Yho, Kent. Yho, Marcus.


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Nov 21, 2008
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The Gophers will resume practice on Tuesday. The Gophers will resume practice on Tuesday.

As of Tuesday, there will be four practices in the books and we have seen one blog? Is it your inablity with the technology? Was there some other assignment? If its Gopher related in would be baseball, softball, tennis, or maybe a story on Ness. Were you given time off with this being spring? Are you recovering from attending the Gopher game at Target Field? Are you just lazy?

To be the Gopher Football Beat writer, and cover football the way you do maybe just maybe an intern could do a better job. And they would be up on the technology, eager to file a story, and possibly interested in spring football.

The job you both are doing can be typified in one word. Pathetic.

I believe Marcus has been doing basketball related things.

I think Kent injured his back playing basketball.

The Gophers will resume practice on Tuesday. The Gophers will resume practice on Tuesday.

As of Tuesday, there will be four practices in the books and we have seen one blog? Is it your inablity with the technology? Was there some other assignment? If its Gopher related in would be baseball, softball, tennis, or maybe a story on Ness. Were you given time off with this being spring? Are you recovering from attending the Gopher game at Target Field? Are you just lazy?

To be the Gopher Football Beat writer, and cover football the way you do maybe just maybe an intern could do a better job. And they would be up on the technology, eager to file a story, and possibly interested in spring football.

The job you both are doing can be typified in one word. Pathetic.


that said i will give marcus fuller the nod (right now) as being the better overall and more engaged gopher football beat reporter of the two. but the sheer laziness of these two at times during the off-season "really grinds my gears" as peter griffin would say. when marcus tries i feel like he does a decent job covering the gopher football beat.

kent youngblood on the other hand seems like your classic baby-boomer, old school newspaper industry lifer who realizes that he is too technologically inept and old at this point to really compete hard-core and is just counting his days until early retirement from the star tribune. if you read closely enough you can almost sense that in his general tone and approach to the reporting and the hard work that is involved if you truly want to be good at your craft. he really seems like he is just mailing it in at times and really doesn't want to do any of the footwork and heavy lifting anymore. AND THAT IS VERY FRUSTRATING considering he is the gopher football beat guy for the largest newspaper in the 5-state area.

would love it if youngblood and marcus fuller could switch spots at the pioneer press and star tribune.

Youngblood is extremely incompetent. Only at the Strib would he still be employed. Even there, his salary must be peanuts to stick around in these times.

Not surprisingly, the Strib has already given more coverage to the Theret arrest than anything related to Spring Practice.

I sent Kent an email Monday and his response was: He was at the Gopher baseball game at Target field Saturday, so couldn't cover the football practice. He plans on being at Today's session

We all want current reports and info. I wonder how many Kent works a week? Maybe he is part time thus time is not available for what we want or would like to see.

The silence remains deafening.

Apparently they won't let the media back in until tomorrow and then not again until Saturday.

Utterly Disappointing

Marc Mas Casa (Morehouse) of the Cedar Rapids Gazette had an hour long live chat where he fielded questions from readers (and me) on how Iowa was doing so far in spring practice, and his impressions on certain players and position fights.

Can someone tell me why the hell we don't come even close to this?

You guys are brutal! Keep in mind, they need time off as well. I haven't spoken with Kent - but I remember him getting butchered last summer for not posting much, when he has a very short time span to take his vacation.

Marcus is trying (I think the operative word is trying) to take a few days off. Keep in mind, the guy covers both Gopher football and basketball, and basketball season and that's 35 games to cover...it's not like he has a ton of extra time between practices, travel, games, etc.

You guys are brutal! Keep in mind, they need time off as well. I haven't spoken with Kent - but I remember him getting butchered last summer for not posting much, when he has a very short time span to take his vacation.

Marcus is trying (I think the operative word is trying) to take a few days off. Keep in mind, the guy covers both Gopher football and basketball, and basketball season and that's 35 games to cover...it's not like he has a ton of extra time between practices, travel, games, etc.

Come on, those are pretty lame excuses. How much vacation do you need? He didn't post at all last summer because he has a very short time span to take his vacation? Is 'all summer' a short time span?

A guy's vacation time and time with his family is much more important than you reading some tidbits about spring practice. Get some perspective and a life

A guy's vacation time and time with his family is much more important than you reading some tidbits about spring practice. Get some perspective and a life

There's no disputing the importance of those two things, but then you lose me. It's his job!

What makes 0 sense is that if they need a vaca there's plenty of time to do it. Sure between August and April there's a lot going on but I fail to see what is so hard about getting down to the first 20 minutes of practice each day for a few weeks and then posting your thoughts. After the spring game there are about 3 months before fall practice starts and no basketball. What is so hard about that? I sit in an office for 9 hours a day so it can't be too hard for them to head down to the U then go type a few paragraphs each day. Unless they're only part time employees time should not be an issue as their #1 job is to report things. No excuse as far as I'm concerned. Small town newspapers seem to have no issue covering their local college teams spring ball so they shouldn't either. Why does MV have more interesting and more detailed Gopher analysis this spring than the people that get paid to cover it? Doogie, hack that he can be, was 10 times better than either of them last spring

Thank you, Ole

A football writer trying to take a vacation during spring practice is like a CPA trying to take a vacation between the end of January and the end of April: incompetent at best.

Today as I scanned the TV listenings, ESPN has live College Football Spring Practice. How can they have time for this? As Gopher Lady excused both Marcus and Kent, she study how ESPN does ESPN have the resources, the plan, and deal with vacation time and still broacast Spring Practice? Then most recently another excuse from Glen Criever at the Star Tribune, that its a matter of resources. I doubt he has the skill to manage the resources he has.

It seems the lack of coverage in the Twin Towns has every excuse imaginable. The lamest is vacation time. I am old school, and rely on a calendar. And it has room on each day to write down important appointments, schedules for work, and probably the last thing is vacation time. I could school Kent, Marcus and Glen on how to use a calendar. I have time once the planting is complete. Its probably a two week course that will run from May 14 to May 31st. I don't know what their schedule looks like but the Kentucky Derby will be over, I may conflict with Preakness Coverage, and of course the preview of The Indy 500 might be set back.

I don't have master scheuling, don't share calanders with others on line, don't go to meeting, I don't have people. I just plan ahead, work the plan. What realy chaps my hide, is the idea that Spring Practice just creeped on Marcus, Kent, and Glen. It wasn't on the "calendar". It just wasn't important enough. Important enough Glen to schedule coverage, not important enough for Marcus or Kent schedule their vacation around the coverage. If they all were men and stood up and said its just not that important, I would resepct them. But to hide behind skirt of Gopher Lady, is lame.

The coverage and now the excuses are ..... you got that right......pathetic!

husker70 -- I can't speak for the print guys, but we at Ch. 5 have been the only camera at 3 of the 7 spring practices ... we've done the QB angle, the Horton angle, and the Ed Olson angle among others ... as long I have some say in our coverage, I can promise Ch. 5 will be all over the Gophers ... that being said, we would love to show you good highlights from today's scrimmage, but will not be allowed to shoot it ... for a program desperate for media attention, not allowing the TV stations to shoot a scrimmage 7 practices into spring ball doesn't make sense.

not allowing the TV stations to shoot a scrimmage 7 practices into spring ball doesn't make sense.
Doogie, why are they limiting media access? Have they given a reason? Is this normal?

It's a Brewster call ... not much different than the Mason regime ... and yes, across college football, it's pretty normal. My comeback though is this program wants/could use the publicity way more so than many, so why not allow us to shoot video of the scrimmage? If the point is to prevent Wisconsin, Iowa, etc. from getting their hands on it, well each school could've had a scout in attendance.

Doogie Channel 5 is the leader

The video at 10 has made me make sure I record it if I am not tuned in. Channel 5 is the Leader.
I would love to see KSTP or ESPN 1500 bid on the Gopher radio broadcasts. Is there someone in sales that could call on Learfield?

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