Your Favorite Quirks About College Football

Solution to make nfl more interesting:
Widen the NFL field by 6 yards. (Any more than that and would probably require renovations that are super expensive)
Except for the only having 3 downs, I think a lot of things about the Canadian game make for more interesting football.

one thing for me is that in college football, you still see a good mix of styles and schemes - from teams running triple option to the air raid passing attacks. the NFL has much less variety.

I also like the different levels of the sport. I watch FCS games, some D2 and a lot of D3 thanks to streaming, and I enjoy seeing different approaches to the game.

I still watch the Vikings, but if it's a close game, I secretly root for the Vikes to lose so that I can listen to drunk fans go berserk in the post-game call-in shows.
I agree with all of these takes.

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