Would this lead to better student attendance at the U?


Not Minnesota Nice
Sep 29, 2010
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Let's not construe this too much, but with the growing population of international students at the U we might be able to get a few more butts in the stands for now.

Great idea, Gotta help. Looks like Myra needs more special tutoring. Charlie Sheen has the answer to consistent student turnout. WINNING!

Great idea, Gotta help. Looks like Myra needs more special tutoring. Charlie Sheen has the answer to consistent student turnout. WINNING!

That's it! We could have Charlie Sheen and Snooki do a halftime appearance. Well maybe just Sheen seeing Snooki would probably ask for more than a former president's speaking fee just to appear.

If nothing else I like what it does for the international students. It can be a tough adjustment for them to our culture. I think an event like that would help- shows that other students and the university care about them.

This looks like a great event, we need to push this on the administration ASAP!

This strikes me as a GREAT idea. Not only does it increase student interest in football, it will help these students acclimate and enjoy the school, and make them feel more connected when they move on. I can't see how people five years from now wanting to be able to watch Gopher football in China or other places aroumd the world could possibly be bad for the University.

I think this is a great ideas.

The U has a lot of students from countries where College sports hardly gets any media attention. I was shocked in my freshman year to find that some student called Darrel Thompson could receive so much attention for playing a college sport.

Furthermore, football is alien to most international students. Combine this with the lack of on campus housing and I, for example, had very little exposure to Gopher sports until my junior year.

I don't think this has to be too elaborate but even to meet the players and get the basics of the game would be a good step forward. Plus the effect of meeting 6-5 linemen coming from a country where the average height is 5-6 makes the whole process interesting.

Finally, it would also help to let the intl. students know how cheap the tickets are if you attend the U.

And yes, 17 years later I am watching football at 3:00 am in India.

That's what I was thinking. I'd say you could do something with the international students office as well as the various student groups and put something on for an afternoon. IDK if you need the drills and stuff (they're not 6 years old) but at least some exposure to athletics outside of an article in the paper.

It is like what people say about chicken soup:

"It couldn't hurt."

I think allowing games of naked Twister on the field at halftime would really boost attendance.

Great idea, Gotta help. Looks like Myra needs more special tutoring. Charlie Sheen has the answer to consistent student turnout. WINNING!
Got any sweet Chuck Norris material?

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