Would Paul Chryst leave Wisconsin for Dallas?


Well-known member
Sep 21, 2010
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So sayeth the rumor mill, in fact the rumors are flying hot and heavy that Chryst will be pursued as OC for the Dallas Cowboys if Jason Garrett gets the head gig, which most are assuming is merely a formaility at this point. Apparently Chryst and Boise State's Bryan Harsin were believed to be the frontrunners for UT's vacant offensive coordinator position, but according to the Texas message boards, it's now looking increasingly likely that Chryst *will* be coaching in Texas next season, but for the Cowboys instead of the Longhorns. It's a well known fact that he and Jason Garrett are very close friends, plus Jerry Jones tried to hire Chryst as his QB coach back in 2006, a job for which Garrett advocated strongly on Chryst's behalf.

As a diehard Cowboys fan, I'm not quite sure how I'd feel about that. More importantly, I'd really have to wonder whether Chryst would leave Wisconsin at this point. Given his many ties to the state and school including playing for Bucky and being born in Madison, I sort of assumed he'd be a lifer there. Just thought I'd post it though, cause I do find it very interesting, and wonder that if Chryst left, if Sconnies offense might tail off a little bit in his absence, which obviously would be to our benefit.

Austin has a lot to offer, but I'm not sure there's a SPAM museum to check out.

Chryst and his family were flown in today...

There's smoke. I'm hoping it's a fire. But as the OP mentioned, Jason Garrett and the Cowboys may be very interested as well. Hopefully Mack can recruit him well enough today to get him to commit to a deal. There's been talk that Chryst and Mack had agreed in principle to the position/compensation prior to the Rose Bowl and now they may be hammering out details etc.

I guess we'll all have to just wait and see.

BTP was referring to Austin, MN which does have a SPAM museum.

You see what he did there was....

Thanks for clearing that up. Not being from Minnesota, I didn't know there was a SPAM museum in Austin, MN. Hell, I didn't even know there was an Austin, MN. No offense.

I think Chryst is a really good OC and I actually think he would do really well in TX or Dallas.

Unfortunately, I don't think this will be devastating for WI. They have such an engrained system that I really think they wouldn't lose a ton with the next in line.

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