KiAnte Hardin, Ray Buford, Dior Johnson -- served with restraining orders, won't play

Yes I do know the difference. The poor woman feels like she was raped. But there is not sufficient evidence to prove it. Imagine for a minute that the woman is your sister or daughter. How would you feel? Would you do everything within legal limits to make the perpetrators lives the same living nightmare?

Here is your problem. You think feelings and fact are the same. I guarantee you they are not.

Imagine for a minute that the woman is your sister or daughter.

Allegedly the woman had sex with a minor that night too. Imagine for a minute that she is a he and the minor is a girl.

I'm not picking sides here but IMO it sounds like poor decisions were made by everyone involved.

Allegedly the woman had sex with a minor that night too. Imagine for a minute that she is a he and the minor is a girl.

I'm not picking sides here but IMO it sounds like poor decisions were made by everyone involved.

Is it possible that she did not know of his age? Not taking sides either, but a genuine question. I guess nobody here seems to know enough information to be making assumptions in either direction.

goooogophers;1265200[B said:
]Is it possible that she did not know of his age?[/B] Not taking sides either, but a genuine question. I guess nobody here seems to know enough information to be making assumptions in either direction.

I don't think that holds up in court well

(not necessarily trying to pick sides either)

Is it possible that she did not know of his age? Not taking sides either, but a genuine question. I guess nobody here seems to know enough information to be making assumptions in either direction.

Age of consent in Minnesota is 16

The person that needlessly put himself at risk for witness intimidation and possible defamation of character is Mr Buford who as a law enforcement person should know better.
If the female involved was an AD employee and used as a recruitment asset with privileges it opens up a can of worms about the Gopher recruiting process.

The person that needlessly put himself at risk for witness intimidation and possible defamation of character is Mr Buford who as a law enforcement person should know better.
If the female involved was an AD employee and used as a recruitment asset with privileges it opens up a can of worms about the Gopher recruiting process.

Could have avoided this whole mess by using the Rick pitino method

The person that needlessly put himself at risk for witness intimidation and possible defamation of character is Mr Buford who as a law enforcement person should know better.
If the female involved was an AD employee and used as a recruitment asset with privileges it opens up a can of worms about the Gopher recruiting process.

You are seriously going to imply that this may be a recruiting issue? Really reaching Doc.

You are seriously going to imply that this may be a recruiting issue? Really reaching Doc.
Doc is a Wisconsin troll so it makes sense.

Sent from my Commodore 64 using Tapatalk.

You are seriously going to imply that this may be a recruiting issue? Really reaching Doc.

Old Man Badger does that all the time. He's never creative or entertaining, but at least he's consistent.

The person that needlessly put himself at risk for witness intimidation and possible defamation of character is Mr Buford who as a law enforcement person should know better.
If the female involved was an AD employee and used as a recruitment asset with privileges it opens up a can of worms about the Gopher recruiting process.

How can Mr. Buford get in trouble for his comments, yet any other person posting things cannot? Is it just because he's the father of someone involved?

"The circumstances that are happening at the U needs serious attention. While I did not get the AD nod, I'm the only Gopher correcting it."

Attorney, Lee Hutton

He sounds like Donald Trump. "I am the only one who can do it."

Interesting article today in Strib (I get the on-line edition) about a U student who was raped, and the efforts she went through to get the police to file charges, even after several other women came forward to say they were raped by the same guy (another student). The article said that a very low % of reports of sexual assault actually result in criminal charges - often because of the difficulty of determining truth in a he-said, she-said situation, especially when alcohol is involved.

As far as the Gopher players - I don't know what happened, and I suspect the people posting on this thread don't know what happened either. As others have noted, the lack of criminal charges does not preclude someone from seeking a restraining order. It's unfortunate for the FB players involved, but we're going to have to hope (or trust) that the legal system works and a fair disposition will be reached.

But - there remains a distinct possibility that the order stays in place, and the players involved may not be able to play home games the rest of the season.

Bottom line - after the snafu with the Gopher men's basketball team last season, any scholarship athlete who puts himself (or herself) in a questionable situation is an idiot. If you're in a situation with one woman and several guys, get the hell out of there. I don't care if the woman has a signed, notarized statement giving consent - get the hell out of there. Unless you think that getting laid is more important than being a scholarship athlete. in that case, screw your brains out - just don't plan on being a scholarship athlete any more.

The problem with alcohol and young people is that inhibitions and common sense go out the window on both sides in (some of) these situations. Not only that, but memories are warped, etc.

Taking a cue from our second amendment activists the answer is Prohibition. Right?

Tough situations, and it's best to avoid- if possible. Use common sense, partner up with a wingman and watch out for each other when out and about. Monitor your drinks and beware accepting drinks from strangers. News flash: young men are looking for sex, at all times, in every situation. That guy that wants to "work on a project". Sex. "Have coffee?" Sex. Don't put yourself in a bad situation with someone you aren't sure about. Go to the police immediately if you are raped. I know this is difficult to accept, and for some it is asking a lot. It is a dangerous world.

"What she didn’t know was that there had been more than 1,000 sex assaults reported since 2010 to the Aurora Center, the school’s rape prevention and victim advocacy department, according to a Star Tribune review of the center’s reports. Yet, according to the Aurora Center’s director, Katie Eichele, the total number of rapists who have been prosecuted was zero."

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The person that needlessly put himself at risk for witness intimidation and possible defamation of character is Mr Buford who as a law enforcement person should know better.
If the female involved was an AD employee and used as a recruitment asset with privileges it opens up a can of worms about the Gopher recruiting process.
If your mom wasn't such a whore you would have never been born

Is it possible that she did not know of his age? Not taking sides either, but a genuine question. I guess nobody here seems to know enough information to be making assumptions in either direction.

You're kidding, right? Ignorance is not a defense. Many a MAN has gone to prison for years for the same thought process. Actually, there have been executions for this. One of the stupidest posts in a board full of stupid posts.

The problem with alcohol and young people is that inhibitions and common sense go out the window on both sides in (some of) these situations. Not only that, but memories are warped, etc.

Taking a cue from our second amendment activists the answer is Prohibition. Right?

Tough situations, and it's best to avoid- if possible. Use common sense, partner up with a wingman and watch out for each other when out and about. Monitor your drinks and beware accepting drinks from strangers. News flash: young men are looking for sex, at all times, in every situation. That guy that wants to "work on a project". Sex. "Have coffee?" Sex. Don't put yourself in a bad situation with someone you aren't sure about. Go to the police immediately if you are raped. I know this is difficult to accept, and for some it is asking a lot. It is a dangerous world.

Remind me not have coffee with you.

You're kidding, right? Ignorance is not a defense. Many a MAN has gone to prison for years for the same thought process. Actually, there have been executions for this. One of the stupidest posts in a board full of stupid posts.

You are kidding, right? Here is a quote from today's Star Tribune "....there had been more than 1,000 sex assaults reported since 2010 to the Aurora Center, the school’s rape prevention and victim advocacy department, according to a Star Tribune review of the center’s reports. Yet, according to the Aurora Center’s director, Katie Eichele, the total number of rapists who had been prosecuted was zero"

I am not saying the football players raped this woman. Article in Pioneer Press suggested something about video'ing the incident.

You are kidding, right? Here is a quote from today's Star Tribune "....there had been more than 1,000 sex assaults reported since 2010 to the Aurora Center, the school’s rape prevention and victim advocacy department, according to a Star Tribune review of the center’s reports. Yet, according to the Aurora Center’s director, Katie Eichele, the total number of rapists who had been prosecuted was zero"

I am not saying the football players raped this woman. Article in Pioneer Press suggested something about video'ing the incident.

If there is video that would make me believe it exonerates rather than convicts these guys. No?

I was getting a bit disappointed that the wit from bemidji had not graced us with one of his articulate bon mots.

You're kidding, right? Ignorance is not a defense. Many a MAN has gone to prison for years for the same thought process. Actually, there have been executions for this. One of the stupidest posts in a board full of stupid posts.

I never claimed it was. This is irrelevant anyway since the age of consent is 16.

Age of consent in Minnesota is 16

+1 This. The women allegedly had sex with a 17 year old that night as well according to Buford's father, however if both parties were consenting in that situation, there is nothing wrong or illegal with that situation.

If there is video that would make me believe it exonerates rather than convicts these guys. No?

Here is some context from the Pioneer Press:

"The restraining orders stem from a Minneapolis Police Department investigation into a Sept. 2 incident that included allegations of sexual assault. At least one of the restraining orders alleges sharing of explicit recordings of the encounter."

So someone recorded the incident then shared it with his buddies (in this case likely the 6 players). If someone records a rape (allegedly) as it happens, isn't that a crime? Sharing the recorded (alleged) rape likely is not a crime, but definitely in poor judgement.

Will the restraining order run through the rest of the season (for home games)?

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