All Things Joshua Ola-Joseph Recruitment Thread (Class of 2022; Osseo HS; Gophers Offered)

GopherHole Staff

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Nov 3, 2008
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This is the thread to post updates on Joshua's recruitment.
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Fantastic opportunities. Such diversity from coast to coast. Cal Poly, a very unique place. Have not seen his game.

Fantastic opportunities. Such diversity from coast to coast. Cal Poly, a very unique place. Have not seen his game.
A few of his games are on Youtube and he is a pretty impressive guy. I think the thing that really stands out is that he is really big guy for a wing. He has long arms and he is sturdy. I think he can play some 4, but he might have enough skills to stay at the 3. In the same way having post players who can shoot gives your offense versatility, having large wings gives your defense versatility. We saw a lot of this with Deandre Hunter when he was at Virginia.

A few of his games are on Youtube and he is a pretty impressive guy. I think the thing that really stands out is that he is really big guy for a wing. He has long arms and he is sturdy. I think he can play some 4, but he might have enough skills to stay at the 3. In the same way having post players who can shoot gives your offense versatility, having large wings gives your defense versatility. We saw a lot of this with Deandre Hunter when he was at Virginia.
Hunter had a 7'2 wingspan and guarded 4 positions. Would love to see this young man accomplish just a little of what Hunter did. And to become the 4th over all selection. Hunter had elite offers but what made it was they were on him early, before his injury. No injury and the blue bloods were in. Plus Guy and Jerome really connected with him, the injury experience Jerome shared. The culture fit, he loved the coach and bought in. Love guys that can guard two positions, really love guys that can guard 4.

Joshua is impressive! He has offer validation. He can handle the ball and attack the rim. He can block some shots. He can make threes. He’s long and sturdy.

Joshua, Carrington and Payne would be a very nice beginning.

Okay, my question to keep my “you’re so dumb” response count elevated… Joshua checks most all the video checklist of attributes in a guy you want to offer…why did the Gophers wait until August 6th to offer this Minnesota guy?

Does Texas A&M normally recruit the Twin Cities? Offered both JOJ and Payne.

Retaliation for trying to take their coach?

Does Texas A&M normally recruit the Twin Cities? Offered both JOJ and Payne.

Retaliation for trying to take their coach?
The A&M coach was gone no matter what. Buzz Williams knows the area from his time at Marquette, but he offers a ton of guys every year no matter where they are from.

Joshua is impressive! He has offer validation. He can handle the ball and attack the rim. He can block some shots. He can make threes. He’s long and sturdy.

Joshua, Carrington and Payne would be a very nice beginning.

Okay, my question to keep my “you’re so dumb” response count elevated… Joshua checks most all the video checklist of attributes in a guy you want to offer…why did the Gophers wait until August 6th to offer this Minnesota guy?
He has come a long way with being able to handle the ball and the shoot. He has games from a couple years ago on YouTube and he kind of played like an athletic 6'3" PF. He was sturdy and long enough to still be good, but I he plays more like a big wing now.

I'm saying this after only watching about 30 minutes of video on YouTube, so take it with a giant spoonful of salt, but that's my 2 cents.

He has come a long way with being able to handle the ball and the shoot. He has games from a couple years ago on YouTube and he kind of played like an athletic 6'3" PF. He was sturdy and long enough to still be good, but I he plays more like a big wing now.

I'm saying this after only watching about 30 minutes of video on YouTube, so take it with a giant spoonful of salt, but that's my 2 cents.
yeah my only guess is that maybe there is some position concerns? will he be able stick at the 3? can he be a combo forward? Is he only a 4?

Someone is suddenly recruiting MN dudes...
Since he is down a level, maybe he thinks the MN kids are now good enough to play for him. I think Pitino only went after the very top MN kids thinking he was still at Louisville.

yeah my only guess is that maybe there is some position concerns? will he be able stick at the 3? can he be a combo forward? Is he only a 4?
Yeah, it's a good question. I think he is a good enough shooter to space the floor as a 3 and a good enough athlete to check 3's, but I think he also has the versatility to defend most college 4s.

The questions for Ola-Joseph coming into the summer were:
1. Can he shoot it well enough? (he shot it really well this summer)
2. Is he a 3 or 4? If hes a 4 can he play that at 6'6" in the big ten? (personally think hes mainly a 4 that can guard some 3's)
I thought this offer would come a little earlier but he seems to fit what Ben looks for, tough, hardworking kid thats developing more and more everyday.
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Looks like he will take an official August 18th and 19th. Clemson and Colorado state are after him pretty hard as well. Hopefully we can seal the deal with another MN kid on their official.

I like Josh even though he would be a slightly undersized 4. He has really developed his shot and he’s a tough kid. He will be a team player and play hard all the time. He would be a good pickup.

Looks like he will take an official August 18th and 19th. Clemson and Colorado state are after him pretty hard as well. Hopefully we can seal the deal with another MN kid on their official.

I like Josh even though he would be a slightly undersized 4. He has really developed his shot and he’s a tough kid. He will be a team player and play hard all the time. He would be a good pickup.
So he got the offer Aug. 6 and he already has an official scheduled for next week? No tea leaf reading capabilities here but I think that's a good sign.

So he got the offer Aug. 6 and he already has an official scheduled for next week? No tea leaf reading capabilities here but I think that's a good sign.
Yeah, per Ryan James, it’s looking like he’s got an official scheduled already next week.

I’m thinking the same. I think Josh has high interest in playing for the U and in the big ten.

Looks like he will take an official August 18th and 19th. Clemson and Colorado state are after him pretty hard as well. Hopefully we can seal the deal with another MN kid on their official.

I like Josh even though he would be a slightly undersized 4. He has really developed his shot and he’s a tough kid. He will be a team player and play hard all the time. He would be a good pickup.
This is great news. I agree with others that the offer took a bit longer than I thought it would, but happy to hear he’s coming to campus in 9 days.

A tough, slightly undersized 4 worked out great for MN a few years back!

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