With season upon us, Covid conversations will be grouped in one thread

GopherHole Staff

GopherHole Admin
Staff member
Nov 3, 2008
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With the season upon us, we are going to merge threads back into an All Things COVID/College Football Thread" for those that want to discuss COVID. In addition, there is an Off-Topic Board with many discussions on COVID. We will do our best to delete references that incite bickering/political posturing. This is a football forum and we have been a bit lax on COVID on this page since it led to the decision to cancel the season, but now that the season is back, we will be much more strict.


I think we need a mega thread on the lack of visors on the new gopher store...

I heard the name of the head coach for the first game is Coach Covid.

I have actually considered ordering a Gopher Jersey with "Covid" as the name and the number 19, just to see how people react.

Great plan.... COVID is old news now.... :cool:

Won't that be like a majority, if not all, of the threads started in the last month?!? Seemed like every thread was Covid related in under 10 posts...;)

If you talk about games being canceled is it a Covid thread or a football thread?

If you talk about games being canceled is it a Covid thread or a football thread?
Well within a few posts it is probably a toss up between moving to OTB or consolidation into the Everything Covid thread...;)

I have actually considered ordering a Gopher Jersey with "Covid" as the name and the number 19, just to see how people react.
I would think most people would laugh.

Maybe not the people that had a loved one or friend get seriously sick or die, though.

I hope we can all recover mentally from this COVID19 scourge.

This whole thing made me very thin skinned, angry and just plain mean, at least 3x more than normal. 2020 has been the worst year of my life as an adult. I am lucky, my income has been stable and my costs have dropped, and I am going to mentally plow through anything, but this is the worst.

The other thing people have to worry about is pre-existing conditions in the future. If you develop an illness related to covid and your policy is one of those dealing with pre-existing conditions. You're screwed. Those people could have children, and if they are born with an issue. They will be screwed as well went they get older due to pre-exisiting conditions. This is a huge problem today that many don't realize is occuring.

Number one reason for bankruptcy is the inability to pay medical bills.

I hope we can all recover mentally from this COVID19 scourge.

This whole thing made me very thin skinned, angry and just plain mean, at least 3x more than normal. 2020 has been the worst year of my life as an adult. I am lucky, my income has been stable and my costs have dropped, and I am going to mentally plow through anything, but this is the worst.

Maybe you should actively resist becoming an angry old man as you said this whole covid shit has minimally impacted you, at least financially. Hopefully life will be back to more or less normal by next summer.

The other thing people have to worry about is pre-existing conditions in the future. If you develop an illness related to covid and your policy is one of those dealing with pre-existing conditions. You're screwed. Those people could have children, and if they are born with an issue. They will be screwed as well went they get older due to pre-exisiting conditions. This is a huge problem today that many don't realize is occuring.

Number one reason for bankruptcy is the inability to pay medical bills.

Do we need to really worry so much about long term Covid effects. Honestly its to much of a downer for me. There are solutions to medical bankruptcy.

Do we need to really worry so much about long term Covid effects. Honestly its to much of a downer for me. There are solutions to medical bankruptcy.
Yes we do need to worry about long term Covid effects if you care about the quality of life for many. The pain and suffering of economics is horrendous. You've blown off two critical areas of life.

Yes we do need to worry about long term Covid effects if you care about the quality of life for many. The pain and suffering of economics is horrendous. You've blown off two critical areas of life.

I am fine with the current precautions, but its premature to panic about long term effects, in my opinion.

Didn't listen to that, and never will.

Berenson was (still is) a literal nobody, who gained a Twitter following by telling a sub-group of people exactly what they wanted to hear.

Turns out, you can anoint yourself as a spokeperson for a group of people these days.

One of the best parts about when covid finally goes away this coming year, is it will suck people like Berenson down to hell with it.

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