Yard signs.

Nov 20, 2008
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Unless I've missed something it seems like our marketing department isn't stirring the kettle yet regarding promoting the football season. Now would be a good time to bring back the yard signs they did several years ago. Thoughts?

loved the yard signs.

Never see anything in Alex........other than clothing.

The local Zorbaz does promote NDSU games and fly the Bison flag. Dumb sh!ts.


Never see anything in Alex........other than clothing.

The local Zorbaz does promote NDSU games and fly the Bison flag. Dumb sh!ts.


Businesses always like to support world championship dynasty teams.

I've never forgotten a name since I took the George Carnegie course.

Me neither station17. That is what pairski called you isn't it?

I forgot about that.

With all due respect, you should really spell the name of the dearly departed correctly. It's Parski.:cool02:

Still have mine. It's a little ratty, but I think it will make through one more season.

Sarcasm? Not that demand isn't high right now, but like Ruppert quoted - you never stop marketing.

You can't stop marketing if you never start. I am sure we have good people in marketing and they are probably hamstrung by a really small budget but still the promotion of the football program has been pathetic for as long as I can remember....

(female voice) Ski U Mah Baby......Ski U Mah.....

This reminds me of the (very) old days of this board when a "Hawkeye fan" that claimed that he lived in Apple Valley would whine about Gopher yard signs(C-Note(?)). Good times.:D

I was thinking that that AV guy was BigBeakHawk or someone like that, but there was another guy that lived in Hampton with a similar Iowa Rivals screen name who used to post all sorts of typical Iowa fan drivel who actually passed away after a car crash 3-4 years ago.

They still mention that guy from Hampton MN once in a while. For guy that used to brag about his giant McMansion in Hampton of all places, and his economic status due to living in Minnesota, he really hated most things about Minnesota.

That guy used post about not liking his future son and law and being against the marriage because he was a alum of a different Big Ten School and not an Iowa fan. It was something like that and they guy was really trying to disrupt the engagement for that reason. Even the Iowa fans thought this guy was losing it with that approach. I'll remember his screenname later.


I now remember the name of the rapid Iowa fan that died in a real car accident, it was CNoteHawk. Big BeakHawk may have been the Apple Valley person.

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