Pat Reusse, his morning show shattered expectations...Reusse is to Twins fans what PA is to Vikings fans.
So, if what you say is true, how stupid is it for KSTP to move Reusse out of morning drive? I just don't understand it. Why hide him until noon? They finally get a guy who can talk baseball and hold that Twins audience over and what do they do?? Bump him until noon. And, in addition, KSTP decides to take on the ONLY morning show in the market that WON'T talk about the Twins during morning drive..."Mike and Mike." Pure genius, I tell you. Pure genius.
The main reason you take on the Twins is to somehow hold over the audience from the game the night before. I'll tell you right now that while "Mike and Mike" are talking with Bustner Olney about the Yankees, Red Sox, and getting the latest on the New England Patriots from Michael Smith, EVERY other show in the market (i.e. Power Trip, Dave Lee, Bernard) can talk all they want about the Twins or ANYTHING else local. "Mike and Mike" won't register a blip. KSTP's audience goes away by 7am, and all is lost. They should leave Reusse right where he was to hold that audience over - especially if what you say about his ratings is true (although I heard just the opposite, that he wasn't getting much in the way of ratings).
Again, KFAN isn't too concerned. Not to say they can't be knocked off, but the way KSTP is going about it is not likely making KFAN tremble.
KFAN will probably fall <2.0 share this Spring/Summer when the state starts following the Twins again.
We'll see. KSTP will likely gain audience solely because of the Twins games (as they have in the past), but they will struggle again to retain that audience through the day. They finally got Ruesse, who you say Twins fans like, and they move him to noon. Sooch has been struggling, too, but they give him an extra hour and he openly brags yesterday that he WON'T be talking sports on his show. Weird. I don't see a big drop off in ratings for KFAN...Power Trip will beat Mike and Mike, PA will destroy Cowherd, Common and Ruesse will be a nice race, and Barriero is already beating Sooch.