I Support Coach Kill Thread! Let's get this thread larger than the Souhan crap thread

El Amin Fan

Well-known member
Jul 23, 2012
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Souhan has taken up too much space on this board. I'm all about Coach Kill.

absolutely! in kill we trust.

I love coach Kill of course. That doesn't mean I don't also want to see Souhan dismembered.

There is no doubt in my mind that Coach Kill would do nothing to harm the University of Minnesota, if he wasn't fit to coach he'd step aside with no prompting from the likes of Souhan. I fully support Coach Kill!

I know it probably doesn't matter too much, but I sent Teague a quick email showing support of him and Coach Kill. I didn't see an email address for Kill.

I'm looking forward to seeing Coach Kill lead the boys on the field on Saturday and looking more so to the following week to Kill hoisting Floyd!

Go Gophers!!

I'm looking forward to seeing Coach Kill lead the boys on the field on Saturday and looking more so to the following week to Kill hoisting Floyd!
Go Gophers!!

Inspiration is impossible to fake and hard to quantify. Kill is inspiring.

May Coach Kill lead us to a Rose Bowl in the near future.

100% in support of Coach Kill and his leadership of our team.

Hope coach Kill is coaching here a long time

I wouldn't want anyone else leading my favorite team!! Go kill!!

I support Coach and That is the Bottom Line!

At one of the weekly Tuesday press conferences very early on in Coach Kill's tenure he discussed that you just sometimes have to have "faith" in something. Not a whole lot of info or data to rely on...but as a fan you just have to go with the gut and decide "yes, I'm going to believe and give it a chance" or "no, I'm not."

Almost three years later...and now epilepsy and all...me and Mrs. Billd believed then and still believe now.

We personally like the overall trend. Still a long way to go but our faith in Coach Kill, his coaching team, his football system, and the kids he's bringing in to be our Golden Gophers is only getting stronger.

In Kill We Trust.

See you Saturday Coach! Go Gophers!

If someone fired Souhan, I wouldn't miss him. Who do you think should take his spot as columnist? I vote for Joe Christiansen.

Coach and Rebecca Kill, AD Teague, the Coaching Staff, the TEAM, and the Gophers are all number 1 in my book.


If I had a son that could play at the D1 level I would want, encourage, insist, hope and pray he could play for Coach Kill. By the way, my son had a adolescent form of epilepsy that he has since grown out of.

At this time I don't see that having Jerry Kill as our coach is a liability. I support the coach.

The staff and team proved Saturday that they could continue to play and coach effectively in this situation. Will it happen again during a game? I hope not, but it might and I think we can all rest assured that the rest of the staff and players are capable of continuing in his absence.

Yes, I support Coach Kill and his staff. The verdict should be based on what happens this season and next - maybe next two - not on Coach Kill's illness.

kill rocks and is an inspiration for all of us. He also coaches well. Why would anyone suggest that he not do exactly what he has been doing...it's working! Go Kill!

As my wife said, he's a football coach, not a surgeon. A football coach with epilepsy can still coach and recruit. A surgeon with epilepsy can't do surgery. Who's more fortunate? Go Jerry! Go Gophers!

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