Nelson named starter at Qb

Serious question. If Nelson starts tomorrow, why do we find out now? Why not tomorrow at 11? You can't have Shortell or Gray looking ready getting on the plane? Nelson may start tomorrow but I bet he doesn't get the majority of snaps at qb.

It all doesn't add up.

No, it's not obvious.

But thanks for...just saying.

I think it's probably obvious to the coaching staff, otherwise I doubt they would be burning a redshirt they have tried to keep. Is that not reasonable thinking? The difference is I can see plenty of unplanned circumstances coming together to force the situation, you on the otherhand think it's a fly-by-night, shoot from the hip, Nelson had a good practice-leap frog the starters so he'll start decision. My opinion lands on the side of reasonability.

Stuff leaks out. Fans and media are last to know.

All praise fearless leader!!

He has a fire and strength that burns with the light of a million suns!!

Truly all of his enemies will tremble in his wake!!

Don't believe imperialist media that says great leader is showing fear!!

Great leader will send imperialist media across the ocean with fierce strength and resiliency!!

Not sure what your trying to say here. Didn't think my post would've sparked such an emotional response.

Well to say the least, this has been one of the oddest weeks of Gopher football I can recall. Injuries everywhere, a health scare for the coach (yes, it was nothing, but still), a media firestorm regarding a cancelled series and now the icing on the cake, possibly starting a true freshman with Badger roots in Madison in hopes of breaking an ugly losing streak. I wonder if this is some sort of Hail Mary by Kill and staff to try and right a ship that's going down or if they have no choice. If it's the former, I hope there's a Golden Tate moment for the fellas from Minnesota tomorrow.

Things change

As many have said, Kill tried hard to preserve Nelson's redshirt. Kill has said Gray is our best player and our leader and we desperately need him. Kill expected/hoped Gray would be able to play the game at wide receiver last week. Stay healthy, get healthier and be our quarterback to finish the season. Shortell got hurt. Gray had to play quarterback. Gray played well. Then, Gray got hurt. After last week it became apparent Gray is not going to be healthy anytime soon. The situation is and was fluid. It changed last week.

Kill knew Nelson is number 2. He wanted to redshirt him because he wanted Gray to play. Didn't want to play Nelson for just one game, expecting Gray to return healthy. Now Nelson is the guy the rest of the way. If that is not true, then I am baffled.

Shortell, knew he was the true #3 and that is where the September transfer rumors come from. And that is why his dad sold out Jerry on tv about his son's redshirt.

In the final fall public scrimmage, I saw Nelson playing as the #2 at that time. And playing better than Gray. Max was #3 on that day, in the rotation. Other people seem to have seen it differently. That's what I saw. So, to me this isn't surprising given how the circumstances with Gray transpired.

If he does in fact end up starting it is because the coaches feel he is the best option they have. Which is scary because I can not dream up a worse scenario to put a guy out there for his first start.

1. True Freshman QB starting on the road in a hostile environment
2. Injuries all over the O-Line meaning Wisconsin will probably blitz a ton
3. Injuries at WR
4. Ineffective Running Game
5. Did I mention true freshman, hostile environment

No matter what happens tomorrow is going to be interesting to watch.

Say what you want, but I am more excited for tomorrows game than I was a few hours ago.

Greetings all,
I have been reading this forum for a few years now and it is my favorite place to get the latest news, scoop, rumors, etc. about my favorite football team. I became a hard core Gopher football, basketball, and hockey fan when I was in the 5th grade. Growing up a Gopher fan in the late 80's/early 90's was tough. I was in elementary school when Lou Holtz coached his one season and I remember John Gutekunst vaguely...something about a Liberty Bowl and then an Independence Bowl. Gopher Football became my main passion and I filled my head with images of Ricky Foggie, Darrell Thompson (I was at the game with my dad when he ran 98 yards for a TD against Michigan), John Leverenz, and Chip Lohmiller. I attended the U in the mid 90's and was a part of the On Campus community. I rooted for Chris Darkins and Tony Carter. I loved Gopher Football so much, I joined the Marching Band just to get into the games for free (never had marched before).
Coach Wacker was a nice guy and he had a big heart. Unfortunately, during his years (and mine) at the U, I saw my beloved Gophers lose every way possible. The Glen Mason years were my Glory Years. Old enough to drink at the bars and cheer for Barber III, Maroney, and Ron Johnson. Penn State upset in 1999 was my greatest thrill, while the heartbreak has been Legion. Brewster came bearing false gifts and put the Program back into the Dark Ages, and now comes the point of my post. Through thick and thin, I have rooted for and watched every game I could. After every loss and losing season, I always said "Next Year will be better." I repeat this endless cycle every year.

I was one of those who was screaming at my phone on December 5, 2010, the day news started breaking that My Beloved Gophers had hired Jerry Kill to be the next Head Coach. WHO???? What happened to the big names, the Chris Peterson's, the Mike Leach's (name every big name that was floated here on Gopher Hole). I was shaking my head and thinking: We will never win in MN because no one wants to come here.Then I started hearing and seeing Coach Kill. He sounded like a coach and those first videos the U put out during Spring Ball 2011 had me thinking that this guy sounded like a coach and actually looked like a Hell of a Coach. I could see him winning here with the right players. I was excited to watch the games again.The 2011 Football Season was frustrating to watch. Not in the way it was with Brewster (who could not coach), but because I could see what the coaches were trying to do and how they were trying to build the program.

2012 was filled with optimism and excitement to see how much improvement I would see after the confidence building wins at the end of 2011. 4-0 was nice, but now reality has set in and it's not that bad. My Gophers are not searching for an identity, like they were with Brewster. Instead, they are going through the Growing Pains expected when young players mature and develop into Winners. They will get better and play the type of ball Coach Kill demands. I don't agree with canceling the UNC series, but Coach Kill knows how to win and he will. Nothing in my mind says this more then seeing his decision to start Phillip Nelson tomorrow. So what if he burns a RS? If Phillip Nelson can help this team now, then I am all for it. The time for waiting is over. My dad was an undergraduate at the U the last time Minnesota won a Big Ten Championship. Hundreds of players have worn the Maroon and Gold since then, and Hundreds more will wear the Maroon and Gold after Phillip Nelson graduates. If Jerry Kill does his job, he will have the NEXT Phillip Nelson waiting in the wings for his chance to shine. That is what good coaches and teams do, they restock their talent every year. Why can't the U get to the point where we are just reloading every year? Jerry Kill is doing this the right way, and if he starts Phillip Nelson, it is because he has decided that this is the best option. So let's all watch this game tomorrow and cheer for this team and enjoy the coming out party for Phillip Nelson!!!! Ski U Mah!

The Woodchuck - Out

I thought this was a terrible decision at first, but I'm starting to come around and am realizing this isn't going to ruin the future of this program.

Starting Nelson the rest of this year will give him valuable experience moving forward and likely makes us a better team next year. The sooner we are a better team, the sooner we can recruit higher caliber players and also build a stronger fanbase. Even though Teague seems committed to Kill, he still has a finite window to make this team good enough to stay around long term. The sooner this team improves, the better his job security. I really like Kill and hope he can stick around for a long time.

We still have 3 more years with Nelson. It's not like we are going to fall off the end of the earth after he leaves. It sounds like Straveler is a very good player too, and Kill will continue to recruit a QB every year. I think and hope Nelson will be a solid player for us, but I don't see him as a world-beater and as the only answer to the future of this team. Many fans seem to hitch their wagon to him as the savior of the program. I think he will move the program forward and I'm excited to see what he can do, but he could easily get hurt and it's on to the next guy.

Improving this year and next year is more important than how good our team is in 2016. If we continue to improve this year and next, 2016 will take care of itself.

Redshirting lineman is definitely an important part of building a strong program with a physically mature O-line that is predominantly juniors and seniors. When it comes to skill players, if you are outplaying the older players on the team, then you should play.

Greetings all,
I have been reading this forum for a few years now and it is my favorite place to get the latest news, scoop, rumors, etc. about my favorite football team. I became a hard core Gopher football, basketball, and hockey fan when I was in the 5th grade. Growing up a Gopher fan in the late 80's/early 90's was tough. I was in elementary school when Lou Holtz coached his one season and I remember John Gutekunst vaguely...something about a Liberty Bowl and then an Independence Bowl. Gopher Football became my main passion and I filled my head with images of Ricky Foggie, Darrell Thompson (I was at the game with my dad when he ran 98 yards for a TD against Michigan), John Leverenz, and Chip Lohmiller. I attended the U in the mid 90's and was a part of the On Campus community. I rooted for Chris Darkins and Tony Carter. I loved Gopher Football so much, I joined the Marching Band just to get into the games for free (never had marched before).
Coach Wacker was a nice guy and he had a big heart. Unfortunately, during his years (and mine) at the U, I saw my beloved Gophers lose every way possible. The Glen Mason years were my Glory Years. Old enough to drink at the bars and cheer for Barber III, Maroney, and Ron Johnson. Penn State upset in 1999 was my greatest thrill, while the heartbreak has been Legion. Brewster came bearing false gifts and put the Program back into the Dark Ages, and now comes the point of my post. Through thick and thin, I have rooted for and watched every game I could. After every loss and losing season, I always said "Next Year will be better." I repeat this endless cycle every year.

I was one of those who was screaming at my phone on December 5, 2010, the day news started breaking that My Beloved Gophers had hired Jerry Kill to be the next Head Coach. WHO???? What happened to the big names, the Chris Peterson's, the Mike Leach's (name every big name that was floated here on Gopher Hole). I was shaking my head and thinking: We will never win in MN because no one wants to come here.Then I started hearing and seeing Coach Kill. He sounded like a coach and those first videos the U put out during Spring Ball 2011 had me thinking that this guy sounded like a coach and actually looked like a Hell of a Coach. I could see him winning here with the right players. I was excited to watch the games again.The 2011 Football Season was frustrating to watch. Not in the way it was with Brewster (who could not coach), but because I could see what the coaches were trying to do and how they were trying to build the program.

2012 was filled with optimism and excitement to see how much improvement I would see after the confidence building wins at the end of 2011. 4-0 was nice, but now reality has set in and it's not that bad. My Gophers are not searching for an identity, like they were with Brewster. Instead, they are going through the Growing Pains expected when young players mature and develop into Winners. They will get better and play the type of ball Coach Kill demands. I don't agree with canceling the UNC series, but Coach Kill knows how to win and he will. Nothing in my mind says this more then seeing his decision to start Phillip Nelson tomorrow. So what if he burns a RS? If Phillip Nelson can help this team now, then I am all for it. The time for waiting is over. My dad was an undergraduate at the U the last time Minnesota won a Big Ten Championship. Hundreds of players have worn the Maroon and Gold since then, and Hundreds more will wear the Maroon and Gold after Phillip Nelson graduates. If Jerry Kill does his job, he will have the NEXT Phillip Nelson waiting in the wings for his chance to shine. That is what good coaches and teams do, they restock their talent every year. Why can't the U get to the point where we are just reloading every year? Jerry Kill is doing this the right way, and if he starts Phillip Nelson, it is because he has decided that this is the best option. So let's all watch this game tomorrow and cheer for this team and enjoy the coming out party for Phillip Nelson!!!! Ski U Mah!

The Woodchuck - Out

Thank you Woodchuck

That's a good point. Never thought of that.

I missed this. Are you saying Shortell's dad went on TV and complained that Kill shouldn't have burned his redshirt last year? Is there a video link of this?

I missed this. Are you saying Shortell's dad went on TV and complained that Kill shouldn't have burned his redshirt last year? Is there a video link of this?

Yeah I never heard of this either. Have I been living in a hole?

Our ol needs to grow some big pairs of nuts tomorrow and protect Nelson. The Olson boys don't seem to be able to stay healthy. Got to be able to rely on them being on the field and effective. Disappointing. Overall, it seems out strength and conditioning guy hasn't done much to prevent injuries. Ol durability has been piss poor.

Nelson's dad said he wanted Phil to either start his freshman year or redshirt. Apparently it was a big factor in him choosing Minny over Wisconsin. He didn't want his redshirt burned on a fluke start or garbage time quarter.

This leads me to believe that if Nelson starts, it will be for the rest of the year barring injury.

I'm continually baffled by quotes from the parents making it to the media about their son's playing time. Coaches coach. Player play. Parents sit their butts in the seats and cheer on their kids win/lose/draw. What's so hard about that?

All I know is.....I can't wait for this game tomorrow now.

Greetings all,
I have been reading this forum for a few years now and it is my favorite place to get the latest news, scoop, rumors, etc. about my favorite football team. I became a hard core Gopher football, basketball, and hockey fan when I was in the 5th grade. Growing up a Gopher fan in the late 80's/early 90's was tough. I was in elementary school when Lou Holtz coached his one season and I remember John Gutekunst vaguely...something about a Liberty Bowl and then an Independence Bowl. Gopher Football became my main passion and I filled my head with images of Ricky Foggie, Darrell Thompson (I was at the game with my dad when he ran 98 yards for a TD against Michigan), John Leverenz, and Chip Lohmiller. I attended the U in the mid 90's and was a part of the On Campus community. I rooted for Chris Darkins and Tony Carter. I loved Gopher Football so much, I joined the Marching Band just to get into the games for free (never had marched before).
Coach Wacker was a nice guy and he had a big heart. Unfortunately, during his years (and mine) at the U, I saw my beloved Gophers lose every way possible. The Glen Mason years were my Glory Years. Old enough to drink at the bars and cheer for Barber III, Maroney, and Ron Johnson. Penn State upset in 1999 was my greatest thrill, while the heartbreak has been Legion. Brewster came bearing false gifts and put the Program back into the Dark Ages, and now comes the point of my post. Through thick and thin, I have rooted for and watched every game I could. After every loss and losing season, I always said "Next Year will be better." I repeat this endless cycle every year.

I was one of those who was screaming at my phone on December 5, 2010, the day news started breaking that My Beloved Gophers had hired Jerry Kill to be the next Head Coach. WHO???? What happened to the big names, the Chris Peterson's, the Mike Leach's (name every big name that was floated here on Gopher Hole). I was shaking my head and thinking: We will never win in MN because no one wants to come here.Then I started hearing and seeing Coach Kill. He sounded like a coach and those first videos the U put out during Spring Ball 2011 had me thinking that this guy sounded like a coach and actually looked like a Hell of a Coach. I could see him winning here with the right players. I was excited to watch the games again.The 2011 Football Season was frustrating to watch. Not in the way it was with Brewster (who could not coach), but because I could see what the coaches were trying to do and how they were trying to build the program.

2012 was filled with optimism and excitement to see how much improvement I would see after the confidence building wins at the end of 2011. 4-0 was nice, but now reality has set in and it's not that bad. My Gophers are not searching for an identity, like they were with Brewster. Instead, they are going through the Growing Pains expected when young players mature and develop into Winners. They will get better and play the type of ball Coach Kill demands. I don't agree with canceling the UNC series, but Coach Kill knows how to win and he will. Nothing in my mind says this more then seeing his decision to start Phillip Nelson tomorrow. So what if he burns a RS? If Phillip Nelson can help this team now, then I am all for it. The time for waiting is over. My dad was an undergraduate at the U the last time Minnesota won a Big Ten Championship. Hundreds of players have worn the Maroon and Gold since then, and Hundreds more will wear the Maroon and Gold after Phillip Nelson graduates. If Jerry Kill does his job, he will have the NEXT Phillip Nelson waiting in the wings for his chance to shine. That is what good coaches and teams do, they restock their talent every year. Why can't the U get to the point where we are just reloading every year? Jerry Kill is doing this the right way, and if he starts Phillip Nelson, it is because he has decided that this is the best option. So let's all watch this game tomorrow and cheer for this team and enjoy the coming out party for Phillip Nelson!!!! Ski U Mah!

The Woodchuck - Out

Summarize bro

I don't hate this move. I did at first, but only because I've been indoctrinated. Now I'm warming up to it.

QB might be the Gophers' most loaded position. Maybe, in terms of potential, QB and OL are both right up there. I don't know, but based on what I hear...

Anyway, so after Nelson burns his redshirt, you've still got Leidner redshirted. You've got Gray recovering and probably playing later in the season, Shortell on the bench, Dexter Foreman, Mitch Leidner, Streveler coming in next year, and whoever you recruit down the line.

How bad is this, really? Nelson will still have three full seasons of eligibility after 2012. That isn't bad!

Yeah I never heard of this either. Have I been living in a hole?
It wasn't quite as bad as the OP made it sound, but they interviewed Shortell's father during one of the games (think it was Western Michigan) and he said something to the effect of how he wished his son had been able to redshirt the year before and not have been thrown into the fire so early. I took it as a pretty innocuous comment, but if Shortell really is thinking about transferring I'm sure he would love to have that year of eligibility back.

Kill tried to keep his redshirt on. The team was 4-0. Gray continues to get hurt and Shortell takes no pressure off our OL AND RB's. Nelson gives us the best chance to win in the Big Ten. If Gray was 100% likely the redshirt stays in tact.

If the OC wasn't a trainwreck you could actually run a scheme that didn't require a pocket passer to run.


Not that.

Maybe Shortell wouldn't get hurt if you didn't just ram him into the line 15 times?

Square peg, round hole.

Not like more proof that the OC is a moron was needed. He cannot adjust to personnel. PERIOD.

Burning a redshirt is really, really stupid. Of course, they already burned several redshirts last week while preaching "patience" and while screaming "we are young" 19 million times.

The coaches are looking dumber by the day.

Limegrover graduated from the University of Chicago. You can call him a lot of things, but moron isn't one of them.

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