these guys have horrible mechanics and are clueless more than half of the time.

Been thinking the same thing. Gray was supposed to reach some of his potential his senior season with a year under Zebrowski (and Kill and Limegrover), but he just didn't progress much. Shortell hardly improved. Nelson has digressed. Leidner showed tonight (and against MSU) that he can play well, but he has glaring holes in his game (can't read or react to pressure or hold on to the ball). Every single one of these guys has been documented as a good kid and a hard worker who is competitive, so it's not like off the field issues are hindering their development; someone needs to show marked improvement next year, or Zebrowski needs to go.

THIS. Kill developed guys like Chandler Harnish and Jordan Lynch (heisman finalist!) for cripes sake....why can't he do it here?? I think Nelson is the long term guy..they just gotta work on his brain and COACH to his strengths and ADJUST during the game. Not always just after half time..

Well said.

Been thinking the same thing. Gray was supposed to reach some of his potential his senior season with a year under Zebrowski (and Kill and Limegrover), but he just didn't progress much. Shortell hardly improved. Nelson has digressed. Leidner showed tonight (and against MSU) that he can play well, but he has glaring holes in his game (can't read or react to pressure or hold on to the ball). Every single one of these guys has been documented as a good kid and a hard worker who is competitive, so it's not like off the field issues are hindering their development; someone needs to show marked improvement next year, or Zebrowski needs to go.

Nelson is Nine****ingTeen. Liedner is Nine****ingTeen. Shortell was Nine****ingTeen. Gray was a WR. Give the kids time to develop. Now if we were talking about a redshirt JR QBs who were just starting QBs you may have a point. All of the above evidence is due to horrible circumstances inherent in starting a teenager. You need both physical and mental maturity to become a competent Big Ten QB. You need emotional maturity to be above average.

Anyone who has ever coached a "cerebral" position in sports (Point Gaurds, QB, Baseball players, Goalies, Tennis and Golfers) knows the difficulty teaching emotional control. It's extremely hard. Most adults never reach the level necessary even to be effective in their own jobs. Give the coaches a little breathing room on the criticism you learned watching the NFL.

He takes sacks, and he fumbles...a lot. He's the one guy I saw tonight that had fire and I like that about him, but there's a lot more to being a QB than simply giving a damn. It's going to be a really interesting saga between now and August.

+1. This is so spot on.

I don't know what I hate more. Watching Leidner one hop passes into the receiver's shins or watching Nelson overthrow a receiver by 15 yards. Let Peter Mortell throw the ball, he already does everything on special teams. What is one more thing?

Haha. Thanks for the good laugh here afurry.

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