Pitino: Dre Mathieu was MVP of today's scrimmage

Dre Mathieu is possibly our least talked about player. I think he was a JUCO All-American, and it seems he will be more than just a body for us this season. I'm kind of excited to see what he brings to the table for this team, I thought I remembered Pitino saying that he's supposed to be a very quick guard.

Would he bring much since Richard says that Mav will play many minutes????

Would he bring much since Richard says that Mav will play many minutes????

Considering he was the "MVP" of the scrimmage, I would imagine so. He probably has a decent shot at starting next to our other Dre. Plus Mav will probably see more time as an off guard.

Wow the MVP took 13 shots and they are the point guard. Notice gold still lost, can't do it by yourself. Look like he tried.

Wow the MVP took 13 shots and they are the point guard. Notice gold still lost, can't do it by yourself. Look like he tried.

Somebody really should have told Kemba Walker not to take over 30% of his team's shots enroute to a National Title.

Wow the MVP took 13 shots and they are the point guard. Notice gold still lost, can't do it by yourself. Look like he tried.

I think that the takeaway from an early scrimmage like this is that drizzy Dre can play ball. Will they have to mold him and get something different from him? Sure.

I think that the takeaway from an early scrimmage like this is that drizzy Dre can play ball. Will they have to mold him and get something different from him? Sure.

Agree. I also think the good news is that limiting TOs is something that can be coached.

You guys can't both hope for more steals and fewer turnovers at the same time when it's a team scrimmage...

Wow the MVP took 13 shots and they are the point guard. Notice gold still lost, can't do it by yourself. Look like he tried.

What? He only took 13 shots.

If someone is going to go 10-13 from the field, he should continue to shoot. In fact, he should have shot more.


What? He only took 13 shots.

If someone is going to go 10-13 from the field, he should continue to shoot. In fact, he should have shot more.

Mathieu was playing with the bench players. Had he been playing with the Hollins' you would hope for more assists and less shooting. I will take anyone off this bench who can score. His points were the reason the second 5 was even in this game.

Mathieu was playing with the bench players. Had he been playing with the Hollins' you would hope for more assists and less shooting.

Why? If a player is shooting at a 77% clip, don't you think you should let them keep hoisting it up? I don't care if Dre is playing with Jordan, if he's on a hot streak like that, I'll let him take the large percentage of shots.

This helps explain the 9 fouls by King to some extent. Per Ryan James:

"The nine fouls? I know he had several down the stretch fouling to put the opposing bigs on the foul line and the Gophers were doing situational two minute scrimmages in the second half as opposed to a straight 15 minute second half so there was a lot of fouling because of the situations."

Ahhh, that would explain some, cause yeah, 9 is an awful lot lol


The man has some ups, that's for sure (1:50 mark)

Okay people, I need some counseling here. I'm age 51 and have 2 daughters age 17 and 20. When I listen to the music accompanying the video, I immediately go to that knee-jerk reaction of "this country is a cesspool and falling apart". Is that an over-reaction? How does one maintain hope for the future if that music is considered "no big deal"? I have such a hard time reconciling this. Somebody set me straight please. Incidentally, I consider myself pretty liberal, open-minded, and equality based. Help please!

You're reading into the lyrics way too much. Kanye spits straight nonsense these days because he can. People don't listen to him for his lyrics. Why do you think random music in a highlight tape is such a big deal? There are much bigger issues to worry about, obviously.

Okay people, I need some counseling here. I'm age 51 and have 2 daughters age 17 and 20. When I listen to the music accompanying the video, I immediately go to that knee-jerk reaction of "this country is a cesspool and falling apart". Is that an over-reaction? How does one maintain hope for the future if that music is considered "no big deal"? I have such a hard time reconciling this. Somebody set me straight please. Incidentally, I consider myself pretty liberal, open-minded, and equality based. Help please!

You're reading into the lyrics way too much. Kanye spits straight nonsense these days because he can. People don't listen to him for his lyrics. Why do you think random music in a highlight tape is such a big deal? There are much bigger issues to worry about, obviously.

i agree, there are bigger things to worry about. and seriously, thank you for the reminder. i can get wound up a little tight.

btw, i've never heard the term "spit" for rapping, but i like that and am going to use it. also didn't realize that was Kanye West. so that's Kim's husband and baby North's dad? interesting. is that a top selling song?

Over reacting to something someone says is a common occurrance on GH. Not too long ago, station19 asked me what I thought of rap music. I replied that I thought it was $hitty, meaning I didn't like rap. One poster then called me a rascist prick and was putting me on ignore. There is an over reaction if you ask me.

Over reacting to something someone says is a common occurrance on GH. Not too long ago, station19 asked me what I thought of rap music. I replied that I thought it was $hitty, meaning I didn't like rap. One poster then called me a rascist prick and was putting me on ignore. There is an over reaction if you ask me.

i'll bet you're actually a "closet" rapper. that's why they call you "Dr. Don", isn't it? you should try "spitting" some lyrics......:)

Another thing to consider with King's 9 fouls, Pitino mentioned he took a few charges but attempted more, so a couple of fouls could've come from attempted charges where he didn't get the call. If that's the case, I'm fine with those kind of fouls and the effort to take a charge is a positive thing.

i agree, there are bigger things to worry about. and seriously, thank you for the reminder. i can get wound up a little tight.

btw, i've never heard the term "spit" for rapping, but i like that and am going to use it. also didn't realize that was Kanye West. so that's Kim's husband and baby North's dad? interesting. is that a top selling song?

It's a couple years old, but it was big when it hit. Also, to disagree slightly with underground, I think people do listen to Kanye for his lyrics. In fact, this very song popularized the term "going HAM," which still gets used today. Also, no need to apologize for not liking the lyrical content of today's hip hop. There are plenty of other reasonable people that think it goes too far, and is a poor reflection of our cultural mores.

It's a scrimage and this team has been in need of a pure pg since Nolen finished his eligibility. So if one was wondering if Mathieu can distribute for easy backets this scrimmage may not have been the best evidence of that as he was scoring very well and he was on the second team, which needed scoring. You are correct if you have an advantage and can score, no matter your position, you do it.

Why? If a player is shooting at a 77% clip, don't you think you should let them keep hoisting it up? I don't care if Dre is playing with Jordan, if he's on a hot streak like that, I'll let him take the large percentage of shots.

It's a couple years old, but it was big when it hit. Also, to disagree slightly with underground, I think people do listen to Kanye for his lyrics. In fact, this very song popularized the term "going HAM," which still gets used today. Also, no need to apologize for not liking the lyrical content of today's hip hop. There are plenty of other reasonable people that think it goes too far, and is a poor reflection of our cultural mores.

I agree, at least in the days of yore we had the good sense to make people read between the lines. Why don't we do it in the road...........

Okay people, I need some counseling here. I'm age 51 and have 2 daughters age 17 and 20. When I listen to the music accompanying the video, I immediately go to that knee-jerk reaction of "this country is a cesspool and falling apart". Is that an over-reaction? How does one maintain hope for the future if that music is considered "no big deal"? I have such a hard time reconciling this. Somebody set me straight please. Incidentally, I consider myself pretty liberal, open-minded, and equality based. Help please!

What about it makes you feel that we're turning into a cespool? The vulgar language? Frankly I don't see much to get offended over except the frequent use of "ni**g", which isn't all that offensive to me.

I replied that I thought it was $hitty, meaning I didn't like rap.

Dr. Don likes rap music but it has to be old school...like real old school, when they called it square dancing.

Allemande Left with your left hand - Back to the partner for a Right and Left Grand

Ace of Diamonds, Jack of Spades - Meet your partner & all Promenade

Ladies do and the gents you know - It’s right by right by wrong you go

And you can’t go to heaven while you carry on so - And it’s home little gal and do-si-do,

And it may be the last time, I don’t know - And oh by gosh and oh by Joe.

Prediction: King will never get 9 fouls in a game this year. Book it.

I'm always right, 30% of the time with this stuff.

User: " Dr. Don likes rap music but it has to be old school...like real old school, when they called it square dancing. "

I actually prefer the Virgina Reel. You know, the predecessor to Line Dancing.

Haha, no problem. And as jmag mentioned, yes, it was unfortunately a very popular some because Kanye can do whatever he wants now that he's a brand name.

i agree, there are bigger things to worry about. and seriously, thank you for the reminder. i can get wound up a little tight.

btw, i've never heard the term "spit" for rapping, but i like that and am going to use it. also didn't realize that was Kanye West. so that's Kim's husband and baby North's dad? interesting. is that a top selling song?

It's a couple years old, but it was big when it hit. Also, to disagree slightly with underground, I think people do listen to Kanye for his lyrics. In fact, this very song popularized the term "going HAM," which still gets used today. Also, no need to apologize for not liking the lyrical content of today's hip hop. There are plenty of other reasonable people that think it goes too far, and is a poor reflection of our cultural mores.

People (including myself) once listened to Kanye for actual good reasons (e.g., lyrics, production, unique style). Now they "like" his lyrics simply because they're Kanye. If Kanye didn't already have his status there's no way the crap he's come out with in the past few years could actually sustain anywhere near this type of success. His ego has destroyed his music.

Sorry... back to the Dre talk.

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