Stadium Music

Livin On A Prayer-Bon Jovi, Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy-Big & Rich. Both good ideas. But I think we should stick with Jump On It. Gets people out their seats and is pretty well-known.

I like the idea of something from one of the local hip hop acts, but I can't think of any one song that really fits.

I can't decide if I hate or love the "jump on it" idea. The Sugarhill Gang's lyrics are so corny, but it might actually make for a great stadium song if everyone got in to it. I do like that it would kind of one up Jump Around in that it could be looked at as a shot at the Wisconsin song.

I think participation is key, and the "U" might have to try out several songs before they find one that clicks.

Livin On A Prayer-Bon Jovi, Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy-Big & Rich. Both good ideas. But I think we should stick with Jump On It. Gets people out their seats and is pretty well-known.

Please no Bon Jovi.. Do people actually like his music? Maybe the worst excuse for a musician/band/music ever! I would prefer the school band play a song instead of a pumped in version of a lame song..I know I'm being old fashioned, but come on..Bon Jovi?

"I'm Alright" Caddyschack song, put the dancing gopher on the big screen maybe not for the 4th quarter but sometime during the game.

Great idea! Also, Jungle Love by The Time was a good idea up above. NO to Welcome to the Jungle - the Vikings already own that as do too many other teams. But, if you want a badass opening guitar riff to a song, choose Skid Row's Slave to the Grind . Since I doubt an awesome riff is simply what we're truly looking for, there are a lot of songs that would give the crowd different emotions. The Venga Bus is a song that would lighten up the crowd and maybe get them hopping, too. More Than a Feeling by Boston rocks and is known by most. As for local establishments, Prince has some songs with big beats - what about Gett Off? ;)

There are plenty of dance songs not named Zombie Nation that have big fact, I think our band plays one of them (I forget the name but love the song) but other old school dance riffs include The Power by Snap, or Rhythm is a Dancer; 2 Unlimited had some awesome beats, such as No Limit, Get Ready for This, and The Twilight Zone (which I think our band already plays); Reel 2 Real had an awesome song I Like to Move It; then there's the classic James Brown is Dead by LA Style Finally, N-Trance had a tremendous remake of Staying Alive:

Fellas, if we can't be original on this and get a song (or several songs) with some base that would get the crowd and the team jumping, then we should be ashamed. There is too much good stuff out there.

Some old songs that have some connection

You could play either "Upper Mississippi Shakedown" by Lamont Cranston or "Im Alright" by Kenny Loggins from the Caddyshack soundtrack.
The Mississippi runs through campus and Caddyshack speaks for itself.

Go Gophers, beat the Jayhawks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kind of off topic, but do you think the band could learn how to play "Day Man" from the TV show Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia. It is quite popular with my friends right now I would love to see the student section sing it with actions.

Rage Against The Machine anyone?

I think something along the lines of People Of The Sun would be crazy. I suppose the meaning of the song might be a little too gruesome for the family event, but hey football is violent.

No song in the link, but some background according the the wikipedia

I also like the Stronger by Kanye West suggestion......would be nice as far as the chorus goes for heading into the 4th quarter. The verses are pretty lame though.

found Jump On It

Have we heard or seen anything on the sound system at the new stadium? By the way, I love the song choice of "Jungle Love."

I kept seeing reference to "Jump On It," and I don't think I saw a link to it. Here it is, and I must say I like it, at least for the first minute.

Of course there is AC/DC's "Thunderstruck"

The title is pretty good on this one: "A Pain I'm Used to":

Get past the first 30 seconds, this would be good lead up music before the team came out:

How about a little Crystal Method's "I Know it's You"

Paul Oakenfold:

There is a new group from Sweden called the Teddybears, they have some fun funky songs:

A hair-band power classic to get the crowd revved up and singing? The video on the big board would be appreciated by most of the men in the crowd too (but probably not the women and children lol).

Slaughter - Up All Night

A hard-edged classic grunge tune that includes the line "I'm looking California and feeling Minnesota":
Soundgarden - Outshined

Personally, I think Outshined would be about a perfect song for the team to come out of the tunnel onto the field.

Or, there's always Rage Against the Machine's Killing in the Name Of to get a crowd/team amped:

I liked the "Bridge Over Troubled Waters" idea. Something somber and reflective would be highly original. Why all these energetic songs? That's so played out. Other ones could be "Memories" by Barbara Streisand, "Mandy" by Barry Manilow, "Rock Me Amadeus" by Falco, or "Wildfire" by Michael Martin Murphey.

I liked the "Bridge Over Troubled Waters" idea. Something somber and reflective would be highly original. Why all these energetic songs? That's so played out. Other ones could be "Memories" by Barbara Streisand, "Mandy" by Barry Manilow, "Rock Me Amadeus" by Falco, or "Wildfire" by Michael Martin Murphey.

What about Debbie Boone's smash hit: You Light Up My Life??

LOL...I just caught the "Wildfire" mention-funny stuff.

Oh, this one for G4L: "Desperado" by the Eagles..

Anything by Bread!!

"Afternoon Delight"!!

o.k., I'll stop.

Day Man would be absolutely spectacular. So awesome. Unfortunately, the only people who'd be into it would be the students and the recent alums. There'd be a lot head-scratching going on around the stadium.

Kind of off topic, but do you think the band could learn how to play "Day Man" from the TV show Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia. It is quite popular with my friends right now I would love to see the student section sing it with actions.

I'm down for anything from IASIP.

Since, I'm in Korea and missed this last season I was wondering what the Sugarhill Gang thing looked like. It sounds like a sweet concept, but I was wondering if people really started to catch on. Anything that Carleton has danced to can't be that bad.


Redbone's 70's hit would be awesome. It's got a great hook. Imagine the whole crowd urging the opposing team/fans to "Come and Get Your Love"

Also should satisfy the Indian PC crowd as all band members are Native Americans.

I like Jump on It

The student section is involved and it's fun.

The band played it at the Cornell basketball game, and the student section was did the dance. It was great.

I like Jump On It. I think it's starting to catch on a bit.

How about a little Top Gun Anthem or even the Danger Zone.

you gotta go with some dylan

i really think one needs to seriously consider bob dylan for any minnesota music discussion.

like a rolling stone and all along the watchtower (jimi version, maybe?) come directly to mind

or if you want to go a bit deeper, check out the "tonight i'll be staying here with you" version on the 1975 rolling thunder revue live album, totally amazing...

We need a good, hip song, not some stuffy "classic". It needs to have a lot of energy.

Here Comes the Sun

I think "Here Comes the Sun" by George Harrison and the Beatles works on a couple of fronts:

1) On sunny and nice days, its a way to welcome Gopher Football back to the outdoors
world, where people can have fun in the sun.

2) On cold, cloudy, snowy or rainy days, it would be appropriate and fun in a sadistic way!

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