Bad News on the Covid Front

That's a whole lot of nothing, but the headline I'm sure will generate some clicks and further the anxiety of those that look for it. So basically, we don't know how many or who will be out.

Per the B1G rules, a maximum of 7.5% of the team can be affected. Assuming 105 players (not sure the exact number of w/o's they have), that would be a maximum of 7 players that could be affected before they have to shut down practice and can't play in games. Being we haven't heard of that, it's most certainly at 7 or less. Hopefully it's a lot less, and they aren't starters.

Based on the tweet, it could be 7 players, it could be 0. Fleck didn't even acknowledge there were any. He just stated he knew the number. Obviously, Fleck isn't going to tip his hand ahead of time. The thread title should probably read "no news on Covid front".

In addition, being out because of COVID, if there are any, could just mean they are out due to contact tracing and not a positive test, which is 2 weeks quarantine vs 3.

Some amount of players between zero and less than 65 are infected based on what I’ve read.

this is going to be a thing all year. Hopefully they get to play 8 games this year. Would be fun.

This isn't really "bad" news so much as "non-news." Question about COVID will need to be asked every week, but we'll likely never know the real answer until just prior to kickoff. It's easier getting information out of the CIA or KGB than it is the football facility.

Said it before and I'll say it again - the B1G title will not come down to who has "the best team." It will come down to which team has the most key players available.

and of course, all of that assumes that teams are being truthful about covid issues.

I could see a team - or multiple teams - trying to cover up positive cases. Having said that, if anyone tries that and gets caught, I think the NCAA would hit them with some very severe penalties.

but the bottom line - unless teams are being unusually open, you may not know who is available for a game until the teams go out on the field.

Prediction - Nebraska, Ohio St, Penn St and Michigan will lose less man games to covid than the other big ten teams and it won’t be close.
Prediction - Grant will be run out of Gopherhole for being a Blue Blood loving troll!

Prediction - Nebraska, Ohio St, Penn St and Michigan will lose less man games to covid than the other big ten teams and it won’t be close.

I agree with that although I think Michigan plays by the rules and has similar Covid numbers

Harbaugh says Michigan is covid free!

Ten days for mere mortals, 21 days for return to competition for Cov+ Big Ten athletes. I’d guess that’s to account for the general advice to abstain from exercise for two weeks after symptoms in a hedge against potential myocarditis, and allow for the cardiac testing and a week of re/conditioning. It would be interesting to see the detailed protocol.

I don’t think teams will intentionally fib on positives, but can see some shenanigans around contact tracing and defining contact...

Ten days for mere mortals, 21 days for return to competition for Cov+ Big Ten athletes. I’d guess that’s to account for the general advice to abstain from exercise for two weeks after symptoms in a hedge against potential myocarditis, and allow for the cardiac testing and a week of re/conditioning. It would be interesting to see the detailed protocol.

I don’t think teams will intentionally fib on positives, but can see some shenanigans around contact tracing and defining contact...

I agree with you that the 21 days seems extreme. I really wonder if once things get started and the Big Ten sees that games (or the season) are at risk - since they also left no time for reschedules with the later start date - they will make some adjustments on the fly to the parameters?

With cases going crazy in nearly every state, that's probably not going to help. The other possibility is that maybe the CFP decides to push their dates back a couple weeks and allows for a bit more buffer in between December 19, but not sure how logistically feasible that is either

All because of a flu bug and over 50% false positive testing......goodnight!

So you really think these huge sports conferences/leagues are gonna say, "Well yeah, this thing will have killed 300,000 people by the end of November, but no worries, we're just going to go ahead and plow forward with our football games with no precautions?"

So you really think these huge sports conferences/leagues are gonna say, "Well yeah, this thing will have killed 300,000 people by the end of November, but no worries, we're just going to go ahead and plow forward with our football games with no precautions?"
Nope, they aren't going to do that, but they could instill a testing system in the BIG that makes more sense. 21 days for a potential false positive makes no sense to me. See Nick Saban...

To be fair I had symptoms for 7 days. Although only the first few days were really bad.

Yes, my fiancee's symptoms were strongest the first few days, but the heavy fatigue definitely was happening in week 2. She also still had trouble getting her breath (or getting winded easily) for at least a month afterwards.

Yes, my fiancee's symptoms were strongest the first few days, but the heavy fatigue definitely was happening in week 2. She also still had trouble getting her breath (or getting winded easily) for at least a month afterwards.
I know this virus is really weird. Some people experience symptoms for a few days and some people for months. There's a guy here in Cedar Rapids a teacher who had it for at least two months had to have his leg amputated and then ended up dying of it.

Symptoms are not what's important. What's important is, are you contagious and thus can infect someone else?

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