You can bank on it. If we don't snowball UNLV.....

Nov 20, 2008
Reaction score
get ready for the flaming arrow column from the likes of Souhan, Reusse, Powers, etc. I can already feel we're being set up. (The Powers article ) Kill is not the type to run up the score like a previous Becky coach, but guys we need an impressive win to curtail the press leeches. The only distraction from this scenario would be if the Vikings lost their 4th pre-season game in a row. I think a 3-4 touchdown win keeps the vampires in their coffins. Too me, a win is a win because I realize Hauck's fourth
year team will be better. Guys, they return 19 starters and now have some depth. Nick Sherry is a good QB and they're solid at RB with Tim Cornett and Northwestern transfer Adonis Smith. They also transferred in from UCLA WR Rice. ( Jerry Rice's son ) Hauck is under the gun at 6-32. He changed out both offense and defense coordinators There will be a change in offensive schemes with Tim Roenbach at the helm. To supplement that they brought in 9 JC transfers; most on offense. Yes, I think we're better, But UNLV is not chopped liver and are better than NMSU and Western Illinois. The ink stained wretches won't look at that way if we struggle to win.

It doesn't matter. The Gophers could win by 50 and people will still complain.

Beat them by 42, and the column will be we play a weak non conference schedule and UNLV is no indicator. Beat them by 2, and its we are not quite as good as we thought we were. It will be a long season. Lose to them, and three years in an we are losing again.

The Coach and team need to take care business and let the chips fall where they may.

The ink stained wretches won't look at that way if we struggle to win.

Ruppert: what would you think of an orchestrated all-out preemptive thread directed at all of these "ink-stained wretches..." who may write things we don't want them to write about Gopher Football?

Can you think of any GopherHolers who are qualified to spearhead some preemptive propaganda exposing the MAG (media against Gophers) for who, what and how they are? Others can also add their suggestions. Perhaps we could "draft" an all-star group of Gopher Holers to form a RAT(ranters against tribune) Squad...

; 0 )

Not to defend the media because I get as frustrated as many in here about much of the negative coverage, but....if we do struggle with or even lose to UNLV what the hell are they supposed to write? We are a double digit favorite in everything I have seen, the game is at home, the opponent is 6-32 over the last few years with new coordinators on both sides of the ball, this is the kind of game that needs to be a convincing victory in year 3.

How come when we change coordinators people use it as an excuse for why we struggle but when an opponent does the same thing it becomes an excuse for why they might beat us because they are unpredictable?

Not to defend the media because I get as frustrated as many in here about much of the negative coverage, but....if we do struggle with or even lose to UNLV what the hell are they supposed to write? We are a double digit favorite in everything I have seen, the game is at home, the opponent is 6-32 over the last few years with new coordinators on both sides of the ball, this is the kind of game that needs to be a convincing victory in year 3.

How come when we change coordinators people use it as an excuse for why we struggle but when an opponent does the same thing it becomes an excuse for why they might beat us because they are unpredictable?

You make a lot of sense! Now if you can just explain to me what walrus is trying to say, I'll be happy.

You make a lot of sense! Now if you can just explain to me what walrus is trying to say, I'll be happy.

Big Ten Wins, it's the only thing in life that matters.

I'm pretty much resigned to the fact that our Gophs are damned if they do, damned if they don't, when if comes to wins and media coverage, much like Husker and others suggested.

In response to dealing with the predictable and unresearched columnists and opiners, I'm going to try and not read their columns at all this season. And failing that, at least waiting a good 2 weeks to read them, so I have some temporal distance and perspective between my take and whatever lazy, disinterested poke Soupcan and Co. take at the Gophs. Wish me luck.

Not to defend the media because I get as frustrated as many in here about much of the negative coverage, but....if we do struggle with or even lose to UNLV what the hell are they supposed to write? We are a double digit favorite in everything I have seen, the game is at home, the opponent is 6-32 over the last few years with new coordinators on both sides of the ball, this is the kind of game that needs to be a convincing victory in year 3.

How come when we change coordinators people use it as an excuse for why we struggle but when an opponent does the same thing it becomes an excuse for why they might beat us because they are unpredictable?

True and the first game of a season always can be a strange one, though it is a game they should win.

We won't need to blame the media anyway if it's a rough game. Remember after last years 3 overtime victory? Wasn't exactly a love fest around here was it? :rolleyes:

Now. When Mason was coach the non-conference wins counted just as much.
You brought it up darrenthegreek, but, sorry I'm not at liberty to take part in such a discussion. Probably some others would love to pile on in and pile on, but not I... Have a really nice day darrenthegreek!

; 0 )

get ready for the flaming arrow column from the likes of Souhan, Reusse, Powers, etc. I can already feel we're being set up. (The Powers article ) Kill is not the type to run up the score like a previous Becky coach, but guys we need an impressive win to curtail the press leeches. The only distraction from this scenario would be if the Vikings lost their 4th pre-season game in a row. I think a 3-4 touchdown win keeps the vampires in their coffins. Too me, a win is a win because I realize Hauck's fourth
year team will be better. Guys, they return 19 starters and now have some depth. Nick Sherry is a good QB and they're solid at RB with Tim Cornett and Northwestern transfer Adonis Smith. They also transferred in from UCLA WR Rice. ( Jerry Rice's son ) Hauck is under the gun at 6-32. He changed out both offense and defense coordinators There will be a change in offensive schemes with Tim Roenbach at the helm. To supplement that they brought in 9 JC transfers; most on offense. Yes, I think we're better, But UNLV is not chopped liver and are better than NMSU and Western Illinois. The ink stained wretches won't look at that way if we struggle to win.

How are you going to enjoy the FB season worrying about all of this.

Let's face it, unless the Vikes have a melt-down of biblical proportions, the Gophers are never going to the be darlings of the media. Virtually every member of the Twin Cities media (except for Sid) has adopted the cynical point of view. Apparently, it's not "cool" in today's journalistic standards to show enthusiasm for anything. If you show any member of the media a silver lining, they think it's their job to look for a cloud.

As Ruppert said, the Gophs are in a no-win situation for their non-conf games. If they win big, it's because the other team stunk. If the Gophs don't win big, it's because the Gophs stink. The only way the Goph will ever get any positive coverage in the Twin Cities is to pull off a major upset - beating a team like Michigan.

A L would be a huge red flag in year 3, like the SD loss was in 2010 for Brew.
I don't care whether we win by 1 or 50, it's a W and we move on. In week 9 nobody will care who we played in week 1 as long as we won.

Oh and by the way, we might want to be careful about not expecting blowouts from Kill.
He beat quite a few teams in the MAC by large margins, in 09 and 2010 he beat Eastern Michigan a combined 121-9. (50-6) and (71-3).

Ruppert: what would you think of an orchestrated all-out preemptive thread directed at all of these "ink-stained wretches..." who may write things we don't want them to write about Gopher Football?

Can you think of any GopherHolers who are qualified to spearhead some preemptive propaganda exposing the MAG (media against Gophers) for who, what and how they are?

; 0 )

I've been to most B1G cities and hamlets ( Madison and Iowa City are hamlets) and none of them are as vile to the home team as the deadbeat press we've here. Guys like Souhan, Reusse, Powers, Souchery, etc are naturally mean spirited. Hell, we've friends who know Souhan ex wife. She even thinks he's a first class pri-k over and above being married to him. Then you have the little weasels like Mike Max and Doogie who like to stir the pot. Heck, when Mike Max was doing the Glen Mason Show my daughter had a friend that was doing her internship at the station. After one show Mason approached Max and really got into his face about the text he was using during the show. Mason had no love for Mike Max. So that is what we're dealing with. The older guys are entrenched in their jobs. We will continue to feel their wrath until they retire, or hit the dirt motel. I've learned when I see any
articles headed by this group that 95 % of the time it will be negative. Like I said, they're a mean spirited group that for some deep, dark reason hate the Gophers and the U Of M in general.

I've been to most B1G cities and hamlets ( Madison and Iowa City are hamlets) and none of them are as vile to the home team as the deadbeat press we've here. Guys like Souhan, Reusse, Powers, Souchery, etc are naturally mean spirited. Hell, we've friends who know Souhan ex wife. She even thinks he's a first class pri-k over and above being married to him. Then you have the little weasels like Mike Max and Doogie who like to stir the pot. Heck, when Mike Max was doing the Glen Mason Show my daughter had a friend that was doing her internship at the station. After one show Mason approached Max and really got into his face about the text he was using during the show. Mason had no love for Mike Max. So that is what we're dealing with. The older guys are entrenched in their jobs. We will continue to feel their wrath until they retire, or hit the dirt motel. I've learned when I see any
articles headed by this group that 95 % of the time it will be negative. Like I said, they're a mean spirited group that for some deep, dark reason hate the Gophers and the U Of M in general.

They pick on the Gophers because it is easy and the program hasn't done anything in a long time to give them any reason not to keep going to the well. If we start winning on a regular basis and actually become relevant in the Big Ten as a legit contender the tone of the media will change. Until that time they are going to keep on taking the easy shots because they can and the program hasn't given them any reason not to. We may not like it but I don't see it changing anytime soon.

Words of advice.

Enjoy following the teams you choose to follow, whoever they may be. What purpose does it serve to get all riled up about what the media thinks about your favorite team(s)? Enjoy the journey; the good with the bad.

Just my 2 cents.

A L would be a huge red flag in year 3, like the SD loss was in 2010 for Brew.
I don't care whether we win by 1 or 50, it's a W and we move on. In week 9 nobody will care who we played in week 1 as long as we won.

Oh and by the way, we might want to be careful about not expecting blowouts from Kill.
He beat quite a few teams in the MAC by large margins, in 09 and 2010 he beat Eastern Michigan a combined 121-9. (50-6) and (71-3).

Ole; Kill has never named the Coach that supposedly was caught talking to recruits about Kill's battle with cancer. Many speculated that it was Western Michigan because of Jerry's recruiting "pattern".

Looks to me that after your post it could have been the Eastern Michigan Coach! :D

I've been to most B1G cities and hamlets ( Madison and Iowa City are hamlets) and none of them are as vile to the home team as the deadbeat press we've here. Guys like Souhan, Reusse, Powers, Souchery, etc are naturally mean spirited. Hell, we've friends who know Souhan ex wife. She even thinks he's a first class pri-k over and above being married to him. Then you have the little weasels like Mike Max and Doogie who like to stir the pot. Heck, when Mike Max was doing the Glen Mason Show my daughter had a friend that was doing her internship at the station. After one show Mason approached Max and really got into his face about the text he was using during the show. Mason had no love for Mike Max. So that is what we're dealing with. The older guys are entrenched in their jobs. We will continue to feel their wrath until they retire, or hit the dirt motel. I've learned when I see any
articles headed by this group that 95 % of the time it will be negative. Like I said, they're a mean spirited group that for some deep, dark reason hate the Gophers and the U Of M in general.

See, THIS is why I come to Gopherhole! I have no idea if it's true or not, but just the mere suggestion that Souhan having an ex-wife who thinks he's a tool is enough to restore a shred of my hope for humanity. Your personal life simply can't be going all that well if you think calling a respected head coach 'Baldy McWhimperson' is a direction to take your column in.

Ole; Kill has never named the Coach that supposedly was caught talking to recruits about Kill's battle with cancer. Many speculated that it was Western Michigan because of Jerry's recruiting "pattern".

Looks to me that after your post it could have been the Eastern Michigan Coach! :D
If I recall that story it was from his southern Illinois days. He beat Akron in 2010 by 36(50-14), Toledo by 35(65-30), Ball St by 38(59-21), culminating by that 71-3 win @ EMU.
He's also shown mercy here with Zook in 2011, we took a knee on the goal line if I recall.
I expect to have more New Hampshire-esque NC wins as Kill gets the program moving into a new phase. WIU will be an interesting case study on this theory.

I have also tuned out of the majority of the Strib and PPress...not much substance and since I don't really give a toss about other teams in the state there isn't much there for me.

As a source for information, I've been reading Gold and Gopher a bit. Like this: Hey why not?!

So it's homerrific, who cares. Life is too short to get upset about what some hack newspaperman thinks will gather eyeballs, so I don't give them mine. Not that hard to predict which articles are going to be Notorious T.U.R.D.s. since these guys aren't exactly David MF Ogilivy when it comes to headlines.

#No No Notorious

The team hasn't even played their first game of the season and the media is already out to get them. Not really a new theory around here but still just as hilarious as always.

Hey, the only press covering the UNLV game will be Joe C. & Marcus F.

The most meaningless sporting event on the calendar will be taking place across the river. The final Vikings preseason game.

Kill is not the type to run up the score like a previous Becky coach.

Eh, if he can, he will. I was only at SIU for Kill's last season (2007... as a fan, not a player). First 5 games of the season were 59-14, 34-31 (Northern Illinois, an FBS team we were supposed to get crushed by), 44-10, 58-3, and 72-10. 3 of those wins were by 45+. And that 72-10 win was against a conference opponent.

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