Question for the Board...


Jan 21, 2009
Reaction score
I am having a very difficult time understanding the enthusiasm that some people here have for Coach Brewster and what he's done during his time here. I'd like to hear what exactly it is that have people thinking we are on the right path. I'm asking this seriously as I'm obviously not picking up what others are putting down...

For full and fair disclosure, I was not a fan of the coaching decisions made a couple of years ago - neither the dismissal of Mason nor the selection of Brewster.

A coach that actually believes you can win at Minnesota.

Eternally optimistic in a state that relishes being eternally pessimistic.

Quick to fix problems...defense sucked...bring in JCs and Roof. Offense sucked...bring in Davis and Fisch (Peyton Manning's begging him to be his QB coach?).

Brought in a top 20 recruiting class off a 1-11 season.

Defense went from 119th in takeaways to 11th.

Wants to schedule the best teams.

Team went 7-6...far exceeding the vast majority's expectations.

Guts to go for it in tough situations.

A 7 win team brings back majority of starters next year.

Following the Illinois pattern...suck year one...improve year two....break through year three

Currently has verbals from 5 of the top 6 prospects in the state. Unheard of in these parts.

Not counting the off the field legal problems (that we know of). In the current culture of college athletics, that's amazing!

EDIT: I do appreciate Izatys honesty and not resorting to cheap shots. I can certainly see why some doubt Brew will ever get it done here.


while I think he is not the best at actually coaching, he has brought in way more talent than MN has ever had in my time. I am a huge opponent of mediocrity, why not go for the championship? I think Brew is trying to not be a middle-of-the-pack team but actually strive to get to the rose bowl. Thats my favorite thing about him, goin for the roses....

For me it's that we are competing with top tier schools in the recruiting process and actually winning some. Teams like USC and Florida win because they have the best talent. As our talent increases, we will win more games. Last year's recruiting class was huge, this year's doesn't have the big names like Gray and Maresh, but almost every player is a good talent. I know the rankings don't mean a lot and a 4-star player doesn't always translate into him being a great college player, but there's no doubt we're bringing in faster and more talented players than ever before.

Some people don't like Brewster's over the top attitude. I like the fact that he has set the bar high. He expects a lot. We'll see if, in the end, Brewster produces, but because of these few things, I like the direction we're going.

Pretty easy then:

1) Mason never cracked a top 50 recruiting class (maybe did here or there, but doubt it). So the D2 football team Brew inherited from Mason's dismal final recruiting performances produced the 1-11 season was an anomoly, and we have decided to wash that season for Brew (I mean really look at who was starting for that team, my D2 school had more talent at many positions).

2) Brewster has brought in highly rated athletes! He provided MNs high ranked recruiting class in the modern era off a 1-11 season, we here like the fact we will begin to see top notch athletes in a Gophs uniform.

3) Mason NEVER sold the Gopher program, he just smiled and was content with him paycheck and a .500 season. Brew is selling our program to the entire country. You may not like his enthusiam, but Christ, whens the last time the rest of the country has even realized the U still has a football team? I think some people need some meds on this board, seriously depressing individuals.

I'm sure there is many more reasons, I'll let the rest of you have your crack at this one.......

Let me give it a try Izaty's. Let me preface by saying, that I don't think we will know whether or not Brewster is a good coach or if he was the right choice for probably 2 more years. That said:

Most of us who support Brewster on here agree that Mason had brought us as far as we (he) could go. He never did work the PR side of the job, said publicly that you couldn't recruit top athletes to Minnesota and, to most of us, seemed to have gotten lazier with recruiting. Though he definitely improved the program from the Wacker, Salem, et al days, we were stuck as a average, middle of the pack team. Though we were known for having a great running game, once Maroney, Barber and Russell left, I don't believe that would have continued to that degree either. The defenses were always terrible and without trying to recruit quality athletes with speed, it was never going to get better.

We all know Urban Myer wasn't coming here so Maturi had to make a choice of an up and comer with enthusiasm or mid-tier head coach with experience. I believe (though may be proven wrong) that he made the right choice. i believe you have to have someone who talks up the program, tries to create enthusiasm and goes after the top talent in the nation if we are going to get to the next level of BCS football.

As said above, not sure yet about pure coaching, but Brewster has definitely improved the quality of recruit we are getting and even when we lose out on a kid, it's usually to top level schools. I think that is even going to get better when we can bring kids into TCF next year.

In this day and age, I believe it's all about recruiting and you need someone who lives and breathes it everyday - which Brewster does. I truly appreciate his enthusiasm for Minnesota and the job - a kind of person I like to work for and root for. Does he get carried away with Hyperbole occasionally? Sure, but that's his personality and I can definitley live with it.

My thanks to Mason for starting the ascent but I think he had taken us as far as he could and it (and he) had grown stale. That's why it was time for a change.

Sorry for the long winded response.

I've believed for a long time that you could build a winning program here. I never believed that Mason felt that way. I feel that way with Brewster.

The only inputs of Brewster's that can be judged so far is the recruiting. And he has brought in better players.

But mostly, because I am a supporter of the Gophers, I support the program until proof suggests I do otherwise. And so far he's right on target from what I've seen.

Many people wait for the program to prove they should support it first. That's a little too much of a 'what have you done for me lately' approach and totally ignores the role that we have as fans. To support our team with good words and encouragement.

If you're a fan you have a role. Otherwise you're merely a spectator.

Maximus pretty well nailed it. I agree with the others. I don't think that Brewster was quite ready for the head job, but he is learning and growing. Some people have a problem with that, but he is building and learning. The proof will be in another 2 yrs. or so, but he seems to be doing the right things. Part of a good program is selling and motivating, and he seems to have that, sometimes maybe a little overboard, but a Chili would not work to turn the pgm. I like the fact that if something is not working he moves to change it. He isn't one of those that says this is my system and thats it, thats a good thing. He also has made an effort to enlist the "M" men to help identify recruits around the country and that is big, that hasn't been done since Murray. Now only time will tell.

- will NEVER be satisfied with a 32 - 48 Big 10 record
- talks about winning Big 10 Championship and going to the Rosebowl
- will NEVER be satisfied with 2nd rate bowl games
- added Southern Cal to the schedule
- doesn't play "not to lose" in the 2nd half
- works 24/7, 365 days per year (doesn't take Feb to Aug off like former coach)
- actively promotes the educational quality of the U and the great history of Gopher football team
- if he is the Gopher coach in 10 years, won't say he is still rebuilding the team
- won't say students are drunk if they start booing him
- called out Reusse at recruiting social last year
- doesn't concentrate recruiting efforts on OSU leftovers
- hates Bielema and lets everyone know it
- high school football coaches don't hate him (one wore Gopher hat in state championship game)
- highly recruited athlete puts on Gopher cap on national TV, is not admitted to the U for academic reasons, and then resigns with U
- team made significant improvement from first year to second year


Unlike the previous coaches, he set the bar high: success = Rose Bowl.

I can't argue with that.

I like his positive attitude and his belief that he can get it done. To parady the business world, Google, HP, Best Buy, etc took on the big boys and if they hadn't believed in themselves and been persistent, they wouldn't be the household names you know today.

I believe he can build a winner and return Minnesota to its rightful place among the top teams in the country....

And I am going to enjoy the ride because to not enjoy it, is like riding in a car through the Rocky Mountains with your eyes closed just because somebody you don't like, told you it was a beautiful sight.....

Don't cut off your nose to spite your face...enjoy the ride....its great and we'll have some really good times even if we don't quite make it to the top...

I fully agree with most of the posters - it's too early to tell if Brewster will be a resounding success here at MN, but so far we've seen a fair amount of positive steps. It's by no means certain Brewster will be a success here and win championships, but at least 1. it won't be because that was that wasn't our goal and 2. it won't be for lack of trying.

Let me ask this......who IS a great coach their first time around? The last time Brewster was a head coach was in Indiana at the HS level. He has his detractors as far as his in-game coaching is concerned, and there are some legit gripes, but he's just finished his 2nd year as a college head coach. He's going to get better. Coaching looks so easy from the outside in, but when you're standing on the sidelines in the middle of everything, it's much harder than it looks. I've learned this myself on a smaller scale.

I think Brewster has brought a positive and aggressive new attitude to Minnesota, and it's refreshing. After 10 years under Mason as a glorified MAC team, it's nice to be aiming higher and talking about things we never dared to talk about before....Blue Chip recruits, Rose Bowls, games against USC......he's bringing something the program hasn't had since Lou Holtz was here. Excitement.

I agree with everything everyone has said and I would in the long run W/L is the most important way to judge a coach. However, in the early years of a new coaching regime you need to look at the underlying progress the program is making. As mentioned, recruiting is the most important thing right now. Freshman make a small impact on offense/defense but they make their presence felt on special teams and increased speed was clearly visible on special teams. Eventually these players will be starters on offense/defense.

While over the top at times, he has changed the attitude of the program and some fans are buying in. The ones that are not will only change their tune when W's start showing up more often.

I am having a very difficult time understanding the enthusiasm that some people here have for Coach Brewster and what he's done during his time here. I'd like to hear what exactly it is that have people thinking we are on the right path. I'm asking this seriously as I'm obviously not picking up what others are putting down...

For full and fair disclosure, I was not a fan of the coaching decisions made a couple of years ago - neither the dismissal of Mason nor the selection of Brewster.

The answer is simple. Fans follow teams, not coaches.

I think calling for a coach to be fired is usually just a moron's way of expressing their passion. I've noticed that most people who jump on an anti-coach bandwagon are pretending to be fans, and really don't want to take the time to understand the game.

Giving your team's head coach the benefit of the doubt isn't being stupid or naive. It's being a fan. And frankly, nobody really has any idea how good the 2009 and 2010 Gophers might be.

Fans follow teams, not coaches.

Well said. We don't control who is coach and never will. What is positive with Brewster is we have a fresh outlook and enthusiasm, a different talent pool, obviously better potential recruiting. Will this mean this Brewster program will be better than the last? I think it will. If it does not, fire then hire again. I think one thing has been established, Brewster has lifted expectations. When the last coach came in, he lifted expectations from the Wacker years. We got a lot better overall and it has lasted till today. Given the increased fan support, university support and a much bigger revenue potential, this coach will surpass the success of his predecessor.

Let me ask this......who IS a great coach their first time around? The last time Brewster was a head coach was in Indiana at the HS level. He has his detractors as far as his in-game coaching is concerned, and there are some legit gripes, but he's just finished his 2nd year as a college head coach. He's going to get better. Coaching looks so easy from the outside in, but when you're standing on the sidelines in the middle of everything, it's much harder than it looks. I've learned this myself on a smaller scale.

I think Brewster has brought a positive and aggressive new attitude to Minnesota, and it's refreshing. After 10 years under Mason as a glorified MAC team, it's nice to be aiming higher and talking about things we never dared to talk about before....Blue Chip recruits, Rose Bowls, games against USC......he's bringing something the program hasn't had since Lou Holtz was here. Excitement.

So the last three months have been exciting? Hard to get my head around that one.

Thanks to all who responded. I'm still not sold. Couple of reasons why. Go ahead and pick away...

1) We are a B10 school. We shouldn't have to provide our coaches with training wheels to do their job. I don't want two more years of learning curve...

2) What is this team's personality. Like him or not, you always knew what Mason's team would do - run the ball, control the clock, and bend but (hopefully) not break on D. I have no idea what Brewster is trying to instill. First it was the spread. Now he says he's about power running. This shift has to affect recruiting and perhaps player retention. Certainly if I was competing with the U for a player, the first thing I'd do is try to plant a seed of doubt by pointing this out.

3) The cupboard was not bare when Brewster came here like it was when Alvarez joined Scony or Zook took over in Illinois. Certainly changing systems and philosophies is difficult, but not to the point where we should have had to suffer through the worst season in the history of a storied program like ours.

4) Some of the in-game decisions have been absolutely horrifying. Two examples from last year include the end-of game coaching against NW and then the polar opposite decisions at the end of the first half versus Scony. A head coach needs to know when his team can make hay and when he needs to pull in the reigns. People who seemingly have the guts to gamble are usually the best at understanding all the variables and knowing when it's actually in their favor to act...

I don't know recruiting. Who knows if last year's, this year's, or next year's classes will pan out. All I look at is game day results. Thus far Brewster-led teams have delivered the worst season in Gopher football history and the worst home shutout loss in Gopher football history. That there were 6 more wins this year versus last year SHOULD be meaningless to all of us. We never should have been 1-11 in the first place. Now the spread experiment has failed and Brewster has surrounded himself with more novices and unproven commodities (Davis not included). If he's still learning his job as a head coach as many of you have said (and suggested is a reason to cut him some slack), how can we rationally expect that he is teaching the other novices...

I've tried to limit my points and to use specific arguments but I'm sure I'll be dubbed a troll again. Again, I apologize for have expectations for the U and of the head coach.

For the fun of it, you say the cupboard was not bare, please list all the players left for Brewer that are above average or higher. I think you will be hard pressed to name more than 5. I will help, Decker, Weber, Sherels, ... how many more can anyone think of. The rest are not big ten players, add changing coaches/systems adds up to, you struggle.

Granted his hire was questionable, but he is here and learning and building the right way.

Team personality: he wants a wide open explosive offense, and unlike Mason who said we are going to run come hell or high water, Brewster is learning you must adapt and become balanced. Personality is developing. Recruits will come for awhile on enthusiasm, promise of a program developing, and coaches with NFL experience and contacts. D will improve so they won't have to score 30.

There were SOME good players here, and a majority that were not top BT players. It is encouraging that we are now competeing with top 15 teams for players. It will take time, but Mason ignored top teer players. Don't get me wrong, Mason brought the pgm. to middle of the pack,, but stalled there.

Some game decisions are definitely questionable, but had a couple worked, he would have been a genius. He will definitely not be called conservative. It the talent improves, some gambles will look great and when they fail, backseat QB's will lambast him.

Like it or not he is here and we have to give him 4-5 yrs. to find out if he sinks or swims, but he is working his butt off to succeed, so he deserves some slack ( for now ).

Thanks to all who responded. I'm still not sold. Couple of reasons why. Go ahead and pick away...

1) We are a B10 school. We shouldn't have to provide our coaches with training wheels to do their job. I don't want two more years of learning curve...

2) What is this team's personality. Like him or not, you always knew what Mason's team would do - run the ball, control the clock, and bend but (hopefully) not break on D. I have no idea what Brewster is trying to instill. First it was the spread. Now he says he's about power running. This shift has to affect recruiting and perhaps player retention. Certainly if I was competing with the U for a player, the first thing I'd do is try to plant a seed of doubt by pointing this out.

3) The cupboard was not bare when Brewster came here like it was when Alvarez joined Scony or Zook took over in Illinois. Certainly changing systems and philosophies is difficult, but not to the point where we should have had to suffer through the worst season in the history of a storied program like ours.

4) Some of the in-game decisions have been absolutely horrifying. Two examples from last year include the end-of game coaching against NW and then the polar opposite decisions at the end of the first half versus Scony. A head coach needs to know when his team can make hay and when he needs to pull in the reigns. People who seemingly have the guts to gamble are usually the best at understanding all the variables and knowing when it's actually in their favor to act...

I don't know recruiting. Who knows if last year's, this year's, or next year's classes will pan out. All I look at is game day results. Thus far Brewster-led teams have delivered the worst season in Gopher football history and the worst home shutout loss in Gopher football history. That there were 6 more wins this year versus last year SHOULD be meaningless to all of us. We never should have been 1-11 in the first place. Now the spread experiment has failed and Brewster has surrounded himself with more novices and unproven commodities (Davis not included). If he's still learning his job as a head coach as many of you have said (and suggested is a reason to cut him some slack), how can we rationally expect that he is teaching the other novices...

I've tried to limit my points and to use specific arguments but I'm sure I'll be dubbed a troll again. Again, I apologize for have expectations for the U and of the head coach.

1) What training wheels were provided?

2) I think you are confusing predictability with personality. Mason had no public personality and this was reflected in the team.

3) Wacker left Mason more players than Mason left Brewster.

4) I think both your examples were good, consistent coaching decisions. In one case the score is tied and you are crazy to go for OT the way it works in college. And in the other case, you are up 14 and you just had a very long delay for what may have been a serious injury. Even if you disagree with these decisions, they are hardly "horrifying".

If you think '07 was the worst Gopher season ever you have not been paying attention. Nor listening to Joe Salem.

I like the direction that Brewster is taking the program in because:
1) His focus on building a successful program
When he took the job he let everyone know that he had high expectations for where he thought he could take the program. From day one he has said he wants to take us to the Rose Bowl. I don't see anything wrong with that as a goal. He didn't say he was going to take us to Pasadena in his first year, but that he would bring us to a Rose Bowl. I think that with the talent he's bringing in we should have a realistic shot at getting to the Rose Bowl in the next 3 years or so. Not saying it's a lock to happen, but I feel that we have a much better shot at reaching that level than we did before he came here.
2) His recruiting ability
Brewster's obviously bringing in talent to the program like we haven't had in awhile. Bringing in a lot of talent gives a chance to become a consistently good team. Now that he's got two recruiting classes underneath him I think we're really going to start to see what type of product we can expect to see under Brewster.
3) His focus on keeping our top level HS players here
He's really made a strong effort to reach out to the coaches throughout the state to let them know that he wants MN players to be a strong part of the foundation of the program. Getting Maresh last year, and 5 of the top 6 guys in this years class shows that he's committed to keeping homegrown talent here. I got sick of Mason letting all of the top talent in the state go to other programs year after year.
4) His excitement and enthusiasm for Golden Gopher football
I know that some people on this board don't really care for a lot of the comments that Brewster makes, but I for one like the enthusiasm that he brings to the program. I think that some people take his comments the wrong way. He may be a little to optimistic at times, but you can't deny that he wants the program to succeed or that he wants whats best for his players and the fans.


- will NEVER be satisfied with a 32 - 48 Big 10 record
- talks about winning Big 10 Championship and going to the Rosebowl
- will NEVER be satisfied with 2nd rate bowl games
- added Southern Cal to the schedule
- doesn't play "not to lose" in the 2nd half
- works 24/7, 365 days per year (doesn't take Feb to Aug off like former coach)
- actively promotes the educational quality of the U and the great history of Gopher football team
- if he is the Gopher coach in 10 years, won't say he is still rebuilding the team
- won't say students are drunk if they start booing him
- called out Reusse at recruiting social last year
- doesn't concentrate recruiting efforts on OSU leftovers
- hates Bielema and lets everyone know it
- high school football coaches don't hate him (one wore Gopher hat in state championship game)
- highly recruited athlete puts on Gopher cap on national TV, is not admitted to the U for academic reasons, and then resigns with U
- team made significant improvement from first year to second year

I don;t know how hard Mason worked. But I can;t help but ask myself what would the Mason legacy be had he won that Friday night game against Michigan. Of course we will never know because we lost that game. That loss took so much wind out of the program's sails.

cupboard was not bare when Brewster came here

your delusional, bare as a bone.

For the fun of it, you say the cupboard was not bare, please list all the players left for Brewer that are above average or higher. I think you will be hard pressed to name more than 5. I will help, Decker, Weber, Sherels, ... how many more can anyone think of. The rest are not big ten players, add changing coaches/systems adds up to, you struggle.

I could add WVS to that list, but that's about it....


Thanks to all who responded. I'm still not sold. Couple of reasons why. Go ahead and pick away...

1) We are a B10 school. We shouldn't have to provide our coaches with training wheels to do their job. I don't want two more years of learning curve...

2) What is this team's personality. Like him or not, you always knew what Mason's team would do - run the ball, control the clock, and bend but (hopefully) not break on D. I have no idea what Brewster is trying to instill. First it was the spread. Now he says he's about power running. This shift has to affect recruiting and perhaps player retention. Certainly if I was competing with the U for a player, the first thing I'd do is try to plant a seed of doubt by pointing this out.

3) The cupboard was not bare when Brewster came here like it was when Alvarez joined Scony or Zook took over in Illinois. Certainly changing systems and philosophies is difficult, but not to the point where we should have had to suffer through the worst season in the history of a storied program like ours.

4) Some of the in-game decisions have been absolutely horrifying. Two examples from last year include the end-of game coaching against NW and then the polar opposite decisions at the end of the first half versus Scony. A head coach needs to know when his team can make hay and when he needs to pull in the reigns. People who seemingly have the guts to gamble are usually the best at understanding all the variables and knowing when it's actually in their favor to act...

I don't know recruiting. Who knows if last year's, this year's, or next year's classes will pan out. All I look at is game day results. Thus far Brewster-led teams have delivered the worst season in Gopher football history and the worst home shutout loss in Gopher football history. That there were 6 more wins this year versus last year SHOULD be meaningless to all of us. We never should have been 1-11 in the first place. Now the spread experiment has failed and Brewster has surrounded himself with more novices and unproven commodities (Davis not included). If he's still learning his job as a head coach as many of you have said (and suggested is a reason to cut him some slack), how can we rationally expect that he is teaching the other novices...

I've tried to limit my points and to use specific arguments but I'm sure I'll be dubbed a troll again. Again, I apologize for have expectations for the U and of the head coach.

Now you can go piss and moan about this coach as long as you want and it isn't going to change anything. They aren't going to fire him because you don't like him, none of the enthusiasts (me included) are going to change our minds because of what you think and we aren't going to cry over the fact that you can't see silver linings in all your gloom and doom, and i could care less if you ever change your mind when it becomes obvious Brewster delivers, and I certainly don't care if your are ultimately proven right and Brewster is determined to be a bag of hot air and not much else because I will have enjoyed the time while he was trying to be the best he can be in his own way....

I choose to have a positive outlook and celebrate the successes that Brewster is bringing to the Minnesota Gophers....

I apologize for have expectations for the U and of the head coach.

You can't say say you were a fan of Mason and then apologize for having expectations for a Head Coach! Mason HATED ANY EXPECTATIONS!!!! Going after fans, not showing up for scheduled events even those he was being PAID for and trying to sell the 2007 football team as a "rebuilding" season even after coaching for about 10 years is why Mason was fired!!

Though it is interesting to note the irony that after Mason was pleading that the 2007 season was going to be a rebuilding year (after a 6-7 year), Masonites constantly have complained that Brewster was given plenty of talent to work with.:D 3-9 under Glen would have sounded so much better.

Oh, welcome back whatever moniker you choose to use!

For the fun of it, you say the cupboard was not bare, please list all the players left for Brewer that are above average or higher. I think you will be hard pressed to name more than 5. I will help, Decker, Weber, Sherels, ... how many more can anyone think of. The rest are not big ten players, add changing coaches/systems adds up to, you struggle.

I thought Willie was good. The O line was better in 2007. The running backs were better. Kucek was good. Simmons was better before 2007, I thought. I also thought the new Wr's neither knew their responsibilities nor knew how to block half as well as Wheelwright.

I hated the waste of asking the coaches to recruit in 2004 and 05 without a contract and the wasted year of 2006 with neither the new coaches nor the old coaches. It has been a long mess.

In any case, at what point does the coach accept that it is his job to coach wins?

I hope the answer is soon rather than at some time in the next decade.

Goldy, don't you see, you're making the arguement for Brewster even though you were trying to slam him!!!!!!!!

Mason was here 10 years and we were always rebuilding. His Big 10 record was about .38% wins and you are complaining about Brewsters win total.

Again, as I said in an earliar post, I don't know if Brewster is ultimately the right guy or not but at least his expectations and dreams are for Big 10 titles and Rose Bowls, not just to have a winning record, like Mason

The question for GopherHole was why are so many of us enthusiastic about Brewster. This is not a debate, and there are no right or wrong answers. Many of us couldn't care less that Mason might have won several more games last year and this year. We learned in 2003 that Mason would NEVER take us where we wanted to go - to compete for a Big 10 Championship with a chance to go to the Rose Bowl. That apparently didn't bother Mason very much, and it was one of the main reasons why President Bruininks told Maturi to fire him after the Texas Tech game. Some of you might not have heard that story, but by most accounts it is true. Bruininks walked into the locker room after the game expecting to see Mason all bummed out about blowing the big lead and losing. Apparently, that was not what he saw. Mason was acting like it was no big deal - just another game. As the story goes, after they left the locker room Bruininks told Maturi to get rid of Mason as soon as possible. Probably for the first time ever we had a U of M president who was more competitive and felt worse about losing than the head football coach.

The jury is still out on Brewster, and in the end he may not succeed at the U. We all know that. But there are two things I am certain of right now: (1) NOBODY will ever feel worse than Brewster when the Gophers lose a football game; and (2) I personally have gotten more fun out of Brewster's first two seasons than I did in all of the previous 10 seasons with Mason. Brewster is the Gopher coach for three more years. Nothing is going to change that fact. And I am not going to spend that time whining about what could have been. I am just going to enjoy the ride and hope for the best.

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