Somebody Should Be Fired

Governor Sibley

Section 109 Row 21
Dec 15, 2008
Reaction score
If the facts stand as they are presently stated--and the University stands to lose almost a million dollars to get out of an away football game--somebody deserves to lose their job.

Such a reckless misuse of university funds is indefensible and offensive.

If the dollar amounts are different than advertised, Teague needs to clear the air first thing tomorrow.

I say this as somebody who presently lists "Jerry Kill" as an "Inspiration" on my Facebook page, so you know I'm being serious.

Clearly this is an administration and school that doesn't run its athletic department like a business. They pay low $30s-$40s to seasoned marketing and PR people and therefore we get the results we get. This is an administration and school that gave contract extensions to coaches that didn't deserve them and then shortly thereafter paid big buy-outs. The way this entire situation was handled shows that Teague vastly underestimated the fans and media reaction, and that Kill is pushing Teague around like Maturi got pushed around. But hey, as long as he has a Southern drawl and uses "young" instead of "tremendous" we're all in hook-line-sinker.

Fire who? Kill? And pay him a 5 million buyout. Silly.

Teague will say most of the 800K will be made up from extra home game. That's all we will get from the U.

I will likely give up my 2 $500 seats and switch to a couple cheap seats. Or buy $10 seats to games I want to see.

I will likely give up my 2 $500 seats and switch to a couple cheap seats. Or buy $10 seats to games I want to see.

no you won't, but if it makes you feel better to say that today, i feel ya', i feel ya'. embarrassing day.

Who should be fired?

It's certainly not the coach who's job is to push, cajole and strong-arm every administrator he possibly can. I fully expect a head football coach to do whatever would help him, even if it means taking athletic tape from the volleyball team.

Teague will say most of the 800K will be made up from extra home game. That's all we will get from the U.

Then he should've been laughing off the criticism with that number today.

Right now Teague needs to jump on a grenade for his head football coach.

What a reactionary - yes, let heads roll for a move that may prove beneficial in the long run and end up netting the U more money (Bowl game in 2013?). Increasing the likelihood of a win may prove to be a wise investment down the line. Right now this program needs wins and the more the better, regardless of where they come from. not a schedule that please the masses.

As foolish as this the whole situation is. I would argue that this doesn't cost the university 1 dime in the long run. The added revenue from a home game plus an extra win equals a better bowl plus more bowl revenue. I would argue they'll actually make money in the long run.

I still think we should have played the game though.

As foolish as this the whole situation is. I would argue that this doesn't cost the university 1 dime in the long run. The added revenue from a home game plus an extra win equals a better bowl plus more bowl revenue. I would argue they'll actually make money in the long run.

If you are our AD, then I want to hear you say that.

My complaint is 100% about the money.

As foolish as this the whole situation is. I would argue that this doesn't cost the university 1 dime in the long run. The added revenue from a home game plus an extra win equals a better bowl plus more bowl revenue. I would argue they'll actually make money in the long run.

I still think we should have played the game though.

Exactly right. We get 6+ wins next year, and nobody gives a rip if we went to Chapel Hill or not, and the Athletic Dept's loss is more than covered.

Exactly right. We get 6+ wins next year, and nobody gives a rip if we went to Chapel Hill or not, and the Athletic Dept's loss is more than covered.

Well we should get 6 wins for sure! We won't have any injuries cause we won't be playing any bcs conference teams. Plus everyone in the big ten should be hurt when we play them so I'm going to reserve hotel in Indianapolis.

Small point but the conference divides the bowl revenue among the 12 teams in the league so us getting to 6 wins and a crap bowl doesn't make us any money in the long run. In fact like someone else said we probably end up losing money on a bowl game considering we have to eat the unsold tickets and pay for all the costs associated with the game.

But hey I hear Detroit is beautiful at Christmas time.

To my knowledge, we have never actually made money on a bowl game. But I'm happy to be corrected.

Exactly, many schools lose money on bowl games today due to mandatory ticket blocks they have to purchase. Good luck to Minnesota trying to sell out their allotment of tickets to a crappy bowl, they will have to eat the cost. The bowls themselves are the ones making money.

Exactly, many schools lose money on bowl games today due to mandatory ticket blocks they have to purchase. Good luck to Minnesota trying to sell out their allotment of tickets to a crappy bowl, they will have to eat the cost. The bowls themselves are the ones making money.

depends on where it is. i'm sure more gopher fans would be willing to go if we're playing in dallas vs detroit.

I don't agree with cancelling this series, but there's no way that the U is going to lose $1,000,000 on this. The U may actually make money off this. Even a poorly attended home game brings in a considerable about of money. Then there is the savings on travel expenses. I won't even count parking revenue, because that doesn't go to the athletics department. We don't know how much NMSU will get paid to play this game, but they are not in a position to make major demands.

Again, I'm not in favor of cancelling this series, but money isn't the issue.

Who should be fired?

It's certainly not the coach who's job is to push, cajole and strong-arm every administrator he possibly can. I fully expect a head football coach to do whatever would help him, even if it means taking athletic tape from the volleyball team.

I vote for Reusse!

Simple questions:

Is UNC 800 000 better off for not playing Minnesota?
Why would any BCS team schedule a home and home if they can make more money by playing home games against cupcakes? Maybe Minnesota is the wave of the future by refusing to play road games in the non-conference.

Exactly, many schools lose money on bowl games today due to mandatory ticket blocks they have to purchase. Good luck to Minnesota trying to sell out their allotment of tickets to a crappy bowl, they will have to eat the cost. The bowls themselves are the ones making money.

Not to mention that the Big Ten splits all bowl revenue equally so the tiny bit of profit that the school makes works out to be 1/12th of that tiny bit for Minnesota.

This is a brilliant move. The Gophers are coming off two loses and everyone is talking about them. Any publicity is better than none and they're getting more than 10 x $800K worth of it. A bunch of idiots who never pay attention to the program are talking about Gopher football. This board is lit up when normally things would be quiet after a couple of tough loses. The financial implications don't amount to a hill of beans and the reduced strength of schedule argument doesn't fly (we'll still play 11 of the 12 opponents on our schedule). I'm amused at the overreaction. Take a deep breath and remember that this like everything else will pass.

Go Gophers!

Exactly, many schools lose money on bowl games today due to mandatory ticket blocks they have to purchase. Good luck to Minnesota trying to sell out their allotment of tickets to a crappy bowl, they will have to eat the cost. The bowls themselves are the ones making money.

Not really. The Big Ten adds up the cost of all unsold tickets to all bowls and divides it up among the league office and the 12 schools.

. The added revenue from a home game plus an extra win equals a better bowl plus more bowl revenue. I would argue they'll actually make money in the long run.

I still think we should have played the game though.

Not picking on you, just using the most common comment. Has anyone seen anywhere where Teague has specifically stated we are 100% certain we are dropping UNC for a home game? If someone has something concrete besides "we're TRYING to replace UNC with a home game" please post your link. It sounds like there is nothing in place beyond running away from this game and trying to scramble to find someone to play us at TCF. If that is true, this has been terribly mismanaged.

Not picking on you, just using the most common comment. Has anyone seen anywhere where Teague has specifically stated we are 100% certain we are dropping UNC for a home game? If someone has something concrete besides "we're TRYING to replace UNC with a home game" please post your link. It sounds like there is nothing in place beyond running away from this game and trying to scramble to find someone to play us at TCF. If that is true, this has been terribly mismanaged.

It was confirmed today in a press conference by Teague. It is currently an open game for the next two seasons. We need to find a team to replace the game with.

Short version: The game is officially scrapped.

We're quickly turning a chicken salad program into chicken sh*t. Do you really think a quality player wants to come to a school that plays patsies for 1/3 of its schedule? But wait, the patsies quite often beat us - maybe not this year, but they have and they will in the future. The only reason that people were talking about us this year was after the win over Syracuse - scratch that for next year. We'll be 4-0 going into our first Big10/11/12 game and then get our ass kicked. Players and teams get tested in the cauldron, not in the kiddie pool.

If Kill could have ducked Syrcause this year he would have base upon this decision. SU and UNC are about equal this point.

This whole steaming pile is not going to bode well for the program, and our new beloved Norwood owns the whole thing.

You kind of wonder if Phil Nelson signed with the Gophs partially based on the quality of the opposition that he saw on future schedules. The best want to play the best. Hey Phil, want to go to Chapel Hill, Syracuse, LA, or Dallas. Forget that - here come the Jackrabbits!

When the books are closed there won't be a gaping $800,000 hole from this move.

Adding an extra home game to next year when season ticket sales will be strong with the "big three" on the schedule will probably recoup it in its entirety. No sales to the Nebraska game without purchasing a ticket to this game!

Take a look at SEC non-conference schedules. It's almost jaw dropping how few BCS road games they play. Many of their marquee non-conference match ups take place on neutral territory, and they play powerhouses like South Alabama and Jackson State at home.

I'm sure Teague did the math before he made the move. I don't think Teague was prepared for the PR side of the situation. He hasn't been at a school with the culture of ours, where there's strong distrust and scant loyalty to the Athletic Dept.

By Saturday afternoon this discussion will be on the back burner. We'll either be in elation mode, or more likely, sitting around discussing how we'll never beat Wisconsin again.

I'm sure Teague did the math before he made the move. I don't think Teague was prepared for the PR side of the situation. He hasn't been at a school with the culture of ours, where there's strong distrust and scant loyalty to the Athletic Dept.

By Saturday afternoon this discussion will be on the back burner. We'll either be in elation mode, or more likely, sitting around discussing how we'll never beat Wisconsin again.[/QUOTE]

This is going to get really ugly. Dumping the UNC games will create a serious S storm.

This decision will not hold up well over time.

Season Tickets will be impacted.

When the books are closed there won't be a gaping $800,000 hole from this move.

Adding an extra home game to next year when season ticket sales will be strong with the "big three" on the schedule will probably recoup it in its entirety. No sales to the Nebraska game without purchasing a ticket to this game!

Take a look at SEC non-conference schedules. It's almost jaw dropping how few BCS road games they play. Many of their marquee non-conference match ups take place on neutral territory, and they play powerhouses like South Alabama and Jackson State at home.

I'm sure Teague did the math before he made the move. I don't think Teague was prepared for the PR side of the situation. He hasn't been at a school with the culture of ours, where there's strong distrust and scant loyalty to the Athletic Dept.

By Saturday afternoon this discussion will be on the back burner. We'll either be in elation mode, or more likely, sitting around discussing how we'll never beat Wisconsin again.

I did take a look at the SEC non-conference Schedules.
12 of the 14 Teams play at least one BCS Opponent.
Only two Teams, Mississippi ST. and Teaxs Am will play Gopher like Schedules.

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