Q&A: Eric Abojei Talks Excitement About Commitment to Home Town Gophers

Eric Abojei, a 6-foot-4, 310-pound junior offensive lineman from Robbinsdale (MN) Cooper, committed to Minnesota Sunday. Abojei is the second commitment to Tracy Clayes’ Class of 2017 recruiting class.


Gopher Hole caught up with Abojei Sunday evening to learn more on his commitment.


Gopher Hole: You committed to Minnesota today. What made you realize that Minnesota was where you wanted to play college football?


Eric Abojei: Basically, the connection that I had, especially with the coaches at the U of M. That made me realize who I wanted to be with, where I thought would be best for me. I laid up at night, thinking about where I wanted to go and this morning, it kind of just hit me that the U of M is where I needed to go and where I wanted to go to continue my career and I plan to do that.


Gopher Hole: Had you always planned on making your college choice so early or did it just happen?


Eric Abojei: I didn’t really plan on it happening this early. It just kind of happened.


Gopher Hole: What was the reaction of the Gopher coaches when you committed?


Eric Abojei: They were extremely happy. They said that I made their day, they were so happy. They had been talking to me about committing. They really guided me through this recruiting process. They were extremely happy. Coach O’Brien said that he can’t wait to see me and he just wants to give me a hug. He is extremely happy and happy that I finally made my decision to become a Gopher. He was extremely happy for that.


Gopher Hole: What has been the reaction of your family and friends so far?


Eric Abojei: My family, they have been so supportive. They are really happy with the decision I have made. They have always been there for me. All my friends who have been helping me stay on top of things, like my school work. The main, main thing is staying on track to help me to work out and they have always been there for me. My coaches, especially, have helped me and guided me through this recruiting process. The people that I have always counted and relied on to help me. 


Gopher Hole: Obviously, your family and friends will be able to watch you play a lot easier now that you are playing so close to home. Is that something that is important to you?


Eric Abojei: Yes, it is.


Gopher Hole: What was Phillip Howard’s reaction? Had he been talking to you about Minnesota for quite a while?


Eric Abojei: Yes, he had. I talked to him recently. He is extremely happy. He is happy that he is going to play with his teammate again and see where this can take us to. He might not be playing quarterback, but I’ll see him grow, he’ll see me grow. Those are two things that I am happy about.


Gopher Hole: Had he been working on you pretty hard or not really?


Eric Abojei: Yes, he had.


Gopher Hole: What was he saying to you?


Eric Abojei: He’s been pushing me. He has been pushing me in the weight room. He has been saying you got to keep your grades up, you got work hard, lifting every day, getting stronger, faster. Those are the things that he has been pushing me on to keep my head in the game.


Gopher Hole: Obviously, it is not very often you get to play with a high school teammate at college. What does that mean to get a chance to play with Phillip in college?


Eric Abojei: It is really exciting to be able to play and get to the next level. To get better. That is one thing that I am really happy about.


Gopher Hole: What does it mean to have the opportunity to play for the home state school?


Eric Abojei: It means a lot. To stay here and play for my hometown is big and I am proud to keep everything going.


Gopher Hole: Did you grow up as a Gopher fan?


Eric Abojei: Yes, I did. I have always watched them, but they weren’t in my top because as a kid, I used to like everybody. I used to follow up with everybody who made, but as a kid, yes, I loved the Gophers. 


Gopher Hole: I know that you just committed, but do you feel like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders having made the decision to commit to Minnesota?


Eric Abojei: Yes, I do. Last night, I had a lot on my mind, but after today, that weight has been lifted off. 


Gopher Hole: The Class of 2016 includes many Minnesota players who got to become good friends during their senior seasons. Have you talked to any other in-state players that Minnesota is recruiting?


Eric Abojei: Yes, I have. Kamal Martin, Carter (Coughlin). I talked to Tyler Johnson. I stay contacted with all of them, a lot of those guys. I have been around some many kids like even Seth Green and Thomas Barber. I have contacted with those guys, too.


Gopher Hole: Have you talked to any of the fellow juniors much yet that Minnesota is looking at, especially the in-state kids?


Eric Abojei: Yes. Me and Blaise (Andries) have been connected so much. Me and him have connected a lot. Some people have just met each other, but we have known each other for the longest.


Gopher Hole: Have you heard from Blaise or any of the guys since you committed?


Eric Abojei: Yes, I have.


Gopher Hole: What was their reaction?


Eric Abojei: Blaise was extremely excited to be able to play with me and see what we could do. It is a new opportunity to get better and keep working together,


Gopher Hole: Is it a nice feeling that you have gotten to know him a little bit even before you are going to be playing at Minnesota together? Does that make it a little easier?


Eric Abojei: Yes, it really does.


Gopher Hole: The Gophers made some coaching changes in the past year with Tracy Claeys taking over as head coach and Coach Jay Johnson as the offensive coordinator and Bart Miller as the new offensive line coach. What has your relationship been with them since they came on board? 


Eric Abojei: We have bonded so much, We have bonded like we have always known each other and we are growing with each other. Coach Miller, even in the recruiting process, has broken down things to me that other colleges or college coaches have not and he respects me and I respect him and that is all I have been looking for. 


Gopher Hole: You recently received an offer from Iowa State and visited the school the other week. How hard was it to say no to them and the other schools that were recruiting you?


Eric Abojei: It was extremely hard. I was down at Iowa State and starting to get a relationship with them, so it was extremely hard, especially talking to the coaches. I did tell them that I wouldn’t want that to stop their recruiting process of the state of Minnesota. I would like them to recruit more kids from the state of Minnesota, also kids from my school and they said that they will keep that and I am hoping that they will keep their word. I hope that this sets off something for the state of Minnesota.


Gopher Hole: What do you see as your strengths as a football player?


Eric Abojei: My strengths, I believe, I can see the field  I am able to move. I am flexible. I am able to get off the ball. I am able to get to the second level, where I believe that I am a strong player and I have a burning desire to win. 


Gopher Hole: You wouldn’t be attending football camps this summer since you have committed. What are your summer plans to get ready for a big senior season in football?  


Eric Abojei: I will be training. Basically, I will be attending the U of M camps, too. There might be some camps that I go to support my teammates.


Gopher Hole: Copper had a very good season last year, one of better seasons in recent memory. You lose Phillip and some other good seniors, but what are the expectations for the upcoming season?


Eric Abojei: My expectations are just to build for Cooper as a school. Not just for our football program, but also for our other programs. Just to put a good eye on my city. I want to bring Cooper to state. I want to bring them to state. I want to keep things going. Getting better and excelling. So that people can come to Cooper and see that Cooper is a good place to be at and I want to built a  good strong community. 

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