You can bank on it. If we don't snowball UNLV.....

I had a dream two nights ago: Gopher's 31-0. First thing I thought when I woke-up was will that be good enough for Pat?

Words of advice.

Enjoy following the teams you choose follow, whoever they may be. What purpose does it serve to get all riled up about what the media thinks about your favorite team(s)? Enjoy the journey; the good with the bad.

Just my 2 cents.


You don't even have to wait for the result of the UNLV game to see this is a no-win situation for the Gophers when it comes to local media:

Creampuffs are always no win for the better team. If you win you did your job, if you lose the sky is falling. Why should this be any different? This is a game that should not be in doubt in the 4th quarter, I know a lot of us get worried when our team is favored but people need to stop acting like we should expect to be in a dog fight with UNLV. It could happen if we don't execute but we should expect to see the Gophers come out, take charge and dominate an inferior opponent on Thursday night.

If we win big the story will focus on the number of empty seats at TCF Bank stadium even with the strong arming of the freshmen. Whatever, just win the game and try to build on it.

If we win big the story will focus on the number of empty seats at TCF Bank stadium even with the strong arming of the freshmen. Whatever, just win the game and try to build on it.

I agree. People in here spend way too much time worrying about why media members don't love the team the same way that they do.

How about we just take care of business and snowball them? If we don't, then we're probably getting better as fast as we thought.

Big Ten Wins, it's the only thing in life that matters.

Non-conference loses would mater. It would be very negative, but it certainly would matter. But I agree, that we need to get more B1G wins.

I don't worry about it because I love the Gophers! I will be in heaven for the loyality and love I've given over the past 50 some years. The writers in this town will burn in hell. The " Sky Pilot " doesn't
let mean spirited people in. Let's see what Reusse writes with a hot poker up his ass!

This is a "must romp" game. UNLV was one of the worst Division 1 teams. Who cares how many bad players are returning. They have 2 new coordinators with, presumably, new schemes. This is somehow good? How'd that work for us under he who can't be named? The Gophers return a lot of starters from an improving team with the same plan in place. Plus we had a post season bowl game and we are at home.

If we don't romp we should catch some doo doo. But don't worry Gophers romp in this one!

You make a lot of sense! Now if you can just explain to me what walrus is trying to say, I'll be happy.

If you want to understand walrus you need to see Being There with Peter Sellers. It will all become clear to you then.

See, THIS is why I come to Gopherhole! I have no idea if it's true or not, but just the mere suggestion that Souhan having an ex-wife who thinks he's a tool is enough to restore a shred of my hope for humanity. Your personal life simply can't be going all that well if you think calling a respected head coach 'Baldy McWhimperson' is a direction to take your column in.

***** Great Post! It should be used as a commercial for the GopherHole.

This is the Gophers, Gopher football doesn't usually ROMP over anyone even when they should, ie.. two touchdown favorites on Thursday.
Gophers play a lot of close games, they need to come out loose and excited not flat like a lot of home openers usually are.
To me as long as Phillip Nelson doesn't play with a cork shoved up his butt like the constipated Christian Ponder is doing for the Vikings, the Gophers should be fine. Nelson has plenty of weapons and when in doubt find Maxx Williams or your open tight end should be available a lot this Thursday as the UNLV linebackers have a propensity to leave the tight ends uncovered.
Nelson just needs to keep his confidence up and the line needs to keep him clean. We have enough defense and offensive depth
that on paper the Gophers should win this game. I take nothing for granted, UNLV gave the Gophers a game last year so I expect
them to come out of the gate fired up and the heat will be a factor. Gophers just can't let it bother them and limit the turnovers.
Our players should be a confident bunch, they have worked hard now it is game time and time to go have fun pounding on an opponenent other than yourselves. It should be fun for the guys to hit somebody else, and I expect a Gopher victory. Nothing is given though it will not be a walkover snowball them game. A lot of new players and it is a new season.

I am confused: The Gophers are playing a team at home that is 6-32 in their last 38 games, but that team isn't "chopped liver" ? If UNLV doesn't qualify as "chopped liver", few programs do.

I think it would be silly to make too big a deal about the Gophers only winning by "X" number of points against UNLV, but at the same time, I can't blame the press for writing articles that have a negative bent if the Gophers play a competitive game with UNLV.

It's unfair to expect good press when the product is poor. If the Gophers beat UNLV 24-20, the story is that it was that close against a 6-32 home. Don't want to read that? Don't let it happen. If it happens, then the article is fair. Doesn't mean the season is down the drain, but it's certainly fair to question what is going on.

People need to pick their battles when it comes to when the local press is being snarky/sarcastic/downright mean for the sake of being clever or funny (in their own minds) and when the story actually calls for a negative bent.

I am confused: The Gophers are playing a team at home that is 6-32 in their last 38 games, but that team isn't "chopped liver" ? If UNLV doesn't qualify as "chopped liver", few programs do.

I think it would be silly to make too big a deal about the Gophers only winning by "X" number of points against UNLV, but at the same time, I can't blame the press for writing articles that have a negative bent if the Gophers play a competitive game with UNLV.

It's unfair to expect good press when the product is poor. If the Gophers beat UNLV 24-20, the story is that it was that close against a 6-32 home. Don't want to read that? Don't let it happen. If it happens, then the article is fair. Doesn't mean the season is down the drain, but it's certainly fair to question what is going on.

People need to pick their battles when it comes to when the local press is being snarky/sarcastic/downright mean for the sake of being clever or funny (in their own minds) and when the story actually calls for a negative bent.

In summary, play the God Damned game and let's find out. Right EG???

I am one of those guys that usually thinks that only two things can happen in a football game, one is good and one is bad.

If we win, I don't really care what the margin is, we got a W to start the year and we can move on. By that some token, I am not someone who gets excited about losing a close game to a good team. By all rights, we should romp UNLV, but all I care about is winning the game.

If we lose this one, that really is a sky-is-falling situation. A team that wants to be competitive in the B1G can not lose at home to a team this bad.

The overall point of this thread is why I hate scheduling garbage non-conference opponents. I know not everyone evaluates wins and losses with the same black and whtie glasses I do. The best we can possibly do is come out and roll right over them, in which case we have done exactly what we are supposed to, we could win a close one, in which case it is not illegitimate to suggest that we have underperformed, and losing would be downright embarrassing.

ruppert, are you emotionally prepared for the gophs to be down 7 within 3 minutes of the kickoff? please gird your loins.

ruppert, are you emotionally prepared for the gophs to be down 7 within 3 minutes of the kickoff? please gird your loins.

You said that New Hampshire would make the first score of the game. In a way they did, they did, they got tackled for a safety, 2-0 Gophers.

You said that New Hampshire would make the first score of the game. In a way they did, they did, they got tackled for a safety, 2-0 Gophers.

Actually, they long-snapped one out of the end zone. But the result was still 2 points for the Gophers.

Honestly, I hope Nelson doesn't have to throw a single pass Thursday - because that would mean the running game is dominating UNLV. I would love to see something nuts like 60+ running plays for 400+ yards - like the old Nebraska teams used to rack up.

Honestly, I hope Nelson doesn't have to throw a single pass Thursday - because that would mean the running game is dominating UNLV. I would love to see something nuts like 60+ running plays for 400+ yards - like the old Nebraska teams used to rack up.

I'd like to see Nelson throw the ball a little to establish a rhythm and get some confidence. What I don't want to see is Nelson running the ball.

or as the badgers did to the gophs in 2012 rushing 54 times for 337 yds.

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