
Active member
Nov 26, 2008
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Here in Mn for a family affair and got away to see the game tonight. Wow! Wow, what a beautiful stadium! Wow, what a poorly coached team!

I was really confused by the whole thing. This was a team that gave up huge running yards to Illinois. Minnesota is a team that wants to "Pound the rock" to keep our defense off the field. A natural for a convincing win? Nope, we came out throwing the football, kept the D on the field and got killed.

It's clear to me that the offensive line is just plain poor. The defensive front seven can't get close to the Qback and they cannot tackle. Given the quality of athletes we've brought in, I'm hard pressed to say it's anything but poor coaching.

I really like Brewster, he looked the press in the eye after the game and didn't make any excuses. I love his commitment to the program and his enthusiasm. I really hope the season turns around starting next week, but I don't believe in the tooth fairy. This is a bad team. It's a bad team with many very good athletes. Please, Brew, turn this season around. I for one, would love to see your happy face again next year.

That was funny :clap:.

Who cares how happy or mean the guy is. Our team SUCKS and it is his fault. I would rather have a guy running the team that ran the program like a state prison than that of complete incompetence and utter humiliation that we face every week.

Ncgo, it looks like you have been hung out to dry by your fellow die hard Brewster backers. Maybe in a couple days guys like AhliBobwa, iceland, and monk will come to your rescue.

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