Wow, just, wow....

Shows why they were so desperate for an established, experienced head coach.

Definitely. I got a feeling some guys won't come back from Christmas break.

I think some will wash out, but I wonder when. My guess is that the players are a lot like us: taken aback a bit at first, but willing to at least pay lip service to giving it a shot.

The big question in my mind is to see how they respond after the first week of winter conditioning after the break. It looks like some guys got a little too comfortable with the old regime, and it might just be a question of how willing they are to adjust.

Those are some interesting comments, they explain a lot of things too.

People always liked to cite at the time that the players all loved Brewster. Is there any wonder why, the players were running the show without any serious repercussions. I don't need the players to love or even like the coach, just respect them.

The whole point is this... Our new staff is not as dumb as all of us combined. If our new staff feels that this kid is worth it...go get him. Kill is not gonna be a bs'er like we have had in the past. If a MN player is not quite enough, so be it. Kill will kill, the rest of us should just drink beer and relax.

Nice move by a senior in High school taking a potshot at the exiting coaching staff that didn't offer him

The whole point is this... Our new staff is not as dumb as all of us combined. If our new staff feels that this kid is worth it...go get him. Kill is not gonna be a bs'er like we have had in the past. If a MN player is not quite enough, so be it. Kill will kill, the rest of us should just drink beer and relax.

Good advice....need to stock the fridge with Shiner 101.


Guess that pretty well explains what one of the major problems with the pgm. was. I'm impressed that this kid wants disciipline!!! I forsee a few more kids jumping ship before the end of spring ball. The more I hear of Coach Kill, the more he reminds me of Murray Warmath. If you were 5 minutes early you were on time, if you were on time you were 5 min. late and that was hell to pay.

Good advice....need to stock the fridge with Shiner 101.


A A a Men. Da boss will Kill soon, and we will enjoy watching the growth of the team as the beer gets cold. I kinda like your attitude gophermartin. Gopher It.

I love these comments. No more free lunches and patty cake time. Sounds like we will see some results next fall. There is going to be some physical and metaphorical fat cut this off season and I love it. No more babies. I hope Coach Kill absolutely drives these guys into the ground for a while and then builds them up.

Nice move by a senior in High school taking a potshot at the exiting coaching staff that didn't offer him

I think Levine would have been offerred if Brewster would have stayed here. I am a little surprised that a kid would make a comment like that before acquainting himself with his new teammates.

Brew did improve the academics and graduation rate. I'm sure that the inmates were not running the asylum on that issue.

I have to say I am a little put off by Levine's comments. First, it is not appropriate to be characterizing the current players as quasi-out of control when you are not even a freshman yet. He obviously got the info from Grant and all but says it. Also don't like the loose lips on being taken out to house parties as a recruit. Nothing truly nefarious said there but still. And the coup d'grace: a football recruit talking about their "early brunch?"

And I thought GL stood for Gopher Lady. Sh!t, more confusion.

To me, this explains the Weber/Kirksey tiff a bit. Always thought there was something more there than was expressed in that exchange.

What bothered me about Brewster this season is that it became fairly obvious that he was coaching for "his" job and not the "team's" success. Those sound as though they are one and the same, but it's about where the focus is put. There was the report about Brewster changing plays and defensive alignments from what was sent down from the booth and that's the sign of someone who believes he is in trouble. And those feelings of insecurity filter down to the players.

I was against an early firing, but it's comments like these that make it sound like it was a necessary move.

Why would anyone act surprised? It was SO evident on the field, and was so evident for such a long time. It really didn't matter how much change there was with the coordinators or the coaches. The lack of discipline was so evident during the entire brewball experiment. I would hope all the high school coaches in the state of Minnesota were astute enough to notice all the penalties and discipline problems and perhaps even used brewster's lack of discipline as an example to their own players about the NEED for discipline on the field and off the field.

Lack of discipline always means more losses and certainly contributes to needless losses in games that should have been won.

NIU ranked #6 in fewest penalites in D1. Wisky #1, PSU #3 and the Gophers #42. Another reason to put some hope for Coach Kills program.

He probably more aquainted with what was going on with the team than most recruits. He knows Ryan Grant pretty well so he has a pipeline so to speak.

Why would anyone act surprised? It was SO evident on the field, and was so evident for such a long time. It really didn't matter how much change there was with the coordinators or the coaches. The lack of discipline was so evident during the entire brewball experiment. I would hope all the high school coaches in the state of Minnesota were astute enough to notice all the penalties and discipline problems and perhaps even used brewster's lack of discipline as an example to their own players about the NEED for discipline on the field and off the field.

Lack of discipline always means more losses and certainly contributes to needless losses in games that should have been won.

Can't agree more. They can't line up right and get illegal formation penalties. I can count on more than one hand the number of times they played defense with only 10 guys on the field. Lost to NDSU on a long TD with only 10 guys on the field in 2007. This team will be a breath of fresh air in the fall.

I have to say I am a little put off by Levine's comments. First, it is not appropriate to be characterizing the current players as quasi-out of control when you are not even a freshman yet. He obviously got the info from Grant and all but says it. Also don't like the loose lips on being taken out to house parties as a recruit. Nothing truly nefarious said there but still. And the coup d'grace: a football recruit talking about their "early brunch?"

Pretty surprised that a recruit would make comments like this, particularly about how it was a free-for-all with the players.

I would guess this gets addressed in his first couple days with the team in the fall, internally. I don't think the returning players will forget these comments very quickly, true or not.

That's exactly how I feel.

He is probably right and he is probably simply telling the truth but I don't see how it advances the cause by throwing (unintentionally) some of his teammates under the bus simply to give a better interview to gopherhole.

That's exactly how I feel.

He is probably right and he is probably simply telling the truth but I don't see how it advances the cause by throwing (unintentionally) some of his teammates under the bus simply to give a better interview to gopherhole.

He's either 17 or 18 years old. He'll have four or five years to get smarter.

Was not something that should be said publicly like that. Doesn't do any good.

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