WOW, Brew has BIG WORDS for BB after the game


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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That was intense!! Brew was fired up and had some choice words for the UW staff.

Go Gophers!!

Brew got in BB's face and was pretty much yelling at him and then said something to another UW assistant who tried to shake his hand.

Go Gophers!!

Well deserved. I completely agree with Dinardo's take after the game. Of course Mason sat and grinned.

They just showed it on the BTN. Definitely a heated exchange with some finger pointing. Brewster almost yanked Bulemia's arm off.

If I were Brewster, I'd have coldcocked the mfer. You're gonna get fired, might as well go out in style

If I were Bulemia, I'd have said "Timmy, if you're not doing anything next Saturday you can come rake the leaves in my yard"

He should be worying about his own team, they did not look prepared to play in the first quarter. This guy is a complete tool, who cares about Wisconsin and their staff. Worry about what you can control.

Who cares, BB can just laugh at him and tell him what a crying loser he is!

Damnit, what did Dinardo say? I had to walk away from the tv as soon as the game ended.

If it is about the point conversion he wouldn't need words with Bulimia if we were any good at winning! Fire Brewster!

Showed the replay on Big Ten Network after the game. You could read Brewster's lips perfectly:

"Going for two up 25 in the fourth quarter is horse-shi*"

Then Bielema tried to say something and Brewster pulled away, saying, "Mother-fu**ing a**hole."

Sure, Bielema is a jerk for doing it. But that's only because he pussed out and said it was because of the card. I'd love it if I was a Wisconsin fan and he did it and said he was trying to run it up.

But should Brewster really be concerned about that in the post-game handshake? He's an even bigger turd than Bielema. Shut up and go waste another time-out or something.

If Brew would have slugged bielema right then and there, I would have fully supported giving him an extension on his contract.

As it is, though. He's still just a whiner. I bet he uses this to distract from the fact that he is the worst coach in the country and our history.

Damnit, what did Dinardo say? I had to walk away from the tv as soon as the game ended.

Said Bielema should've admitted he was running it up, which he clearly was, in DiNardo's opinion.

i like this, shows some passion. BB's a dick n brewster was sticking up for his players.

Man oh Man was Brewster upset. He was yelling with a finger in Bilema's face. It's good to see that kind of emotion even though he's a terrible coach.

I thought it was tasteless by BB to go for 2 - but I'm peeved that Brew fell into that trap himself. Of course BB was just trying to shove it in our face, and Brew comes off as a hothead afterwards. If you don't like it - stop it. Nobody to blame but yourself.

Brewster shot his mouth of from day one. Bielema is just letting know who Daddy is. The better move is to not care. But Brew has not known how to handle himself or his program since he arrived.

Ironic how so many on here had no problem with Westbrook's late dunk. For the record, I didn't care then, nor do I now. Stop the opponent, or shut up.

You guys should be thankful. Brett is doing his part to try to get you a new coach.

i like this, shows some passion. BB's a dick n brewster was sticking up for his players.

Sorry man, but this shows about as much productive passion as the white helmets did. He is a clown, who has used his clown status to actually distract from his horrible team and horrible staff.

Damnit, what did Dinardo say? I had to walk away from the tv as soon as the game ended.

He said that it was bull shat of Bielema to say he went for 2 because it was written on a card. He got a little worked up and essentially called Bielema a scumbag. Everyone (except Griffith) agreed it was OK to run up the score, but not to blame it on some stupid coach's card. Just say you can't stop me and be honest.

Brewster shot his mouth of from day one. Bielema is just letting know who Daddy is. The better move is to not care. But Brew has not known how to handle himself or his program since he arrived.

Ironic how so many on here had no problem with Westbrook's late dunk. For the record, I didn't care then, nor do I now. Stop the opponent, or shut up.

You guys should be thankful. Brett is doing his part to try to get you a new coach.

I have to actually agree w/ the badger here.

If BB wants to run up the score, so be it. It just exposes even more that the Gophers program is a joke.
If we don't want people to do things like that, we should try and put a winning team on the field instead of whining after getting beaten seven straight times by Becky.

Brewster shot his mouth of from day one. Bielema is just letting know who Daddy is. The better move is to not care. But Brew has not known how to handle himself or his program since he arrived.

Ironic how so many on here had no problem with Westbrook's late dunk. For the record, I didn't care then, nor do I now. Stop the opponent, or shut up.

You guys should be thankful. Brett is doing his part to try to get you a new coach.

It will be fun rivalry again when we get a decent coach and staff in here. Good luck to the Badgers and the rest of the B10 in bowl games this year.

Brewster shot his mouth of from day one. Bielema is just letting know who Daddy is. The better move is to not care. But Brew has not known how to handle himself or his program since he arrived.

Ironic how so many on here had no problem with Westbrook's late dunk. For the record, I didn't care then, nor do I now. Stop the opponent, or shut up.

You guys should be thankful. Brett is doing his part to try to get you a new coach.

Is that why no one in Madison brags about their basketball team against Minnesota anymore?

Although, I am just fine with running up the score. Big NE fan (Belichick).

I am just fine with Brewster going at BB though. (Wish Brewster just went after him for being him, rather than for the 2-point conversion). Hopefully next year the end of the game goes differently.

Brewster shot his mouth of from day one. Bielema is just letting know who Daddy is. The better move is to not care. But Brew has not known how to handle himself or his program since he arrived.

Ironic how so many on here had no problem with Westbrook's late dunk. For the record, I didn't care then, nor do I now. Stop the opponent, or shut up.

You guys should be thankful. Brett is doing his part to try to get you a new coach.


i agree he is a horrible coach on the field, but he does have one good quality you look for in a coach in that he sticks up for his players. BB disrespected his team and Brew just let him know he is not ok with that. I can't help but think Brew deep down knows this was his last game vs wisconsin and he had wanted to say this to BB since he started here and this was his last chance and the going for 2 was the last straw for Brew

Is that why no one in Madison brags about their basketball team against Minnesota anymore?

No one in Madison has anything to be ashamed of in regards to our Basketball program against any team in the conference. We're quite comfortable about it.

Sign of the times when you have to point to your 6th place basketball program on the football board.

Bielema: The card said go for 2.
Dinardo: Just say you were running up the score, don't hide behind a card.
Mason: (grinning) it's your job to stop them
Dinardo: I get it's your job to stop them. It's one thing when both programs are winning and it's gamesmanship. But, when one coach is obviously down, as Brewster obviously is (going to get fired) it is rubbing salt in the wounds.

No one in Madison has anything to be ashamed of in regards to our Basketball program against any team in the conference. We're quite comfortable about it.

Sign of the times when you have to point to your 6th place basketball program on the football board.

Who brought up the basketball game again ... ?

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